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Everything posted by d-dave

  1. Y'all do realize that we can move in the draft to get a QB? Both KC and Buffalo traded up for their franchise guys. We can do that too. It's not the end of the world so long as you make the right decision. Ask former players how cool they are with the idea of tanking? How many of them, who have families to feed, are going to say "yeah, let me make it harder to earn money by playing badly or just not playing" so a 21 year old kid can come in and save they day all by themselves? This team is not that terrible. Sure, they have lots of areas to fix, including the QB this off season, but putting your entire franchise future on a top 10 pick is a bit much, even for the huddle. Some of y'all just need to chill out.
  2. The market will correct itself. If Disney blows a bunch of money on shows that fail, that's their pocketbook. They have to be smart.
  3. It's all going to depend on who the next HC is. If Sam plays really well, we win games, and he makes plays, then I have no problem with making him a backup. I also have no problem letting him go with everyone else and starting fresh. I just want to know who our coach is in 2023...
  4. Just wow... I can absolutely live with Matt just admitting to being a bad NFL coach. It's fine. Not everyone is cut out to be a NFL coach. Maybe Matt is able to make Nebraska something again, or he'll get fired again. I was wishing him luck because he's not our coach anymore. But fug that. Trying to take credit for what's happening now, implying he got bamboozled...Yeah screw you Matt. He needs to shut up, accept responsibility for his own stupid mistakes. Learn from it and be a better man. Everything is a stupid chess piece for him. I feel so sorry for his family. Screw that guy. Right in the butt with a thousand 3" wood screws.
  5. There's still a lot to go over when scouting these QBs. Right now, I have to ask "who is the gamer?" Who is the player who can make plays out of structure when your team needs you? Is there an alpha dog who can put a team on his back and will them to victory? I see Bryce Young....and no one else. But Young is also small which won't work out well for him when he starts getting flattened by 300lb NFL DLs. Stroud absolutely passes the eyeball test and the stat sheet test, but does he have the will to carry his team? Think about Jake Delhomme. Far from a good athlete, Jake elevated his team, put them on his back in the 4th quarter, and willed them to wins. Cam - how many times in the pros and college did Cam carry a team to victory? Then again, what do I know? I'm just an idiot with a keyboard. There's still a lot that of scouting that pros need to do, and then it's not up to me. So I'm all for the wins. They are more fun right now!
  6. That Image...my GOD...the pain...the ROFLs...the WHHHHAAATTTT??? I don't think my eyes will ever be the same...
  7. I love how wrapped up so many of us are about who to draft in November. Look, I get it, this is a crappy season with some real crap QB play. I understand how many have moved on to looking at the offseason. We don't know who our coach is in 2023. That is the biggest issue for the next 4 months. We need a new coach. I love what Wilks is doing making us competitive and interesting, but you know Tepper is going to want an offensive coach because that's what the NFL demands. Offensive coaches are able to maximize their QBs faster which leads to more ticket sales and sometimes, even a SB trophy! Who is it going to be? What do they like in a QB? As I think about the draft (i'm partially there), I think about how each of the top players compares to each other. Do we have a franchise altering player in the top 10? That's something we don't just know yet. Still lots of evaluating to do, especially post playoffs and bowl games. Then there is the dissection that happens after, with the risers and the fallers in the draft. It's along way to say that THE franchise QB is going to be in this draft. Now if the team feels like that, then they will move heaven and earth (and daft picks) for them. It's pointless to complain about the tank-a-thon because if a team wants a QB, they will go and get them.
  8. I'm glad for the update. I have no ill wishes against Rhule. Sure, he sucked as an NFL coach, but he was trying his best. It's just not good enough. I do wish him the best of luck in the college ranks, and I hope he never thinks about coaching in the NFL again.
  9. While I understand the worries of the draftniks, I think it's overblown. First off, we still don't know who the consensus "best" will be. Sure we have an idea, but the combine, prodays and interviews are still to come. We've often seen guys come out of no where because of these events. So who are the BESTS franchise altering guys? Is Stroud better than any QB over the last three years? Young for that matter? How does Anderson rate on the edge scale? Is he better than Burns? Let's look at Dane Brugler's midseason draft prospect rankings: https://theathletic.com/3751194/2022/11/02/nfl-draft-2023-rankings-midseason/ Who is going to push us further? May one of the QBs, which are again a hit or miss proposition/coaching issue. Do we need tackle? DL top 10 again? Another CB? If we end up with #3, I'd happily trade down into the 10-13 range. Collect a bounty and still snag a top flight player. Let's not pretend there are any sure shots in the NFL draft, or that we know all the answers today.
  10. Foreman has the it factor right now. It’s going to depend on our new coach, their system, and the market. but he’s really fun to watch!
  11. I'm a Panther Fan. I hope all of our players succeed. That said, I don't think it's in the cards for Matt Corral. I liked what I saw in camp, and I hate that he got hurt. But we're drafting a QB next year who will get the lion share of reps and attention. Matt is going to have to show the heck out. Will we run such a RPO heavy offense? It's almost as if the offense was set up so that Matt could come in and be comfortable quickly... Matt is just another victim of a horribly mismanaged team, sadly. I wish him the best because he seems like a good kid. I just am not sure it's going to be here for him.
  12. A perfect transformation that every neckbearded internet nerd wrote 100x on their Tumblr page?
  13. This is why we are really putting the cart in front of the shark here regarding 2023 QBs. The main reason is that our coach will dictate who we select. That's part of the gig. Buffalo struck gold with Allen. It's pretty simple. Allen has the tools, and the team and him put in the work to get better. It worked. There's a poo ton of money in the NFL trying to figure out how to get the next best QB. For every Josh Allen, there are several more highly regarded rookies who flame out in the NFL. Sometimes, teams and players just get lucky, they mesh and they win. We'll have to see who our new coach is. That's going to determine for the team who the next QB is. It's all fine to argue their college performances right now, but there is a lot of luck in finding a NFL QB. And an organization devoted to finding and helping them. That's something the Panthers do not have right now.
