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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. Of the two concerns for Stroud, the scheme one is stupid because all you have to do is actually look at his throws to know that he’s the one making that scheme go. And the other, if the biggest legit concern is that he’s too chill…well I’ll take that heh
  2. I hope not. It’s walterfootball, so take it with a grain of salt.
  3. I love these QB school videos, by far the best tools for us regular fans to educate ourselves about QB prospects on YouTube. I’ve been watching everything available on all four top guys for months now so my opinion is mostly formed and these two videos didn’t shift my opinion at all. My top choice is trading up for Stroud by far. Levis just doesn’t do it for me. He often looks lost as a QB. Doesn’t seem to have command of his college offense so I don’t have much faith he’ll command his NFL offense. He has tools to work with, on the surface he looks like he has potential but I’m not sure he’s got it between the ears. It’s possible he develops into a really good QB and if he can nail the cerebral part of the game then his physical tools give him a high ceiling. My QB4 for this draft though, I don’t like his chances. Richardson would be my preference if we can’t get Stroud and Young doesn’t make some crazy fall down to 9 that would be highly unexpected. I’d be happy to take Richardson at 9 or thrilled to drop down to the 12-15 range and grab him there. He’s a peaks and valleys QB, his peaks look amazing. He can run with the best of them, that’s something that should translate right away, and some of his throws are just beautiful. He has really good snap and power on his throws and sometimes his placement is really good. But his valleys are just horrible. His decision making has a long way to go and his accuracy is poor overall. No consistency. If we take Richardson, we as fans are going to have to be patient. He’s going to look like trash in year one. He might not even play. In the preseason he’ll have some runs that wow us but look terrible passing the ball. We’re going to have to be patient and not call him a bust just because he looks terrible the first year or two. He’s young and has really high potential though and I like his chances better than Levis.
  4. Hey the first car I bought myself was a 97 prelude vtec. Loved that car
  5. Has Reich said he’ll call plays? Last I saw he said he’s not sure, but it seemed like he won’t.
  6. I didn’t watch the video all the way through the first time, just finished and they circle back around to the Panthers at the end. Smitty brings up more points, including how bad Missouri’s defense was under Wilks and the clown keeps making excuses proving he doesn’t know wtf he’s talking about and is just trying to push an agenda and/or parrot a narrative. By the end he is STRUGGLING to keep up with Smitty in the conversation.
  7. And then all the bs about “not going to throw my guy under the bus for a job I’m not gonna get anyway”. Lol gtfo here. What a joke.
  8. The other guy don’t k ow the Panthers. He’s probably never watched a Panthers regular season game in his life. Every answer was “I don’t remember that game”. Of course you don’t, you didn’t watch it. “They were a dead team” “give coach Wilks some good players and see what he can do”. He had a bunch of good players. There is talent all over the defense, the unit he made worse when he took over, and in addition to a very good line there’s a few good players on the offense too. This guy just reads headlines and makes opinions off of that. Total clown.
  9. The only thing Young has on Stroud is escapability. Stroud has been my #1 from the beginning.
  10. AR does not have the arm talent. He has the arm strength sure, but the talent to put the ball where it needs to be, he’s the WORST of the top prospects by far.
  11. No thanks. He’s good but too injury prone, too expensive in both cap space and draft picks, and too specific a skill set imo. If it was just one of those three problems I would say sure. But all three is too risky. Rather go with a rookie of we’re going to throw a bunch of draft picks at someone. The risk of not having proven it in the nfl is lower than the combination of cap space, injury risk and risk of not being able to utilize him properly in my opinion.
  12. Two firsts two seconds and some filler, a third or a fourth and fifth or something like that. Or Burns and a first and second. If they end up giving three firsts, I’ll be ok with it. Stroud is worth just about whatever it takes to move up. If they’d take this entire draft and nothing in the future, I’d take it.
  13. Stroud is ten times the passer Fields is. Fields is twice the runner Stroud is. They’re not similar at all in style. Would be like comparing Vick to Rogers.
  14. Nah, when I watched him play it was painfully bad looking through an NFL QB lens. His throws are all over the place, he’s the definition of one read and run. Really good college QB, I don’t see him succeeding in the NFL at all. Maybe he could learn literally everything there is to being a QB, but the odds aren’t great.
  15. The day he bought the team, imo. Whatever the record was that year I don’t remember off the top of my head but I had wanted Ron gone since early in his third season and was hoping the new owner would come in and clean house. I understood why he didn’t, the optics would have been terrible no matter what. But it would have been for the good of the team, and hindsight now confirms it.
  16. Yea honestly he hasn’t meddled enough. His only mistakes so far have been letting Hurney and Rivera stay too long then hiring Rhule. He should have “meddled” immediately and fired Hurney and Rivera, then found his GM and collaborate on finding a HC. We could have skipped the whole Rhule disaster if he had exercised less patience and moved the rebuilding process up a couple years.
  17. People around here have been way overblowing it. He picked the wrong guy the first time. So did Richardson, numerous times in fact. But for some reason Tepper is the whipping boy around here. All of a sudden he’s a “meddling owner” despite no evidence to support it. He fuged up his first coaching hire, no denying that. Let’s see how he does the second time.
  18. Yea, to me the difference between him doing what he’s supposed to do at a powerhouse school and, say, Fields or Matt Leinart or any of these other guys is that when he was passing to his stars he wasn’t just waiting for them to get open and then throwing it somewhere in their vicinity to make a play on. He was throwing it on a rope where only his guys could make a play on it. He was throwing through tight windows, throwing guys open, things like that. Numerous plays I saw Harrison get credit for making a good catch toe tapping on the side line we’re able to happen because Stroud put the ball in the perfect spot. And yea it was a good catch too, but the pass allowed it to happen. That happened over and over regardless of who was the receiver. I hope we can get him and I hope he can continue his growth because he’s going to be really special if so.
  19. I think a lot of people were like that. And, no offense, but that just means you weren’t actually paying attention before. All year he’s shown his decision making, arm talent, ability to read the field, everything you want in an NFL quarterback is elite for a prospect. The only thing that isn’t elite and the only thing he is inferior to Young at is scrambling/running around behind the LoS. But he’s still good at it. Just not elite. Glad so many are coming around in Stroud, he’s been my strong #1 for months. I see him as a “the guy” easily, I’ve never seen anyone as comfortable making beautiful passes that are perfectly placed as him. Not Luck, not Cam, not Lawrence, none of the past strong #1s have been as good at placement and using the proper velocity/touch as Stroud. They’ve had other areas they were better at that made them such elite prospects, and I’m not saying I think Stroud is necessarily a better prospect than Luck. But he’s in the same area because of how good he is at that trait without any flaws to speak of.
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