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Everything posted by cardiackat88.

  1. Meanwhile, they are still popping off $250 PCR tests at airports if you had a mechanical issue on your first flight. Oh! Then they shove you on a tiny bus and half-assed ask you to "keep social distancing" before making you wear your mask on a crowded 200 person flight that is 15 hours long.
  2. Have we EVER kept any of them around?? I remember reading a "why your team sucks" article on year and it made a great point, no one hates their own players more than the Carolina Panthers. Cam, Peppers, Smitty, Beason, Thomas Davis, Josh Norman, Bradbury, cant think of his name right now but that big fat awesome DT (Chris something, Jenkins maybe?), Starr, and many, many more. Sure, one or two was past their prime, but many of them were just flat out released or cut. I don't have all of the info in front of me, but it would be really interesting to see exactly how much we got in return for these players departures. I am willing to bet, even if the return was all of them combined, it would be one very sad and pathetic result.
  3. Honestly, just about everyone is loaded. These teams have been highly competitive! Think about it, as awful as the Panthers have looked, they have also looked really good too. The levels are seeming to get really even and I have always wondered if there will be a bizarro year where almost every team is 8-9, or 9-8. There was a ton of weeks throughout the regular season where almost every game was a 3-4 vs 4-3 or 5-5 vs 6-5 (bye week) etc.
  4. The Bucs was pretty much a band of mercenaries. They did it so slowly and sneaky its easy to forget; but Brady, Gronk, Fournette, AB, and lots of others I forget. Even a kicker ffs lol
  5. He would have been a really good Soldier Boy in the The Boyz.
  6. Is this really surprising to anyone?
  7. Maybe it was because giants were usually on fox and jets on cbs, but I swear that entire field and atmosphere looked drastically different on TV depending on which team was playing that day (when not facing each other).
  8. I had always wondered how they would choose home/away teams if it was Jets/Giants or Rams/Chargers in their shared stadiums. I just talked about this yesterday to my roomate. Thanks for answering that for me without having to google it.
  9. Lol but he starts Miller and Daley
  10. TBH i would have taken him over Teddy during that whole dibalicle. It would have been the same result, but instead of checking down and choking in the 4th, Jameis would be throwing picks and having tantrums. It would have been MUCH more entertaining and about 55 milllion dollars cheaper.
  11. He wasn’t riding around on a scooter shirtless in your apartment complex like Jaycee Horn?
  12. Hell of a nice guy too. I met a few Panthers on a USO tour in Germany and he squatted down to my (then) 8 year old sons height and smiled really big for a picture beside him. Really made my day.
  13. I have never understood why people with so much money would ever fly coach. It’s kinda my life dream to fly first class but I will never be able to realistically afford that.
  14. Wait....."THE" Brandon Bolden???!???!?? How on earth was he not surpassing Cam Newton??
  15. Does this mean there will be an attempt at returning a punt next year?
  16. I barely watched the dolphins game and haven’t watched one snap since. Super hard to want to watch anymore.
  17. I did really wonder what was going to happen here. I considered making a whole thread on it but felt like it lacked substance. Anyways, Arians hates the Panthers, right? So what is worse to do to them? Pulverize and humiliate them or ruin their draft position? Arians made some super bird brained move with the Cardinals a few years back “intentionally losing” to do some kind of backwards ass playoffs trickery that was highly touted and got him praised as some genius; it was supposed to work in his favor but wound up blowing up in his face super bad.
  18. He seemed like a pretty normal dude until Burfict rocked his jock. I honestly think that helmet thing with the Raiders had something to do with him worrying about another concussion. He was mocked and ridiculed for it, but I really think he's probably scared shytless.
  19. Basically, he paid off the layaway balances for over 300 military members that had items on layaway using the Army/Air Force Exchange and Navy Exchange. Well done, Sir. https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/24/us/mccaffrey-layaway-military-trnd/index.html
  20. 72 is the highest i ever saw, and that was when Snake said this team was not a playoff team after losing to Dallas this year.
  21. "Playoffs? You kiddin' me.....PLAYOFFS??!!??"
  22. He also thinks Miller and Daley are 1st string caliber starting NFL guards for some reason. Both those chumps should have been out of the NFL a year ago.
  23. What about Richie Cunningham instead?
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