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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. I mean, he is wrong if the implication is that it’s more of an issue than any other QB. A couple batted balls in shorts is not indicative of anything. I imagine Brock Ossweiler (all like 6’7 of him) had a few himself, especially in his rookie year. The issue with Young’s size has always been durability rather than height and batted balls. Reich and others have already addressed how much easier it is for that to happen in the sort of practices they’ve been able to run so far.
  2. On a more serious note, Blackshear looked good in his limited snaps last year. Hope he gets more opportunities this year. Doesn’t help he’s not exactly complimentary to Sanders’ running style though.
  3. Oh no, Joe Person thinks Young’s batted balls are something to keep an eye on
  4. Probably a misclick, happens to me all the time when I’m on my phone in poor reception area. The pop up lags and I click the wrong reaction.
  5. Cam Darnold (from last year) Dalton Heinicke PJ Allen Baker Bridgewater
  6. Boger, Blakeman and Hochuli are on the Mount Rushmore of bad refs. All three just horrid.
  7. By the time it will have been voted on he’ll have had four months to earn it. I think he will, everything put out so far makes it sound like he’s earning the respect of everyone on the offense. The extra studying and things like that will be noticed by his teammates.
  8. No way we spend money on a RB (or WR) when our CB group is getting thinner and thinner and there are other positions where the gap between what we have and what we could sign is much larger than RB or WR.
  9. I’ve seen this signing singled out from a couple different outlets. I am totally ignorant about this guy but hopefully he can be the partner in crime to Brown that we really haven’t provided a DT since we foolishly let Star go.
  10. Yea 3rd down backs are usually the ones that can catch. Hubbard might have the worst hands on a RB in history lol (I’m only half joking)
  11. He had some good runs last year but it was more on the OL than him. He’s an ok 2nd/3rd RB but easily replaceable
  12. I hear Emmitt Smith is looking for a team, I’m just saying.
  13. I’m with you in general in this thread but I’d still have to put Burns behind CJ and Hardy and maybe Rucker. Still plenty of time for him to rise in those ranks though.
  14. Peppers disappeared all the time, as all pass rushers do. The best of the best all time average barely more than one single sack a game. And even if you actually look past just the sack numbers, which you always should, pass rushers “disappear” all the time without any impact on the game. Peppers especially, people would say all the time he was lazy and disappeared, but no reasonable NFL spectator would argue that Peppers wasn’t elite. I’m not saying Burns is on Peppers’ level, but he’s a lot closer than many here have the IQ to recognize.
  15. Pay the man. He’s gotten noticeably better pretty much every year. Started out poor against the run, now he’s decidedly NOT a liability against the run. Better than average. His sack numbers (since that’s all some care about) have increased and will only increase with better coaching and scheme. He’s reliable and a leader of the defense.
  16. Saw this on Facebook, too funny not to share.
  17. My son is the same way. Mind boggling, cheese is an indispensable ingredient for so many things but he can’t stand it when there’s even cheese in the same vicinity as his food. Not lactose intolerant, he likes ice cream, but almost no other dairy products.
  18. Lol. Finally an article that doesn’t act like the Falcons nailed the off-season and the Saints are a shoe in for the division. I still don’t understand why so many think the Falcons are in good shape. They got Campbell who is good but ooooold for a DL and nobody else worth a poo. They have two young weapons on offense still riding pre draft hype and haven’t produced in the NFL, nobody at QB, a good OL, a shiny new RB should help but there’s only so much impact they can have. That’s it. Sure their run game should be good but without balance the offense won’t amount to much and their defense still isn’t top half.
  19. Previous seasons under Rhule: Panda Express. Looked ok at first but entirely unsatisfying. This offseason: Calamari, onion rings, wings, lobster spinach dip, whatever appetizer you prefer cooked to perfection. The upcoming season: A dish you’ve never had but looks good at a restaurant you’ve never tried but heard good things about.
  20. It’s not about the big hits, it’s about strategy and field position. If they wanna get rid of kicking altogether and force 2pt conversions after every TD I’ll probably whine at first but I’ll get used to it. Selectively neutering part of the field position game sucks though.
  21. Show a little respect… how about research who was actually on the teams before trying to scold me about respect on a football forum.
  22. I mean, neither I nor other fans have any power over the rules, so it’s not like when kids do a bad job at a chore so parents will stop giving them the chore. And I was obviously being over dramatic for comedic purposes. If they want to get rid of kickoffs they will do it regardless of fans’ overreactions. They’ve proven they do what they want no matter what fans think of it and fans have proven they’ll keep shelling out the dollars no matter how badly Goodell affects the game.
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