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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. That appears to be a dumb challenge, it was either incomplete or down by contact because the knee hit before the ball came out.
  2. I feel like everything inside my body is going to come out.
  3. Let me guess, Casserly also believes it's wise to double Olsen.
  4. Wearing my TD jersey tomorrow to work, fug everyone. And I work from home like a boss
  5. Serious gut check time, what is this defense made of? Sack by KK would be perfect
  6. Tale of two halves. Time for the MVP to step up and seal the W.
  7. This just in - my fingers will not be able to type the extent of my excitement on my phone so amp up the percentage of my posts times 2 billion. Thanks and have a splendid day.
  8. Someone on NFL Network this morning said they're bold prediction was the Panthers would be held under 100 yards rushing for the first time in 30 games. Welp...
  9. Jesus, let us win this football game in convincing fashion
  10. I love the Panthers more than life itself. In addition, I loathe the Seahawks and will give them relentless hell. Keep pounding! #chaosfortickets
  11. Thanks to the based Hurney that we have Cam/Luke instead of the other two.
  12. Please bring their candy asses here to Charlotte in the divisional so we can shut them all up. RW and Macklenmore can go bang each other while we go get the Lombardi.
  13. Just checked myself into the ER. This is no way to spend a Panthers Sunday. Win it for me boys. #keeppounding
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