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Everything posted by RumHam

  1. Point is if we get a wr, which solves nothing bc theilen already putting up numbers, do you want jobber jerry jeudy or devante adams
  2. Hes gotta roll out and plant to throw. Dude don't plan he leaps
  3. OMG HE DOES. WAIT, I'M THINKING, DIDN'T WE JUST DRAFT THAT IN THE SECOND ROUND? The entire #1 discussion is moot. It's not a personnel issue, its a coaching issue. HOWEVER, since TEPPER is the one that think's this is the solution, you go get Adams. It's not going to fix anything. Since Tepper has been here, we have tried to make splash trades or signing at really weird times. COINCIDENCE!? No, it's never been Hurney or Fitterer. They're tasked to do his bidding for his middling in affairs.
  4. Is he in decline? Or is he just a Raider? Randy Moss was also a Raider.
  5. also didn't realize there was another thread, so delete if needed. The Raiders aren't going anywhere and never will, esp with McDaniels. The whole reason Adams went there was to be with Carr, who is gone. There clearly is an opportunity to get better here so saying there's no chance is flat out wrong. May not contend this year, but damn 30 isn't retirement age, dude has at least five years left. 2-3 more years if we aren't doing something then definitely all hope for this franchise is lost. I think you roll the dice. If we settle on a loser like Jeudy who is basically another Claypool, then fug it hope is lost now.
  6. poo didn't realize this was here. you want a #1, you make this happen.
  7. We aren't getting a St. Brown, Waddle or AJ Brown. Honestly, with Theilen being near the top of the league, we kind of have a number one? Which equates to it still being a waste of time. You drafted Mingo, you have Hurst, figure out a way to get them more involved in the offense. But, if you want a number 1 who can just get 50/50 balls, you go get Adams.
  8. I'd rather keep Chinn but the growing sentiment is he doesn't do poo and doesn't work here. Then yes, you throw in both players I want that first round pick.
  9. Eh, you either get Adams or their 1st. I'd take Adams and their '24 3rd and '25 5th, turns into a third if Adams produces.
  10. Those of you convincing yourself that Jerry Jeudy is something special, you're part of the problem. Adams is rotting in Vegas. They'd probably take Burns straight up at this point too. Hell throw in Chinn. If you want a number 1 it's going to cost, and teams that have bonafide #1's aren't going to get rid of them. With Adams being frustrated, that's who should be on the phone. We missed on Hopkins and others, you have a chance to right the ship, you go get Davante Adams and quit playing.
  11. Defense just has to get and stay healthy. We was what it was capable of early. But it does feel like this is the same thing the past five years. Some major change always happens the bye week and somehow we win games when it doesn't matter. But, if this whole damn thing can jel and we get some more creative play calling, who knows. I'll just say it did move a little in the first quarter this week.
  12. i don't think i'd even want him cutting my yard
  13. Oh I forgot we had Kelce. Then Bryce should have put it where he could have caught it, but then again he had to jump shoot. If he is able to plant and just throw, it's on target.
  14. He's over throwing by a couple of strides, one of which is Chark, who's fast. He's having to leap to throw. He shouldn't have to. Looks at his selection and you see they basically are runny Teddy's offense. Roll him out of the pocket so he doesn't have to jump shot like Curry every damn time, it might work.
  15. I see people saying well he's getting double teamed all the time and there's no one else stepping up around him. I never saw him doubled yesterday at all.
  16. I'm accepting he's here for the long run because he is. Will have to deal with it and when everything goes right, he looks really good, but it rarely goes right. He poo the bed in the second half yesterday but a lot of that can be attributed to playcalling. Strangely, i wanted some screens to change things up yesterday. Here's the elephant in the room, the deep throws. Again, dude isn't a pocket passer. Anytime he throws for more than ten yards, he's doing the Flutie leap. This affects both power and accuracy. The only way to alleviate this is to get his ass out of the pocket with designed deep crosses. The decisions are right, he (i guess) can see the man-to-man coverage but the ball is never close. Much like Cam his last few years here. The throw to Hurst was the right throw (terrible fuging play call at the time) but it's not even close. Gotta be able to plant your feet and he's shotputting this poo. Maybe Frank will figure that poo out. Clearly they don't want him using his feet (maybe Tepper doesn't to protect investment) and that has been trickled down.
  17. After today, especially if we get healthy, they're all winnable. Tack on probably beating Atlanta at home and one more random win b/c the NFL is rigged on random weekends like this one.
  18. After what i saw today We will beat the bears bc theyre awful. Maybe Houston.
  19. Yeah, they spotted us 14. Nice try on the punt fake though. This is the best weve looked all year but theyre not blitzing
  20. Theres this river or STREAM that flows the land to the EAST
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