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Everything posted by onmyown

  1. As someone who knows America very well, and is well traveled, I 100% agree. That city is trash. Also, real BBQ comes from Texas.
  2. Everyone is excited, that’s a given, but only fools aren’t skeptical given our owner.
  3. I prefer results. The man who hired/retained all those dumbass blunders is still here calling the shots. We are literally hoping he has learned, at the expense of fans, what other successful owners (and even arm chair GMs) already knew. He is not backing off, so it’s clear he does not think he’s the issue, yet he is the common denominator. San Fran learned to back off and shockingly, they have success. We have to bank on Tepper either realizing that or actually call shots correctly. Jury still out for me. We are undefeated off season champions since 1995. I’ll get exited when this team (and ownership) actually looks like it belongs in the NFL, which hasn’t happens for over half a decade.
  4. we might just have to rely on what appears to be unanimous information/sentiment from the players that actually play on it have regarding the difference to form a logical conclusion rather than our ‘but I watch NFL on TV’ experts here on the huddle but i dk
  5. Ronda rousey’s career comes to mind and sums up the young/stroud debate if you really think about it cant day the same for steph tho maybe Marty Hurney
  6. In this black white, left right world some of you think you have to be either or. Who fuging cares I’ll be happy with Young or Stroud and think we could win with either.
  7. Hmmm maybe I’m in the minority but I think we should trade up for a receiver good time to pair the rookie QB with one and also it takes time for a wr to develop generally speaking i suppose we bought a year with what we got in FA but I would not be mad trading future picks or current picks to move up
  8. Had we not hired Rhule at all we’d have Herbert. Had we promoted Beane and McD instead of clung on for dear life like idiots to Rivera and Hurney we’d be the Bills. Had JR not sexually assaulted people on a weekly basis and buy his way out of prison we will still have our 1 out of 3 winning seasons. Had Tepper hired help and not treated the franchise like a toy wanting a pat on the back for figuring out what people already knew, we wouldn’t be in the middle of not only this franchise’s worst stretch but top NFL losers for the past five years…I could go on and on. One catastrophic decision after another is why we only have a few teams we are thankful we are not. But as we say…keep pounding. I mean, it is what it is. Whats your guy’s point?
  9. Mainly it’s a time thing. I know how to sell a how by myself, in fact my city was the number two hot spot in the nation at the beginning of COVID, houses sold over the phone not even looked at within hours, I still hired a realtor. Ive sol houses on my own before and it just eats up too much time imo. Especially if something falls through or you’re dealing with a bidding war etc. There are also little niche rules of the trade realtors know and can play with during negotiations. I can learn and refresh again too but it is a lot on anyone’s plate to get a house ready to sell and try and buy all at the same time of going back and forth with another realtor with phone calls and staying on your feet with questions etc. Also making sure all the paperwork is in order. That said your realtor should earn their money. When I pick up the phone and ask questions, I expect them to spend time explaining what got done today. Or when I’m a buyer and I want to see a house, I want to see it now. Because the hot market requires it. I know you are focusing on just selling, I use a great realtor for both. Also remember you can haggle percent, especially if you know your house is going to sell very quickly and will need little work. Maybe 2%. Anyways when I did all this myself, I had a highly complicated sale going and it took me through all the hoops, only for buyers to back out. It was nothing I did wrong but I learned that he I just paid someone I wouldn’t have lost two months of my life and could’ve actually made more just working my job. Although I did get to keep their earnest money. For me it’s just not worth the time and effort and you risk something going wrong if you can’t go toe to toe with a licensed realtor on their side.
  10. hey guys is this the the thread debating stroud vs young? took me forever to find it
  11. Three weeks ago. I live in UT an go every other month. Many friends live there. I got for the excellent food. If you spend a lot in Vegas on short taxi rides and drinks you are way off. Exactly. That is why taking one is so expensive. The criteria is going to be more expensive for less touristy cities. Nothing surprises me about this list except Columbus…maybe Tucson. I am assuming one has old money and the other is a nice city just not as in demand as the others. The rest are nicer and or expensive cities with the exception of Memphis but those are city laws, income and ordinances affecting those. Memphis is not nice or expensive in general. I wouldn’t ever voluntarily go back. When I say demand, I’m not talking touristy. I’m taking about people with roots deciding to go out on their once a month ‘night out’ hence expensive…or just being an expensive yuppie type city.
  12. i think he’s just talking having parents, specifically father figures, for success in general and there is mass research heavily favoring that to be very much true, again in general it is significant, but it‘s not always the case people will point out exceptions but in a general debate on a topic, it’s focus is usually the rule also he should have emphasized a ‘father figure’ not specifically a parent or father. That’s what the research says.
  13. Wait so if someone went to 1 for stroud, young would be #2? mind blowing
  14. Exactly - except I see another issue, all three of these people should have more say so than Tepper, Tepper’s wife, Reich, and Fit if this FO was smart. Been saying this and will continue to do so. The latter have recent god awful judgement calls as much as people here hate to admit it. However the three you pointed out have great track records. Unfortunately I feel they’re all the afterthought in comparison.
  15. Big men and weight do not hold up well/long. Lots of olineman do this. They eat an incredible amount of food to stay their size and sustain high levels of activity. Also the wear and tear these big men bare is enormous. This is really the only way to try and combat the inevitable outcome of early onset of chronic pain, and if he is lucky, that will be all. As far as how well as much a people and media would like to make it as complicated as possible with fads and what it’s simply eating a deficit in calories for a long period of time and then maintenance. The key is to learn balance in the name of longevity. That is why certain fads and fasting simply don’t hold up. You’re not changing a diet, you’re changing a lifestyle and not excluding anything - but rather understanding your body, nutrition, and most importantly, moderation.
  16. We need the right people making calls. The team needs to respect what people are good at, not just rely on who is boss Tepper , Fit and Reich do not have better judgment than McCown, Brown, and Caldwell. The latter should be coming together to make the best decisions. Perfect mixture of new age and old age knowledge, plus a lot of experience with QBs.
  17. Reich should not be picking the QB after basically forcing the Colts to trade a first round pick for Wentz. The guy can scheme and coach a QB, but he cannot scout one. There are better people in the FO for that.
  18. this looks fantastic imo only reason I’ll miss the silver is I like getting gear in grey but I think that won’t change as I see other teams in gray but theses unis are A+
  19. Not sure if it’d be a disaster…maybe on par. Which we desperately need to break.
  20. Tepper hired him and offered him a contract other owners laughed at Tepper was an is the issue until proven otherwise. Why so many apologists? Is it because we are stuck with him? I still remember quite a bit of people on this forum backing moves JR for 2010 then go on to a two in season. Y’all don’t have to love everything that the owner does and excuse all wrong…it’s weird
  21. It makes sense. It’s based on criteria that is abundant as hell in Vegas (alcohol, short cab rides, and average drink prices). Those things are dirt cheap in Vegas.
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