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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. He forced one already. How is that character assassination to suggest he could do it again?
  2. Brother than has been the case for as long as I can remember.
  3. It has 99% of the attempts. The only time it has worked was with GOAT coming in, without giving up ANY capital, to a team that was ready for the GOAT. I'm struggling to see that scenario here in Panther land. Not even the GOAT himself could get THIS team to a trophy with the assets you are suggesting they give up to get him much less Watson.
  4. He's decent depth. He hasn't proven otherwise to date.
  5. Are we getting Tom Brady now? I thought it was Watson?
  6. I thought this was therapy? Hell I must be in AA. Sorry, carry on.
  7. I mean it has to work eventually, right? If you can convince Tom Brady to come hear we might have a shot.
  8. Go back to sucking your thumb and let the adults have a conversation please.
  9. As do I. But even he needs a talent filled team around him to win. Giving up that much is insane.
  10. Strange times indeed. Next you will hear that cats and dogs are having baby's together.
  11. But but but he's the greatest! Kids.
  12. If you get your wish 5-11 will still be the average win total for at least 3 years. Playoffs? About a 1 in 10 chance in the next 3 years.
  13. You are not using the new homer math. Watson can win all the trophy's by himself if you hold your head just right and squint your left eye, or is it your right? Hell I don't know.
  14. I was not going to watch another season of a Marty built team that is a fact.
  15. That's nice and all but isn't the goal much higher than that?
  16. That's what I'm here for. You will thank me later.
  17. Anyone would look better than Whitehead. That's not hard to do. Let's not over hype him just because of that.
  18. I guess you didn't read the entire message.
  19. I guess he want to try out his new fancy sports medicine rehab yoga wellness and pizza facility.
  20. Truthfully, I have become a casual fan of the Panthers from all the years of disappointment. I was diehard until the last SB loss. I was never the same after that. I stay here mainly because of the old gang that is still here that I can converse with, what's left of us. I'm at a crossroads with the team and the nfl all together. This season will determine my interest going forward. Jon
  21. Clearing out all of Marty's picks apparently. Although the KK thing puzzle's me.
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