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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. If the second year is worse than the first you have to question if there should be a third. I just can't see how this crew turns it around at this point. To many questionable personal decisions and coaching decisions. Maybe of course, I just can't see it.
  2. LoL. He was our offense for years and we will never know what he could have looked like under better than awful an OC because our HC was so bad about managing that side of the game.
  3. Hence why I said not even close.... Teddy and Sam leave me not looking forward to lucky #3. When the wildcat is an upgrade your QB choices are terrible.
  4. We haven't had either since Cam left. Not close and anyone still hoping that is not true is huffing whippets.
  5. Not if he never has a winning season. At this rate it's not a bad bet.
  6. Darnold is grown, that's the problem with him. Brady's playcalling isn't nearly as bad as Sam's execution. Of all the variables, Darnold is the most documented as being a huge problem. Darnold isn't the rookie, Brady is.
  7. Ron was pedestrian and his QB and MLB were able to drag him into more than mediocrity. Maybe Rhule finds something more but there is no indication yet he has more at this time. Picking 1st and getting a franchise QB changes everything. If Rhule found that he would be doing a lot better but he went in the other direction.
  8. We went through hell to find a Cam. We still have a lot more before I belive we can find another QB at that level. It's just not easy or we wouldn't be sweating this crap stain of a streak.
  9. I get it. Brady's upside is pretty big, not so sure about Rhule's offense abilities. I just didn't get the sense of the O that Rhule ran as being all that great but at this point maybe it's a step forward.
  10. Sounds like Ron ball but maybe. It's just that Rhule is as inexperienced, maybe more so on that side of play. Brady has the talent, he is just vastly inexperienced to be an NFL OC. Rhule more so, maybe but I need to see that to belive it. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer but I am a bit skeptical Rhule is an upgrade. What this staff is lacking is experience, not projected ability. Giving up hope Sam is more than a liability would be a big step forward. We heard it last week and now this back to basics stuff. Well, prove it. Otherwise it's just making Brady into a scapegoat and setting Rhule up for a brutal reality check.
  11. Even when they blocked for him he still underperformed. It's his 4th year. Different coach, team and still he is exactly the same player. Sam is the exact same as the oline, physically talented yet reliably underperforming. Same difference. Might as well blame the oline failure on Sam's inability to QB. He can't run or play in an NFL offense in his 4th year, it's not a good bet that he ever will even as a backup at this point. Sam just isn't a hill worth fighting over. I'm just hoping for fun Defense at this point the rest of the year before they are gassed.
  12. You forgot 3. Go back to college and win because it is a lot easier. People fail big in the NFL all the time, it's easy to do. He is just raw and if he can get a lot more experience he could be a huge name. Now he just needs time and a lot more work.
  13. Sam is a vet next year, that is BS and you know it. Sam's issue is his brain. Just not good enough. If it was the 70's he could be an amazing Bradshaw, not today. In 3 years he will be lucky to be a backup given his 1st 4 years. Noone in their right mind would rely or bet on him at this point.
  14. I think you are missing the point. Brady is talented but inexperienced. Sam is an arm and his mind is a complete liability and has been. One of these will succeed eventually and the other is wasted picks, cap and time. I just found it funny that Simms is talking about Darnold like Simms played and performs as an analyst.
  15. Chris Simms is as simplistic as an analyst as he was as a QB.
  16. It could take a legit 5 years before this crew is ready at this rate. They just don't have the NFL experience yet, that's on Tepper for letting this staff be built without at least one old NFL hand. Even a house cleaning wont fix the fact someone has to hire the next staff. Tepper isn't ready, his staff isn't ready, poo rolls down hill. There is no easy fix. I still think Rhule runs after this year. I would. What an undesirable job right now.
  17. I can tell who still believes in Santa and the Easter Bunny in this thread.
  18. Gave 3 games away and sold the rest this year. 6 hours or more in a car to see this product is not worth it,, not even the first 3 games. If they got Watson I would have sold the PSL at an inflated price. Now, meh breakeven. It's just bad football and we have seen plenty in that stadium. If they improve I'll go, if they do the last 2 years over again I'll just sell the tickets again next year.
  19. How's Leftwich doing at OC? Heard he was progressing well. Would love to see a HC actually doing well in the NFL next time.
  20. I would have never seen this coming... 10 games left, lots could happen. It certainly is on the table at this point tho.
  21. Maybe wildcat? I can't remember if anyone played QB in HS.
  22. 2. I just wonder if they pull him or just keep him in regardless of what happens.
  23. 2010 was the worst. The biggest difference is not many people bought in on that team and a lot more did with this team. 2011 is what washed away a lot of the pain of 2010, 2022 ain't looking like roses with the capital we already pissed away. And to be honest, I'm not at all confident in this crews ability to bring in an good answer at this point. I hope they prove that feeling wrong.
  24. The fact is this team is worse than any of us wanted to believe. It's going to be a very bad year and it may be another year tacked on for extra misery. I knew it was going to be bad when we traded for Sam, now it might actually get worse than I feared. Whatever. I will continue to watch while I do other things and enjoy life while trying to manage my Panther angst. The fantasy is dead, will they build something of value or are we the new Browns? I know which one I am hoping for but I also know how close we are to the other...
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