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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. Well obviously between last week and this he's forgotten how to throw a football...
  2. I can't fathom him being cut during Minicamp. He's done in the NFL - or the Eagles are just an incredibly dysfunctional franchise.
  3. Or he thinks "that's a College punishment and this is the NFL" - only Rhule is going to run a tight ship so he'd best get used to it.
  4. Especially when you consider that we had 16 guys valued as 1st round picks. So as much as the Bears offer being worth the #1 overall pick (I don't agree with that), if it means you have to Draft a guy in 2021 that you don't consider a 1st round talent then it's a bad move. It why analytics, in a bubble, suck.
  5. The Bucs literally had one of the worst Drafts in 2021. They retained their core for another run at a Championship (on discounts). They'll have to blow it all up soon though and they've brought nothing in behind them.
  6. If we're talking Salma Hayek and not mentioning Dogma and Desperado we're doing it wrong.
  7. Oh god he's an anti-vaxxer. On the plus side most great QBs are knobheads, so fingers crossed.
  8. I can't be the only one that isn't bothered? He's a decent player, but if he's angling for a huge contract extension and putting pressure on the team I'd just trade him.
  9. It looks pretty swanky on all the video productions they've been releasing. That said I do wonder about American builders. The Empire State has stood tall for nearly a century, but apparently football stadiums have a 25 year shelf life...
  10. Team built to win now and out of conference. Pretty obvious landing spot, no?
  11. Fantastic. Great to get him out of the division. We're very close to taking over the division now thanks to Brees' retirement.
  12. It always has been - I just think that breaking point isn't Pro Bowler like some would have you believe. They'll want to see a consistent QB who follows instruction and improves week on week. If he's not better in Week 18 than he is in Week 1 we have a problem.
  13. There's no need to knock down a guy to pump up another. Gamble was really, really good. Brown is one of those War Daddy DTs that SEC teams bag up early. He holds everything together in the middle and allows you to dominate the trenches IF you surround him with talent. If Nixon reaches his potential he'll eat next to Brown.
  14. You're not looking for the bottom of the roster to settle. They'll keep bringing in guys off the street to see if someone stands out.
  15. Go watch any other behind the scenes Draft video. Media team is fuging killin' it.
  16. I'd put them in secondary markets that don't currently have NFL teams. So if I had to pick 8: San Antonio San Diego Oklahoma City Portland Memphis Louisville Orlando St Louis
  17. Everything The Rock touches turns to gold. I mean besides Baywatch has he made a good movie in the last decade? Doesn't matter, still the most bankable star in Hollywood. The XFL has a chance to fill that development league niche. They all get into trouble when they try to compete with the NFL - it's a behemoth, you'll be crushed. If The Rock shuts his mouth and knows his role the XFL will flourish.
  18. I guess I'm one of the few fans that doesn't want a Spring league. Or at least wouldn't watch it. I do think there's a role for a minor league / development system in the NFL for guys that aren't the finished article at 22 (Warner, Delhomme, Vinatieri), but with how much football I binge watch between Sept and January, I don't have the appetite for any more.
  19. Thanks for reminding me that we played in SuperBowl 50. I had years of therapy to forget that.
  20. We don't produce any like Morgan these days.
  21. He told Suleiman 2 years at the start then flashed a 5 when discussing money later on the call, but he was blown off.
  22. They had the opportunity to take an OT at #39 and traded out instead. After the ridiculous run on OTs they had the chance to take an OT at #52 and traded out instead. That tells me that they didn't think much of the second tier of tackles in this Draft. The fact that they had discussions about trading back into the 2nd round to pick up Christensen and then ultimately traded up in the 3rd round to secure him suggests they do value the position - and perhaps don't see a huge difference between him and many of the guys that went in the 2nd round. For the record I don't have amazingly high hopes for Erving, but I'm all about the OLine unit as a whole. It was weak at multiple spots last year - I'm hoping with the acquisitions this year we've secured some of those holes. It doesn't have to be a dominant OLine for us to be successful - although obviously we all want one. As for the OT prospects this year - honestly it was a hugely underwhelming class. Darishaw is lazy (but talented), Leatherwood is an amazing physical prospect but can't handle speed, Walker hasn't played for two years etc etc. I think even the 'generational' OT is raw as hell and will probably should at OG this year.
  23. 1st overall pick and Heisman Trophy winner? The bar doesn't get any higher coming out of College.
  24. Right now they're gaining a ton of critical acclaim. If we start winning on the field too we become a cool, hot new thing. If we continue to lose we'll be ridiculed. It is what it is.
  25. Judging by social media he's getting rave reviews.
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