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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. It was at 1st. It's getting old now. He's been told enough times now that he's not ignorant to the isse. He has to be doing it on purpose.
  2. The only way the Panthers were getting more for him is if Burns had came off his demands for $30M per. That in itself limited what they could get.
  3. They will need to be. Honestly, they've always needed an upgrade on the dline. Anyone not named Derrick Brown is expendable.
  4. Don't let the trolls know who it is. You know how this place gets.
  5. It's not funny anymore. He needs a few warnings apparently before it sinks in.
  6. Shhh. Don't tell the trolls or they will run them off too.
  7. I didn't want to say it, but yeah. He's a selfish diva. The Giants will find out soon enough.
  8. I wonder who is backing him up? I would hope there's a plan for that with his injury history.
  9. Yeah I saw that but I think he's on borrowed time. At least I hope he not in the long term plans.
  10. This is sorely needed. If they can get push up front it will help whatever bandaid Jags the can scrap together to mitigate some of the damage.
  11. Learn how to embed a tweet or gtfo.
  12. I'm sure he got to weigh in on it before any of it happened.
  13. I like the decision to get another DT. Is this guy worth a roster spot or is he just a bandaid?
  14. This is an instance where 2 dimes might actually end up being better than a quarter.
  15. They could sign another similar DE to go with him and end up getting more production for half of what Burns got.
  16. What do you know about long-term plans at center?
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