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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. He was a question mark to be able to play a full season anyway. Am happy he is trying to resolve the issue. That's important.
  2. I think I was for Young in the beginning. Now, I'm totally fine with either one.
  3. Marshall thrived when he wasn't considered the best on the field. With the addition of the vets we've added, plus new coaching, I expect him to make a significant jump. I'd personally rather see touchdowns out of him, than to see hom break 1,000.
  4. I gave it a look over. The reality is when pass rushers get paid, their not paid on overall balance, but their presence on the field. Burns has a heavy presence on the field that every offensive coordinator has to game plan for him. I agree, his run support isn't what you want out of an elite defensive end, but that won't stop him from getting paid. That just how the NFL works.
  5. Stopped reading after the bolded. You obviously don't get it. Argue until you are Blue in the face.
  6. So many want to put off an extension, which would only cost us more money. That isn't even a good idea.
  7. The great thing about fans feeling he's not worth it, is it doesn't matter. The professionals know he is. Stop acting like it's your money. Pass rudhers get paid a premium.
  8. It's about time they wine and dine the true star of the draft!
  9. Cam couldn't take the beating at his size. We could draft Stroud, and he could suffer a career ending injury his rookie season. I've been watching the NFL far too long to believe anyone is injury proof. It's more about how they play the game. Youngs got "it", cept for the ideal size. S So if he's the pick, I'm going to rejoice on a great pick, and get a jersey. If Stroud is the pick, I'll rejoice on a great pick, and get a jersey.
  10. When they bring him in for his private visit, obviously.
  11. The comment section is hilarious!! Trying to make a negative out of 11 being there. Our society in incredibly stupid.
  12. You somehow communicated every word I was going to say. Thanks for.making this thread easy on me!
  13. Those who don't like the contract should just quit watching football. It's basic economics. Glad we landed the LEADER, and teacher
  14. 3 millions days left til the draft, the Panthers has on sights lock on 3rd round QB.... NONE OF IT.MATTERS AT THIS POINT.
  15. Dude, I don't give a fug what you think. I've seen more than enough football to know, that veteran franchise quarterbacks get a say in what they play. The history of the NFL is littered with examples.
  16. Franchise QBs absolutely get a say in what kind of offense they run. The jets aren't going to bring in Aaron Rodgers, and force him to play in an all new system, if they do, they are doomed to fail.
  17. While this is a popular opinion, Cam could have walked into the owners office, and said he wants to be more than a battling ram. Am sure Richardson would have listened, as that is the kind of owner he was. Cam could have forced the changes necessary, to evolve his game, and he never chose to do it. Not once.
  18. Good to see more stupidity over our best traditional linebacker.
  19. Doesn't matter whether he has submitted paperwork or not. He has been retired, whether he cares to admit it or not.
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