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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. Y'all are so fuging jaded, nothing but poo gets posted.
  2. I was convinced of Bryce Young before he was drafted. His play, his intelligence, his natural leadership translates well to the NFL. Too bad he was let down by the team around him.
  3. I had zero problems with the lions going for the win.
  4. Not my money. Why don't you wait and see instead of assuming exactly what's happening? I know what's been printed. I know what's been said. I was always raised to wait to see the cold hard facts. At this point it'd nothing but conjecture.
  5. Every year he's had a competent bookend, he has more than played well. He's still young. He's a natural leader. Would be beyond stupid to not extend him.
  6. Said from the beginning that line play was so bad he couldn't be judged.
  7. Let's not act like anyone here was wanting Tepper to pay what Lamar was demanding.
  8. Someone whom attacks the ball. That can run routes, and isn't slow. Their height is unimportant to me as long as they ain't frail and fragile.
  9. As long as your taking what I am saying out context, which is what you're accusing me of doing, you're not even worth listening too. Just because I made a true statement doesn't mean anything that your insinuating. Perhaps you should get to know my true opinions on the best to play the position. Instead, you're taking a true statement that I made with zero context, and you assuming I give a rates ass about whom thinks what of a game manager or not. I'm not going to sit here and debate Brady with anybody. I know how people view him. Good, bad, otherwise. Bottom line is stats are for losers What makes a great QB isn't just his ability to play the position, but his ability to lead men. Getting them to play above their weight class, regardless of level of talent around him. Take you assuming ignorant ass and leave me the fug alone since you can't even understand a statement is just a statement. It's not what I believe or otherwise. Get to know the person before you you open up your mouth and remove all doubt of your ignorance.
  10. You calling me a nerd? That's cute. They consider Brady the GOAT, and he is the very definition of a game manager.
  11. The Lions were once a team that got labeled as a place no one would want to be a part of. They had that label much longer than the Panthers could dream of it.
  12. I get the hate towards Tepper. At some point ya have to feel he's going to get it right. He's not going to sell the team.
  13. Thanks for sharing with me. My lifetime of enjoying the NFL has me with a pretty firm understanding of the game.
  14. He's done this in what world you live in? Don't bother responding.
  15. Burns has been underwhelming? What the fug do you consider what we haven't had across from him for years. A single pass rusher can't do it alone. So let's ship him off and have none. Great fuging idea. Yet the masses are all chirping it as if they have no fuging clue. Anyways, this debate is pointless anyways, because Burns isn't going anywhere. Doesn't matter how load Y'all cry.
  16. I love how the argument is we have to make things worse before they get better. Getting rid of core players, regardless of the record, only weakens the team. This isn't Madden.
  17. Well, these QBs that Cam is labeling game managers have better stats than Cam had.
  18. We're not interested in retaining talented, core players and leaders. So says the masses. It.must be true.
  19. The oline coach is one of the best in the league. The issue is playing zone concepts with linemen that are better suited for a more physical scheme. Scapping the line for finding guys that fit rhe zone scheme more, is going to rake more time, then just switching to a scheme that fits our linemen.
  20. This was also only a matter of time, once the team was sold. So not sure why Y'all are acting like rhis now.
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