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Everything posted by lightsout

  1. Cam was the size of a linebacker with the speed of a WR and the running tendency of a power back...and he was effective at doing everything. There will never be another QB like Cam. There will be similar people. Maybe they have a bit of his magic. But you'll never see that kind of player again, as far as being all those things. Goddamn you, Kelvin Benjamin and TJ Watt.
  2. Simply because he has been here for 15 years. Sooner or later, gonna need a new long snapper. Depending on the contract and how he's viewed. I'm not opposed to him remaining. I just like preparing for longtime Panthers to depart.
  3. Ioannidis, Darnold, Jansen are gone. Possibly Pineiro if Reich has a kicker he wants available. Foreman's tape is gonna look good. Allows Reich to solely focus on QB because Foreman is good enough to hold the position down for another year. Bozeman is interesting but I think they'll keep him and it'll be an evaluation year for Reich on him. Thompson is up in the air. Luvu is the one LB that's a must, the rest are fairly underwhelming
  4. Get ready for a bit of an improvement offensively in terms of eye test but the same result of being around .500 folks. Gonna be fun.
  5. Give me a way to watch via YouTube tv. All I ask.
  6. Idk if it has been mentioned yet, but mediocrity in this league means that any given year you can get hot, have a solid couple of months, boom you're in the playoffs. It also means you're going to be in games a lot and just coming up short. If you're investing time, money and emotion, do you want to go with the option that has a chance at being great but is consistently just ok, or go with the option that is risky and means you may be great, or you may be what we have been? Given what Rhule gave us recently, most fans would be cool with keeping Wilks for that purpose. Having said that, if we're swinging for the fence, we fuging better know what we're getting. No experiments as head coaches. He better have pedigree.
  7. Yeah I don't see a problem here. My mechanic routinely has his wife, who isn't a mechanic, come in and help diagnosing issues and fixing things. Totally normal.
  8. Yes I am proud. Proud we have a team not resigned to getting their ass kicked for the hope to hit in the QB lottery that is the NFL draft first round.
  9. Not how it works. No pulse and not breathing, you're on cpr until you get a pulse back. There's a machine that does the compressions for you that can be used to supplement this so you can transport but that is for specific scenarios
  10. I'll agree with you, and to be clear, I absolutely agree the in game adjustments and forcing your staff to adjust falls under the HC as a part of the "ensuring preparation and execution". If something isn't working, HC needs to get it fixed. The 3 TDs with no help over top was incredibly heart breaking, because to me it was the one truly awful thing Wilks has allowed so far. After the first one, it has to be an order of "Williams isn't left one on one again no matter what". Then for it to happen two more times, when you've controlled the game expertly to that point, it's just terrible. I don't know what the answer is. It sucks because you want to say with Horn that never happens anyway, but he wasn't playing so it doesn't matter.
  11. I think we need to really ask this question and have a clear understanding. A head coach in the NFL is a supervisor to me. His job is to ensure the team and staff are doing what is supposed to be done to prepare and execute. If there's an issue with preparation or execution, it's his job to address it and ensure changes are made decisively and swiftly. When the team fails, it's 100% on him. When the team succeeds, it's 100% on the team and staff under him. The team itself has to believe in the head coach. They have to respect him and trust that what he wants achieved is going to bring success. This leads to higher morale and motivation to work hard and give maximum effort. This applies in nearly every job setting as well. poo leaders lead to poo workers which kills productivity and enjoyment for all parties involved. Rhule was a poo leader, at least at the professional level. Maybe his style is purely a college style and it works there, but not here. Everybody seemingly wants Wilks fired. I don't. I think he's a hell of a supervisor. He has a passion and the ability to motivate and put people in positions to succeed. Look at Darnold, look at the OL, the running game, look at DJ since he took over, look at McAdoo even (not as positive but certainly better since Rhule has been gone). I truly think Wilks deserves the job. I think we need a stronger DC but this team's improvement has been nothing short of a miracle. Watching this team these last two months, we're a better team. Who are you gonna go get? Is he going to be better in the areas that Wilks is strong in AND better than Wilks where he is weakest? Or are you trading away Wilks' strengths for a guy who is better in some areas? And will that truly gain you wins? I just think some here think the head coach is going to bring some giant cure for what ails us when the reality is, you're going back to the unknown and having to build trust with a group that has seen Rhule and then the turnaround with the guy that just got fired.
  12. You bring him back with the understanding that he's a gadget utility and on a very team friendly deal. He'd make us unstoppable in goal line and 4th and 1 though. If we make the playoffs, worth a thought at least. But no splitting actual QB reps. fug that
  13. You're out of your mind. Goodwin is a JAG slot guy in all honesty. DJ would absolutely take his spot there and be able to lineup at any of the WR positions.
  14. Further proof that until we get better coaching, it doesn't matter who we have at QB. They'll look like ass. Watch Darnold go tear it up elsewhere next season too.
  15. We're a clean slate for whoever the HC is. Baker gone. Darnold is a FA after the season. PJ is a FA after the season. Corral is the lone QB left. He's at worst a backup through his rookie deal. Not a bad ask if a coach is hellbent on getting his guy at QB.
  16. This absolutely reads as he either cheated or was at least entertaining attention from other women. This also reads as the kind of thing a woman would demand to show sincerity. For those wondering why people want things made public, it doesn't make sense for us in our lives that aren't lived specifically in the public eye. For DJ, he's known and recognized as an NFL player. If he's caught out with somebody and a picture is taken and it ends up in media or social media, that's an embarrassment for his wife. So since they have to live semi-pubicly (DJ isn't exactly an actor or singer), she wants it out publicly that he did wrong and takes their marriage seriously. This rights the wrong done and sends a message to other women. Typical poo, but it is what it is .
  17. Imagine being a fan of a team, watching the games, and hoping to see your team lose every single week. What a weird fuging use of a hobby.
  18. Up the post count to start threads to 500 mods. Do it.
  19. Almost like the HC holding his big time guys to the fire and challenging them maybe, just maybe, motivates them
  20. Blue tops, black pants should be our regular home look. Black on black as an alternate. White on white and white on black for the road. Anything else is wrong.
  21. Maye put up pretty decent numbers with average at best weapons, a bad defense, and facing one of the best defenses in the nation in NC State. On the season, one could argue that Maye has more impressive numbers based on his weapons vs Stroud's weapons.
  22. Don't need toughness now to win. NFL football stopped being football a long time ago. Now it's all about having a QB and weapons. The rest is nice to haves.
  23. Give me Darnold. Baker had the middle crosser and panicked.
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