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Everything posted by SOJA

  1. Not a fan of the third pick, but love the first two.
  2. fiery prophet you are fuging good at destiny
  3. I would be floored if Jerry Richardson didn't do anything. for god sakes he wrote some 10 year old kid a note back on who his favorite team should be
  4. He said that he is explicitly a LB, though I could see him playing a Joker type role in the defense. I would not be disappointed at all if we draft him, particularly if there are no quality OT or WRs available.
  5. tom hardy is no longer rick flag either
  6. If luck gets 25 million a year then his deal will probably be somewhere around 6 years 150 million that is fuging insane
  7. if I got a message on my xbox from a random user that was titled floppin......i certainly wouldn't think: carolina huddle friend
  8. I love Luke to death, but you go nowhere in this league without a QB. Furthermore, even if you tanked for a year there is no guarantee that next year's draft will have a legit QB. Cam no question
  9. you know what you're right there is absolutely zero chance this guy is a headcase because he stayed off the radar for one year
  10. ladies and gentleman boys and girls our first helmet thread of the offseason
  11. protip: don't shard your old gear till your new gear passes that level, so only equip it when you are turning in bounties. furthermore, if you get a chance to get Obsidian mind get that
  12. I missed the phone call he had to the blonde chick can someone give me a quick recap
  13. btw i'm on Xbone, GM GastricBeerpass hmu if you want to play (I mainly do nightfall, weekly, raid, and dailies) I have a 31 Warlock and 31 Hunter
  14. Destiny is so strange for me. I see all of it's shortcomings and completely understand all the criticism it gets. But whenever I have time to game, I find myself playing destiny. It's incredibly addicting and utilizes the same principles gambling does: i.e. flashing lights of exotic weapons and the random number generator for loot. Furthermore, one thing Bungie nailed is the gameplay. One of the best FPS games I have ever played. Say what you want about the story, the content, the DLC, hell even the lack of matchmaking for raids, but when you get into this game, I find it hard to get out.
  15. Reddits subreddit for destiny is pretty good imo
  16. Damn that was insanely clutch to take down Crota there
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