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Everything posted by bandu

  1. you young man are sad beyond the Panther and will act like a cat without its tail
  2. .what does the disney character tonto mean...rest
  3. this oL is specifically designed to not only complement Cams mobility but our OCs gameplan as well which is smash mouth (run heavy)and the T.O.P. battle.so yes i think this oL has improved in the past 365 days and probably moreso than even most analysts realize since it's not your conventional oL.. imho this line is built to maul not dance with the opponent
  4. hey man i believe you are totally on to something
  5. i'd swap Nate Chandler for just about anyone...
  6. the 9 game absence of RT Anthony Davis appeared to make a HUGE difference on paper and. in the win loss column last season for the 49ers.because weeks 7 thru 15 last season the niners were 32nd (last) in the league at scoring points at 13.8 per game. Johnathan Martin starts weeks 6-15 where they struggled to establish the run or protect Kapernick (sacked 52 times on the season).guess what happens in week 16 whenever Anthony Davis returns...they rush for over 200 yards. I want to be optimistic as everyone else but to say the tackle position isn't a deciding factor in the win loss column and how effective your offense is just wishful thinking
  7. the Harbaugh & Associates Relocation Program (harp) is nothing more than a conspiracy theory .sorry but Martin started 9 games last season and was rated one of the worst tackles in the NFL by PFF...that IS the reason why Martin was cut or waived.
  8. i am going to be honest...both tackle positions are concerning RT you have an unproven PS journeyman in Remmers and .a 4th round rookie in DW who will more than likely see limited snaps during his first season.sure both of these guys possess the potential to become good players but that is neither here nor now at this point in time. LT is Mr.blindside himself but in fact he's played on the right side throughout the majority of his NFL career because he simply wasn't very good at stopping speed rushers.now will he be able to write a fairy tail ending to his story is a mighty big IF to say the least.yeah,and Johnathan Martin was cut from the 49errors who desperately need all the help they can get doesn't bode well in the confidence department. so,you basically are looking at 4question marks and some of course being bigger than others.but if we keep Cam upright and healthy this upcoming season we need at least a couple of these question marks to become the ANSWER.
  9. just simile for awhilew...so much negativity spoils the momentb
  10. and i also think once these new guys are afforded the opportunity to work with Prohel and become acclimated to their new environment that they also will show signs of improvement.
  11. a day like today truly speaks volumes about what a great job Prohel has done with Hill and these UDFAs in a relatively short period of time...wow and wow again...
  12. this young man having the skill set to play on the outside is a rare commodity on this team right now.ok,let's say best case scenario Funchess is ready to start as our#2 from day one...then the question becomes who are KBs and Funchess backup in case of an injury that can actually play on the OUTSIDE?like I have said before if Funchess isn't ready to start from day one..,then guess what???
  13. this isn't Cams ideal WR?an explosive second gear,soft hands,a physical mismatch,freakishly contorts his body,exceptional field vision,6'5 240 pd blocker,and a catch radius second to no one in the entire draft.i personally believe no WR in this entire draft would complement Cam more.
  14. this 10 game suspension is excessive in comparision to what Rice and Peterson received.sure...i can understand the emotional complexity attached to this particular case, but SHAME on anyone who supports inequality.
  15. just an unbeliveliable talent and maybe the BEST WR in the 15 class.
  16. hell you translate this kids skill set to where the BIG boys roam, and your looking at what???a bust and i guarantee it because I know talent.
  17. he isn't mean enough to block much less create seperation at the LOS.this kid is a MAJOR project,imo.
  18. in 14' under the scrutinity of the media the NFL was lambasted for not levying appropriate punishment for domestic viloence,and Hardy became the poster child for Goodells exempt list.then in 13' abuse presented itself in the form of bullying and Martin was the victim.i am not sure,but I believe the league banned hazing at the conclusion of this particular probe anyway the Panthers release Hardy during the off-season (15') and Steve Smith the previous off-season (14')and it's a well known FACT that he not only bullied his teammates verbally but also physically.so it just leads me to believe that this team values image and creating a healthy environment for players such as Martin moreso than abusive talent. sure it's pure speculation on my part that signing Martin was a PR move,and i could very well be wrong.however,if he comes in and publicly expresses what a great organization the Panthers are,and how it allowed him the opportunity to reinvinte himself...well...
  19. public relations move after the Hardy fiasco(thank baby Jesus that it's over),and a cheap camp body at a position that we desperately need help at...makes sense
  20. no I wouldn't necessarily be mad,but more like wary of the finished product.my major concern with Gurley is his grit.I would much rather have a tireless runner such as Coleman in the second
  21. one of the best ballplayers to EVER play the game... why he.. N.ok.the young man is a thoroughbred if I have ever seen one.
  22. whenever you say Dave are you referring to Jerry Reese
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