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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. There is a huge misunderstanding in this thread, on redit, on twitter, etc. that there IS a mass hysteria. There is not. Maybe 1% of people are scared and are locking themselves away. This misunderstanding seems to be the rallying cry for people that argue against the seriousness of this pandemic. As I've said many times in this thread, the far vast majority of people that take COVID seriously are doing so TO PROTECT OTHERS. Not themselves. So there is no need for you to downplay the symptoms as almost everyone knows it's not going to send you to the ER. But by wearing our masks (like you smartly did to see your mom), and social distancing, we can hopefully get things back to normal one day. Sadly, people still don't wear masks. And the multitude of cases are rising all over. And that last line ... wow. You want the young to GET INFECTED. These same ones that might not be as smart as you when visiting their own mom. Herd immunity will not work.
  2. So what exactly are Wes and Stirs trying to prove in this thread? Curious.
  3. So who here ... doesn't ... wear a mask?
  4. Cuomo has said anyone from an at risk state that comes to NY must quarantine for 14 days. Impossible to enforce. Meanwhile, a girl on Long Island came back from a trip to Florida ... positive. Stupidly went to a party and now 85 teens have COVID. The number of people those 85 have come in contact with is pretty big I'd bet.
  5. Because you can't lock up the sick, the elderly, people with health issues, etc. just because you want to "play normally". That's not the way the world works. You want to go back to work? You want to play? WEAR A MASK. If everyone wore a mask from the start we wouldn't be where we are. But the youth, and the anti-mask people have kept the pandemic afloat. Simple question: If someone said, yes, you can go back to work. Yes, you can go to the club, and the bar. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is wear a mask. Would you wear a mask? So odd that some people still wouldn't.
  6. I could Google it. But has anyone ever done the stats to see how much it costs each person individually? 328.2 million in the US. I'd hope they all pay taxes. SO ... break it down. How much does all that stuff cost ... me. I'm not arguing that stuff doesn't get paid by us, I'm saying it's miniscule. Sort of like when someone gets mad at a cop: I PAY YOUR SALARY!
  7. Sure, he's a hypocrite. But I think most people overestimate what our presidents do. All of them. They have scores of underlings that do the real work. A president is more of a facade. If our presidents truly ran our country we'd all be dead. I'd much rather that goofball play golf than make decisions about COVID, lol. Let the real team make choices. As for "tax payers money", it's not costing you next to anything. Everyone should stop using that line.
  8. Presidents aren't allowed to have lives! They must sit at their desk 24/7 with their finger over the red button! No golf! No vacation! No personal time!
  9. "On the taxpayers dime" is one of the dumbest things people have ever said.
  10. I'm pretty sure Adolf Hitler knew about it.
  11. Event 201 ... isn't that a class at UNCC? Like where you learn how to throw a sophisticated pool party?
  12. 9000 new cases in Florida.
  13. And Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Russia.
  14. NYC, NJ, and Conn now requiring people from surging states to quranatine for 14 days upon arrival. What a 180.
  15. SUPER SPREADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. NYC went into Phase 2 yesterday. I'm going to be interested to see how our numbers do in a few weeks. We currently have falling numbers and are one of the best places in the nation for cases. But if it happened everywhere else that opened for the most part, I'd imagine we'll get a spike.
  17. This. Some people are living in fantasy world. They want to basically lock up the elderly and people with conditions. Like a zoo. So they can go maskless and "get the economy running again" and go to the bar and make life normal again. Well ... what about the freedom of the elderly and people with conditions? Do they not get a life? Yes, they need to be cautious. And you know what will help them out with that? Look up at the quote. Some folk act like wearing a mask is as bad as paying taxes, going to the dentist, moving, and [insert other annoying things here]. It's a thin piece of cloth. Get over yourself.
  18. It doesn't matter. It matters who he might infect. That's the whole point.
  19. I don't get what's SO bad about wearing a mask. It's a thin piece of cloth. You were probably that some tool in high school in shorts and a t-shirt when it was 30 degrees outside, or as a kid refused to wear a jacket. And to Wes ... they'll simply enforce it by asking you to leave or not letting you in. No need for police unless you refuse to leave. And not to mention they don't have to serve you. I guess if you're quick enough you can go to self checkout lol.
  20. It still amazes me that people point to lack of hospitalizations and deaths of young people ... when that's not what anyone else anywhere is talking about.
  21. Why are so many people trying to make this a political thing? There are TONS of people here that don't wear a mask and not one of them is GOP. It's mostly a youth thing.
  22. https://www.wect.com/2020/06/17/reopen-nc-leader-encourages-mask-burning-response-mandatory-mask-discussion/ ReOpen NC leader creates “Burn Your Mask Challenge" as response to mandatory mask discussion
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