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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. Agreed. I do think Burns is playing himself out of a major contract on the open market though - well, unless Fitterer is still here next year and offers him $30m a season over 5 years 'cos he's a moron.
  2. The terrifying thing for me is that I've made better Draft selections than Fitterer has - from 4,000 miles away with minimal scouting (a few YouTube cut ups) and no sit-down interview with the prospect. Which begs the question, just what the hell is Fitterer doing? How is he possibly qualified for this job?
  3. What defensive scheme would help Burns? This one lets him stand up as a pass rusher and just try to run around the OT. We know he can't hold up as a 4-3 DE, he gets obliterated against the run.
  4. There are two franchise-defining moments in the last few years. The first was when they turned down the absurd Burns trade. The second was when they made the trade up to #1 overall (regardless of who they picked). I hated both moves then and sadly I've been proven right. We couldn't have sabotaged ourselves more if we tried.
  5. I mean he did ask to be picked #1 overall. He hoodwinked our morons by refusing to work out at the Combine, but showing up with 10lbs+ of water weight for the scales. He was gaming the system and found a sucker.
  6. Could you list 10 of those moments - 1 for each game we've played this season. Thanks in advance.
  7. I'd pay good money to see Young and Russell have a throw off. It'd be hilariously one sided, even now.
  8. Any coach that wants to tie their future to Bryce Young is a moron.
  9. I mean if you start the season 1-9 after trading 5 premium players for your QB you surely expect to get fired, right?
  10. They've been fantastic all season. Picked a bad day to have a bad day.
  11. I long for a Saturday when that call ever goes Miami's way. I won't hold my breath.
  12. Giving them 15 yards on a complete phantom roughing the passer call when it's CLEAR intentional grounding is beyond the pale.
  13. This is what they do. It's a small, private school, so they don't have 15-20k students to fill the stands. The locals only turn up to watch a winner.
  14. I think he just wants to do something fun on Sunday afternoons before he gets fired. He looked bored af with Brown calling the plays - just stood their emotionless.
  15. To be fair the owner of that test got ahead of all this and said Stroud's results were not low when that whole media storm was happening.
  16. This is the type of stuff you do on Madden when you get annoyed at a player.
  17. So basically what a lot of us said pre-Draft then - he's successful in College cos he's playing against overmatched teams.
  18. All these talking heads unwilling to admit that they missed on Young.
  19. Hiring a HC / GM is like the Draft. It's a crapshoot. The best Co-ordinators don't always make the best HCs, that hot Assistant GM isn't always the best choice for GM. Tepper needs to hire a consultant and get the f' out of the way.
  20. No, 'for the best' would be sacking them both and giving the new GM a long(er) leash and carte blanche to hire his own HC. We have 6 Draft picks next year and Burns' situation to resolve. I absolutely don't want Fitterer involved in any of those decisions.
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