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Everything posted by Khyber53

  1. There's absolutely no chance that Matt Rhule didn't talk with this kid before the trade was made. If Rhule thinks he can be rehabbed with a change of scenery here, then I'm going to have to trust him on this one. Coach Snow had to have talked to him, too, to see if he could handle his job in our defense. If this goes as well as the Sam Darnold trade did, then it's going to be a good move, perhaps even a great one. Expect to see Fitterer and Rhule looking for more top pick players stuck with dumpster fire teams to trade for. If you rescue enough good dogs and train them up, sooner or later you get Benji. Along the way you're going to build up a lot of good karma, too. It's a different approach and a new one. If you think it through, though, there's a touch of genius in it.
  2. Just hoping the guy finds peace, happiness and success here. A lot of folks do, on and off the field.
  3. This is a really big concern for me right now. I'd like to know better that we spent our picks wisely on these guys and aren't just following our history of not being able to draft good linemen.
  4. Really like his comments on Ricci. Fullbacks aren't relics, they're versatile and play well into our style/needs. Love Baldy's Breakdowns!
  5. Let's see how it all plays out here before we signal this as a genius move. We all thought the Arnold pick up was a great deal back before the season started. And someone thought Henderson was worth a first round pick last year for Jacksonville. Was it a bad pick to begin with, or is the coaching/chemistry just that bad? Still, I like that we're willing to trade away an underperforming asset to get someone that we need.
  6. And, well, that puts all this to rest.
  7. I've kind of harped on this for a couple of years now, we need a center even more than we need an OT. Paradis isn't just a liability in blocking (run or pass pro), he's unable to make protection calls correctly. Everything I am seeing, he just blows at assigning blockers and pre-snap reads of the DL. Ryan Kalil and Jeff Mitchell knew how to do their job and how to direct the guys around them. They both had leadership skills, too that helped knit together lines. Paradis just doesn't seem to be in their league.
  8. Okay, crazy as this all is, it looks like it's a smart move. We held onto too many TEs to start the season with and I think it meant that one of them wasn't up to snuff. Now looking in, all the talk about Arnold may have been some used car lot banter to keep his value up. And just when we need some help at CB (Horn is going to be gone for a long time and may never be the same again after that kind of injury), we find someone on a losing team that can help us. Hopefully he's going to be the same kind of reclamation project Darnold has shown to be. And even with Bouye coming to play, this gives us a lot of options as we move into the more pass-happy part of our schedule.
  9. The Town that Dreaded Sundown (1976). The scariest axe murderer movie. Low budget, real story (loosely done of the Texarkana Moonlight Murders). The Legend of Boggy Creek (1972) is a fun/scary Sasquatch story and has one scene that will pretty much keep you from every sleeping under a window again.
  10. Khyber53


    Anyone see Extreme Rules? Bored me to tears, cut it off after Bliss/Charlotte match and went on to bed. BTW, is it just me or does Charlotte Flair look like the most mannish wrestler on the roster? Whew, a pair of bollt-ons must do it for some folks, but she's built like a moderately skinny dude. She's a good wrestler, but the whole beautiful thing is about as believable as Carrion Cross being a wastelands gladiator come through time to fight in the WWE.
  11. It was a break up that was the best move for all parties involved. We're happier and that's working out great for us.
  12. Honestly, that seems to have been a break-up that was good for all involved. Teddy is playing better in Denver than he ever did here and Darnold is playing better than Teddy did here. Both teams are 3-0 and well, great! Good luck to him and there's only one way we'll play against him this year, and if that works out, great, too.
  13. Eh, it's the guy's first start and it's against a really strong Cleveland team. He'll probably be pretty good, but Fields will take some time. We made a move that is looking like a genius one, and that's just great. Glad it has worked out that way, but there were some reasonable doubts going in. Sam's certainly looking like more than just the real deal, but possibly the steal of the offseason. (Along with Fox and Reddick).
  14. Haven't seen them play defense this season so far. They've played other teams that can't play defense. This is going to be a reckoning moment.
  15. Welp, couldn't happen to a better team. Always love to see tarnish build up on the Dallas star.
  16. That was game three, that's all. Sam was solid in each and he's authored some long drives that ate the clock up. It has been a long time since we've had such control of the time of possession -- with a good defense that's a powerful thing. Two of the teams we've played were really questionable going into the season, but so were we. We rose above them. That's what we had to do. Then there was New Orleans and the Saints had just blasted the Packers on opening day. We returned them to Earth and beat them. There were lots of excuses for the Saints, but we played them when we were supposed to, not much we can do about that. Now we have Dallas next up on the schedule. Dallas can't play defense. Dallas also hasn't really played anyone who could play defense next. We're going to be coming off of 10 days rest with a couple of our guys out. It should be an interesting game, but there's no way in the world that we go in there acting like we've already been beaten. And if we win... Most folks outside of the fanbase still won't believe in us and Sam will still be ranked lowly in those "Best WB" polls. And that's okay. He's winning games, that's all it takes to be a winner. And it appear that he's that guy.
  17. Watched the video yesterday morning. Now, I know more about the group of hamstring muscles than I probably wanted to know. Still, it was an insight into what happened. Thinking we might miss CMC for a couple of games, but also he could be back before Dallas. In other words, even with more information, I have nothing that's going to tell me when he's coming back than I did before.
  18. Nah man, that's the Bluto Blutarsky active wear look. John Belushi was a Chicago dude!
  19. Just being friendly. We've got to keep being friendly.
  20. Let's see. We might be surprised. We certainly won't be surprised with Sherman's performance at this stage.
  21. A running back can be injured on any play. Simple as that. It can be the first touch of the ball they have (Biakabutuka anyone), or it can be that he never misses games like Jim Brown (he still got hurt, though). In the NFL, that's true for any player -- some have been injured in practice or on the sidelines doing nothing and welp, that's the career. All NFL players wear down over their careers. It's not the coaches faults, it's not the players, it's just the nature of a competitive full-contact game. Even frikkin kickers generally see their careers end from one injury or another. So, let's get some perspective. The dude pulled a hammy. It's not the end of the world. It will get better, most likely sooner than later. He'll get back into the lineup and we'll see him out there on 90% of the offensive snaps. And we'll all cheer. No one is going to keep a healthy CMC on the bench and off the field. You don't try to save up star players like they have a limited number of charges before they are useless. You keep running them until they can't answer the bell. Then you thank them, get the next young guy and begin the wait for the HoF committee to call or not call. That's the game we watch and cheer for. And that's the fame that goes with the fortune.
  22. I'm not sure if this team needs Sherman. There's a lot of baggage that comes with him on the good days and I'm not so sure there's not going to be some disciplinary stuff coming down the road based on his mental breakdown/domestic violence issue this summer. Right now, our long term is better served by sticking with who we have, moving guys up and putting some younger players on the practice squad to fill spots that open up. We're building depth every day and this continues that process. This is a low drama, high potential, developing professionalism type of team. That is currently undefeated. No reason to mess with that. Plus, in this pass happy NFL, if you are a name CB/S and you aren't on a team right now with the high demand and larger rosters, then it's time to hang up the cleats. Literally.
  23. Honestly, I've thought Ian Thomas was a lost cause here for years. I may be wrong now, though. He's contributing, particularly on blocking and he's been out there making the efforts in the passing game. He's not tearing up the league, but he's doing his part. And with the number of two TE sets we've been running, he's obviously got a place in the team's plans. He's not been doing anything spectacular, but something tells me there's going to be a spot he'll be utilized beyond what we're thinking. Now Dan Arnold... he's not living up to the hype yet, but we've only had three games. Any time now, any time...
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