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Everything posted by ForJimmy

  1. Brees isn’t coming back. If he does, he would actually be their weakness at this stage in his career.
  2. Fields was very relaxed and classy after the Clemson win on the sidelines with the reporter. I know it was a win, but she baited him asking about Dabo ranking them 11th and he says smiled and says he wasn’t there to talk about that. Gave thanks to his teammates, coaches, God etc... Again I know it was a win, but he was handling himself very well. This was after playing through injuries also.
  3. They leaked some info about loving Teddy too and we took the bait. Fool me one shame on you, fool me... you can’t get fooled again!
  4. Didn’t realize this about Jimmy G’s contract. You are probably right. He doesn’t see much of a drop off and expects to get some additional compensation from us. The Niners are probably looking to trade up and take their future QB in the draft. Watch them swap QBs with us plus additional picks, and then use our own picks to jump us in the draft and take a QB we were wanting....
  5. If Kyle Shanahan doesn’t want him, that should be a huge red flag. He is one of the best offensive minds in the business.
  6. They need to clear some space. We will take Mahomes and that bloated contract from them for a first round pick. They can have Teddy also just because...
  7. There is no way the Texans agree to that. Give them Teddy and Short to make it fair.......
  8. By saying he didn’t want to comment, he commented. He fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is never get involved in a land war in Asia. But only slightly less well-known is never comment on your QB when the front office has decided to move on! He gave away everything! Inconceivable!
  9. If he is worth a first round pick and still young, they wouldn’t be drafting another QB with their pick...
  10. I would love to get Lance at 8. Fields would be my number 2 option. Watching Teddy run fit first downs and even TDs this year makes me wonder what Brady could do with an actual dual threat QB who can throw it deep. Rolling out with bombs to Moore or Anderson, with the option of flipping it to CMC underneath or running it themselves. I know Wilson can scramble, but something about his demeanor bothers me, plus he had surgery on his throwing shoulder already at a young age.
  11. You can’t believe any of this crap right now. We don’t know which QBs they would want to draft which means other teams/competition don’t either. That’s the name of the game right?
  12. A big play does not mean injury. Reaching waaaaay too much on this one.
  13. I know Stafford is only 32, but he has been hit a lot and played through some injuries. I’m not sure his shelf life is as long as people are hoping...
  14. Lance would be my pick, if all 4 are gone a LT would be tempting....
  15. Let’s make it an even 10. We can trade another 10 for Adam’s too!
  16. Ok ok 2 first rounders, 2 second, and Boston and Whitehead. Enjoy!
  17. It looks like Mac Jones ran a 4.91 out of High School. I think Tua runs a 4.90 and people didn’t really have an issue with his scrambling ability. He just never really had pressure so he didn’t have to run at Alabama. I’m interested to see how he does in Pro Days/individual workouts...
  18. Agree with most of this aside from Kirk being one of the best. Newman/Mond in the 3rd or later could make for a cheap backup for a while while they also develop into a potential starter. The first round QB would need to be a Jones or Fields/someone ready to start sooner than a Lance and we would have also needed to have traded away Teddy. You wouldn’t want to draft a 3rd stringer in the 3rd round (5th-7th might be acceptable). The only problem I would see is is having too many holes to fill (OT, OG, MLB, QB, CB, FS, and a second DT with depth). It’s more than likely a luxury we don’t have at this moment...
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