  14. That's been an issue with most new fantasy shows that have these HUGE worlds and plots. I just am in love with Middle Earth, and the show helped me really scratch that itch. I'm really looking forward to seeing the follow up seasons, and the fall of Numenor. It would be kind of nice if there was a bit of a time jump that allowed the rebuilding of Peligar and re-establishment of the Numenorian colonies that would later allow Elendil to found Gondor and Arnor with something better than those magical ships they use.
  15. Yeah, I've had that game on in the background today, and I've been really impressed with RG3. Fun game in general, but the crew has been great!
  16. Did she have an arrow wound on her shoulder or a weird, clingy kid with obvious Oedipal issues? =P Jokes aside, I still love the show. It's a mess in parts, but I just love the style. I understand how they were trying to make the best of their situation with only having access to the appendices. They also needed to make a show that would work with the non-lore-nerds. I go back to friendship. Man, the way they weave the entire plot based around friendships is so good. So Tolkien. Heck, the entirety of LOTR and the History of Middle Earth are based an awful lot on friendship and relationships. I can't wait to see more!
  17. Maybe we're not in a hurry to tank because to top end talent isn't that great? After all, there are no generational talents like an Andrew Luck, or physical phenom like Cam or Miles Garret. Instead, it looks like your mix of guys who are good college players, athletes, and guys who have the talent but other sizable red flags.
  18. I wish people would think about that. If we traded with the Rams two future firsts, we would be without our best pass rusher. Where does the production make up come from? Not just for this year? But in the future? Also, the Rams will typically be pretty decent. So the picks will be in the late first. Are we going to get someone who can replace Burns at either point? The draft is crapshoot. There are no sure things in a draft class. We've seen and learned this lesson time and time again. Burns turned into a good player, and good players get paid. He's a team leader and a quality player, though still young at 24 years of age. In two or three years, once those draft picks are made, will they be better than a 26-27 year old Brian Burns? Who knows? What is it they say about birds in the bush versus your hand? Again, if the picks were 2023, then there's a MUCH stronger argument for trading Burns. But they weren't. So fug it. Brian will get paid, and that's what happens in the NFL. It will make your eyes water, but that's just the cost of doing business. Also, it's not my money, it's Tepper's millions Who really cares because the salary cap is a myth, right?
  19. I love that. The Matt Rhule era really drained a lot of us of our passion for the team. I'm glad the fans are getting invested again. That feels great. The game though was a heart breaker. But I was so glad to get excited myself. When PJ hit DJ for that last second TD, I was going nuts. I haven't done that in a long time! My wife was laughing at me. It was just up and down, killing me lol. I hated we lost, but it was great to just feel the excitement again. There are a LOT of issues to fix though. I'm not sure there is enough time to really get that fixed this season with this roster. But they played hard, didn't give up, and that's good enough for me after Matt Rhule's drag-assing time. I have no idea what the future of the Panthers will be, but I'm glad to feel like I can be a fan again.
  20. I'm not so sure that it's going to be an unattractive job. After all, if need be, Tepper can just pay you $10 million a year... Also, there is a long season ahead, even longer now that we're just going to punt every 4th offensive play. The problem when assessing Fitterer is separating what he did and what Rhule did. There were some good moves, the draft maneuvering was fun, and some boneheaded choices with QBs. Was that all on Rhule? I don't think so. So Tepper needs to figure out if Scott is the best GM for him, then he needs to let Scott and the football guys run the show. Tepper just needs to shake hands, smile, and write the checks. I think if that can be established, and Tepper can clean up his other real estate ventures to actually invest in the team, then the job becomes more attractive. Who knows?
  21. What a thing to wake up to this morning. Man, it sucks because I really enjoyed watching him play. At the same time it was depressing because of how good he is, stuck to the incompetence of the Panthers and Matt Rhule these past 2ish years. Realistically he was drafted to help Cam into the twilight of his career. That didn't happen. As amazing of a talent at CMC is, he can only do so much. Blame whomever you want, but we weren't a winner with CMC being the focal point of our offense. I wish him the best of luck in SF. I will still watch him from the edges, and I hope that he helps SF win a SB so we can watch the 49ers fall apart immediately after. Shanahan is going have some fun scheming him up with Debo so that should be a lot of fun to watch. As sick as it made me feel this AM, it was time for CMC to go. We got a lot of compensation so I'll take that. Just sucks thinking about how terrible the Panthers Offense will be the rest of the year.
  22. I listened to that podcast, and I agree with Stewart 100%. Stewie has always been a classy guy, very mature in a lot of ways. His perspective as a player talking about the game recently is an interesting insight for sure. It's never a good idea to air out family business in national TV that distracts from the game and your teammates. Not a good look for Robby. Then again, the number of drops he's had aren't a good look either. Regardless of how you judge Robby's way of speaking, he's smart enough to play in the NFL and get paid. That's more than me right now. But I just don't care about him any more. I wish him the best in AZ, and I'm more than ready to move on here at home.
  23. I just saw that… Did Fitts get them to take on Robby when the news wasn’t that bad? Nice!
  24. Man, some of y’all have no idea what bullying is. This explains why kids are such thoughtless jerks to each other. yes, you actually can bully the rich and famous. We see it all the time. couple of truths for some of you to ignore: 1. Life’s short, don’t be your want. 2. While we don’t necessarily know you, you show your true colors online. you can be critical without bullying or being a douche.
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