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Everything posted by Daddy_Uncle

  1. They just continue to make themselves look worse and worse. Surprised they haven't killed themselves yet if something so minor and insignificant as getting your banner confiscated is makijg them have such a hissy fit. They wsnt so much mational attention for something so stupid but fail to realize everything they say on twitter or facebook can be used against them and they are not helping their cause. They are obviously entitled people they are used to getting everything their way. Not in Cams house bitches. Go backto that poo hole Fayettnam and shut thehell up
  2. I seriously doubt he cares about any of this
  3. Wish Gettleman would have played the role of a scary mob boss on them and told them to leave and don't come back
  4. This is just one of those legendary monents you don't forget. It's hilarious. Cam is my hero. I'm glad we are finally making a statement and protecting our stadium against all these loser visiting teams fans. You aren't coming into our house anymore and treating it as yours. We'll show your fat whiney ass the door
  5. The whole family must be attention whores. What a pathetic bunch
  6. Banner drama 2 weeks in a row at BOA. Never seen so much banner drama in my life
  7. just for the love of god don't let them blockthe puntt
  8. way to go fans. Way to get that chant going when our defense needed ya
  9. lock down all receivers. Im looking to some screen or draw to the running back here
  10. Im over this poo. Im seriously over all this bullshit. Cant take it anymore
  11. you knew the refs were going to give it to them. Just made it long to make it seem like that were really having trouble. fug them
  12. we better not be trying to do the whole "run the ball three times and make them use their time outs, and punt the ball away and give our defense a chance" I'm sick of that.
  13. you have to be kidding me. That's some Russell Wilson luck there
  14. I know we are going to try to kill the clock but I wish we would ram it hard down their throats here
  15. good news: norman is back out bad news: ridiculous TD/Luke down now
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