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Everything posted by Martin

  1. And Browning is a FA. Would be perfect to challenge Bryce.
  2. Callahan is intriguing, the more I hear the more I like him as an option. Has been around football his whole life.
  3. I agree, a bit uncomfortable with the whole Eagles org and the culture.
  4. Hahaha, if you say so. Indirectly calling other people idiots for believing in analytics over and over makes it very clear where you stand.
  5. Btw, here is a definition: Predictive analytics is the process of using data to forecast future outcomes. The process uses data analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and statistical models to find patterns that might predict future behavior.
  6. Nobody has ever said it is a magic bullet. Those are your words, you’re the only one who took it to that extreme to, I’m guessing, prove some kind of point that was outside of this discussion. But I certainly agree to completely disagree with your view that analytics should not be used and evaluations in person and on film is the only proper way to project a college player in to the NFL.
  7. Disagree on this one. Analytics absolutely has a big part to play if you use it correctly. If you state otherwise I would think you are the one not knowing what analytics are. Analytics was not the culprit over the last few years, instead it was poor scouting from Fitt and team.
  8. Agree on this one. If we were heavy in to analytics we would not have picked an absolute outlier at #1.
  9. It has been reported over and over by people with good access to the org (Jonathan Jones, Scott Fowler, who can’t stand Tepper, etc.) that it was an org wide decision. Fitt loved Bryce. The whole “Tepper made the decision and overruled everyone else” thing is not only wrong but pretty tiresome at this point.
  10. You can easily find very poor and very good examples of where analytics is used. Statistics and analytics in general can be twisted to whatever you want it to be. But if you know how to use it it is definitely a huge asset.
  11. They have mentioned what a good job Slowik does quite a few times. Changes protections to give Stroud time to throw etc. It’s impressive.
  12. There are two reasons why we need a new external GM: 1) There can be no ties to Bryce. He needs to be evaluated without any strings attached from people who were involved in picking him. He needs to earn everything based on his play. 2) Our roster is bad due to poor drafting and FAs.
  13. Rhule ran the ship during his tenure, with Tepper fairly hands off. The Frank and Fitt show was a flaming turd and Tepper stepped in. IF the GM drafts well and the HC shows team improvement I believe Tepper will step back a bit. Is he a bit too hands on? Yes. Is it much different from other owners? Probably not.
  14. I thought Kap was an ok QB, but if I remember correctly he was asking for the salary of a top starter, Burns style. But I might be wrong, it was a while ago.
  15. Sure, there are no guarantees that anyone will turn in to a great HC. But taking a chance on someone excelling as a OC is a darn good place to start. He won’t turn Bryce in to Stroud, I don’t think anyone expects that. But I’d rather look at what he does in his offense in terms of protecting the QB, adjustments for different opponents etc. And that has been very impressive. I think one of the main reasons we are holding on to Evero is so that a younger offensive HC can focus on the offense initially and let the defense and special teams be managed on their own, a very prudent approach for a younger coach.
  16. My top 3 would be Canales, Johnson and Slovik. Leaning towards Slovik as the favorite, but would be happy with any of them.
  17. The way he sets up protection and scheme around pressure is very impressive
  18. The interesting thing with Slowik is that his current team did a lot of analysis on the QBs in last years draft. So he should be very familiar with Bryce. Not saying he likes or dislikes Bryce, but he knows more about him that most other coaches.
  19. I have a feeling Harbaugh will go back to Michigan, but maybe this is the year?
  20. Belichick is still a fantastic defensive coach, but Atlanta needs help on offense. So I’m not super concerned about it. I would be more concerned if they hired Harbaugh.
  21. LaFleur has done an impressive job post Rodgers in Green Bay
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