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Everything posted by 45catfan

  1. There are some decent TEs in FA. Hopefully it's a soft market and we can get one of the better dudes at a reasonable price if we can hold our water and not sling money at players on the outset of FA. I was always skeptical of Hurst because as a former 1st round pick, he's been passed around more than a hooker at a naval port. Dudes that bounce around that much, considering he's not that old, usually raises a huge red flag for me. I know he was dinged up a bit last season, but even when healthy made little impact on our offense.
  2. I was on board with most of this, however, I don't like the Irving pick or double dipping at OL. You cut Thomas (I agree) but did nothing to replace him in the draft or FA.
  3. Atlanta is not the only team in need of a veteran QB. Agreed playing for the Vikings is an uphill battle in that division. Maybe he likes the team, doesn't want to move and not shy about the challenge of stiff competition, who knows? Cousins to Atlanta makes sense, but it's no where close to a slam dunk.
  4. They are probably weighing what it would take to get to #2 or #3 versus a trade for Fields. Obviously if the Bears are dealing Fields, they are staying at #1 to take Williams. As far as Cousins goes, I think he'll want to go to a team that's a closer to a title run. He'll only go to Atlanta if they are the highest bidder by a wide margin. Honestly they are in a great position, either to stay put for QB4, move up for QB2/3, trade for Fields or sign a solid veteran like Cousins.
  5. Keep an eye on the Steelers. As much talk as there is about Fields going to the Falcons, the Steelers rumblings aren't fading away. At this point I think Atlanta gets the first crack, BUT if somehow things don't go swimmingly with a proposed deal with the Bears, expect the Steelers swoop in and snag Fields.
  6. Me as well. I tend to mock one late anyway, but honestly, we have depth now that needs further developing. See what we have with Zavala, Mayes Jensen and DiRenzo before kicking the tires on another long term project. I mean, in theory, BC still has to get beat out for his job. He got replaced due to injury. I think we draft for skill positions and go FA in the trenches. If we sign a solid LG in FA, we have the depth for the IOL, they simply need to be heavily coached up.
  7. Estime and Allen are neck and neck on most draft site RB rankings I look at. So if one is gone, the other should be there. I think a few slightly lower ranked guys like Shipley and Irving will get taken ahead of them because of versatility. There are very few "three yards and a cloud of dust" teams left which will hurt those two guys on draft day.
  8. Okay, but why just two guys? Yes, it's a weaker edge draft, but the value starts to come around on day 3. I like the Solomon kid out of Troy. If we had a several day 1 and day 2 picks, I'd get it. However, most of our picks are day 3 and that's where you target a guy if you want an edge player this draft, especially missing our first rounder where one of the few top edge guys could be had.
  9. Too many deep drafts at WR to break the bank on a dude on the wrong side for 30 years old. That's why it didn't make sense for us to even entertain the thoughts of him coming here even if he did make it to free agency.
  10. Money talks, bullsh*t walks.
  11. He'll get snagged in the late 3rd by a team looking for a poor man's CMC. Almost certainly a WCO team.
  12. Eh, that's fine. I wasn't too thrilled with him in a Panthers' uniform anyway.
  13. Expect to hear something today. I doubt they drag this out to 3:59:59 pm tomorrow. I imagine they are in a last bid to get something worked out today and if negotiations fail--if they haven't already, then Burns will get slapped with the tag. Then next week when FA opens, work the phones.
  14. Tipped their hand that they think Burns is going to be re-singed. The only two edge prospects the team talked with are later round guys. OL was the second largest group behind WR. So we know we are targeting WR and OL. I like that we talked to Wiley. I think he's the best bang for your buck TE, meaning of the late round TEs, he's the top of my board. I like Holker too, but not as much as Wiley. I'm not sure why we talked to Brooks as we are not taking a RB at #33 or even in a slight trade back. Maybe if he's there in the 3rd round. Still too rich for a RB considering we only have six selections AND missing our first rounder.
  15. This one I would love if we could pull it off. Traded back with the Vikings so they could take a QB at #33.
  16. Exactly! If the pollster wants to achieve a certain result, they know who TO and who NOT TO poll. Native Americans don't want to be wiped away from the national identity. Having their names and likeness in popular culture, like sports, keeps them relevant.
  17. I'd rather draft a RG to learn behind Corbett for a season. Assuming he's healthy, his cap figure is too great to cut this season. Corbett is gone when the season is over. Moton theoretically could play for us in 2025 if we want him at that cap figure. If that's the case, we just drafted a guy that won't see the field much until 2026.
  18. Free agent LGs: Ford and Risner are former 2nd round picks. Anyone have the low down on these two? Good pick ups assuming they don't re-sign with their current team?
  19. Christensen is likely to move to RT after Moton, assuming we re-sign him and we can for cheap. As of now, he's the swing tackle. We probably cut Moton after this season. Cap savings are too great and good RTs aren't too hard to find at a much cheaper price tag. I'd rather go ahead and extend BC now and get out ahead of this. All that being said, addressing guard...LG in particular, should be paramount because no matter what happens to BC, he's not the LG of the future.
  20. There have been some very skinny WRs coming out of college lately. They seem to be holding up okay in the League. The biggest thing is knowing how not to take a big hit. These dudes know they are not turning into RBs after the catch and avoid as much contact as possible.
  21. Fields will make Atlanta competitive, but won't ever get them a ring.
  22. That eliminates Worthy to here then. By the time Bryce does his 15 yard drop and 5 bunny hops, Worthy would be 40 yards down field, not to mention the time it would take his floater to get there...then 60 yards down field for the speedster. The ball would fall 20 yards short.
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