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Everything posted by Tr3ach

  1. This times a million. The double standard is what is so ridiculous. If Cam does the exact thing Darnold did the same ones who critiqued Darnold for it call you an f150.
  2. I agree. They've got to find a qb they go all in on. Not gamble. Theyve got to go all in on one they pick and that qb is 100% make or break for our coaching staff. So far they have went for low risk gambles or bandaid. It keeps Rhule and Brady out of the hot seat but that time is passed. This offseason they have to poo or get off the pot as they say. Also just let Brady go if needed lol
  3. Making late reads has been an issue his entire career.
  4. He was jogging to try to find an angle. When he slowed down to catch it the 2 dbs got the angle on him. He actually made it further by running like he did even though it did look awkward.
  5. You're not allowed to say that when Cam throws it. Only other qbs.
  6. People blaming the coaching staff for 2 drops, a blocker ignoring the inside man on a punt and bad passes...
  7. Remember a few weeks ago when so many people here were blaming Darnold for all the wr drops? Also that may end up actually being a fumble.
  8. Dolphins love to blitz. They could just want quick shifts receivers in to get some separation quick.
  9. Wide receivers are a position that sometimes take some time to adjust to the NFL level. Unfortunately not every rookie is an instant contributor.
  10. I hope you're right. I just dont understand how many fans are so certain. I believe he is 0-9 in his last 9 starts with the team?
  11. I never said Darnold was the answer. Darnold was a gamble on young potential. I just dont think Cam is the long term solution either. I wouldn't be so sure the coaching staff believes that either or they would have offered more than a contract for the rest or the season probably.
  12. Yea I wasnt talking about you specifically. You cant really base his health on one game though. Especially how his shoulder holds up over a season.
  13. I already specifically said Cam played as well and efficiently as you could ever expect in the situation... I don't hate Cam. I dont think we lost because of Cam...
  14. I'm not saying hes not a decent player. I'm saying hes not what so many on here want him to still be. There are multiple reasons hes been sitting on his couch for months. There are definitely Cam haters dont get me wrong. There are also people that are blinded by Cam and what he did for us in the past. Then there are also Cam realists. Most of us are instantly lumped in as haters though.
  15. The Cam being the saviour guys are really spiraling now it appears. Blame everyone! These players/coaches werent really getting blamed that much with Darnold back there. Cam player efficient and as good as you can expect in the situation but hes not carry your team Cam any more. The problems we had with other QB playing is still there.
  16. I'm not riding for everyone. I just see a lot of hypocrisy on this board where it's ok to have certain opinions on certain players based on certain things but not other players for the same things or you are a hater.
  17. So people haven't been doing the exact same thing about Darnold all season until Cam came? How is it different?
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