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Everything posted by DamnItJake!

  1. ahhh.. Now I see what Peppers did!..That is a dick move..Cam shows class and still gives the ball to the kid!!.. Maybe cam will pull the longest yard move and hit Peppers right in the package!!
  2. Yes! Yes ! Yes! and one final Yes!! Thats what the hell we needed.. that was looking like crap!! And they proved me wrong!!
  3. ok..they proved me wrong.. Cotchery shows up when you least expect it!
  4. fuggin hell this is not looking good.. D will be tired
  5. The Cheesedicks are like the CowGirls..they spread everywhere..can't get rid of the rash..it just shows up!
  6. damn it!! That was nowhere close!! Settle down Cam!
  7. hopefully the Refs aren't in GB's pockets this game
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