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Everything posted by PandaMan

  1. Agreed, I really dislike the argument of “it’s basically a first round pick” and then calling a second a first, just because it’s high in the second round. I get draft value, a lot of the prospects around there are similar, but it’s still a second rounder. That’s why they have different rounds and not just one massive chucklefug round of drafting. Also a pet peeve, when someone says SF gave up 3 firsts to move up to number 3 overall. No, they gave up 2 firsts. They still have a first round pick this year and did not lose 3 total firsts. That bugs the hell out of me when people talk about trading. Always used to make a trade sound worse than it is. Nobody asked but I wanted to vent
  2. Good to hear, buddy. Wilson’s a great prospect and I hope he works out for you guys. Sam is extremely young for how long he’s been in the NFL, he’s like 23? Should be 24 when the year starts I think, but already has 3 years playing experience. Our coaching staff did wonders last season with our roster so they really could make a big difference with him. A capable QB1 was really the difference between 5-11 and a playoff appearance. So many games where we had the ball with the game on the line, and Teddy simply couldn’t make plays. It’s definitely going to be interesting. We went 5-11 and one of those wins was PJ Walker, Teddy was 4-11. Not good.
  3. I’ll be honest, I didn’t want Darnold at all at first. But now that it’s already happened and I’ve learned more about his situation, I’m okay with it. I mean, we gave up a first rounder for Everette Brown. If we can potentially land a QB who can make plays with the guys we have on offense, it truly is a steal. We have playmakers, we just need somebody to get them the ball and not check down on 4th and 8 with the game on the line. I’m optimistic. Still wanted Trey Lance though lol
  4. Welcome! Seems like Jets fans have a soft spot for Darnold. He appears to be a good kid who has had poor coaching. Really hoping he works out. He definitely has more potential than Teddy, so at this point I’m all in. I’m hyped about our new QB coach as well, which apparently Darnold hasn’t had in a couple years. Pretty bad when your HC is Gase and he is HC, OC, and QB coach. I think you got a good one in Saleh.
  5. Apparently NYJ didn’t even have a QB coach on staff the last 2 years. It was Gase as HC, OC, and QB coach. Idk what they were doing up there but Sean Ryan has his work cut out for him
  6. At least we finally beat them once this year. That was the trigger that broke Arthur Blank and got Quinn fired. I was tired of them stomping us with Rivera. And Rivera not benching Haskins cost us as well. Damn you, Ron! *shakes fist at cloud*
  7. That 2010 season was truly something special. Lame duck coach, owner trying to save money for the lockout, and a quarterback who was devoid of any ability. We had some talented players too in DWill, Stew, Smitty, etc. but man that team was ass.
  8. Hey, I said I’m trying to be optimistic haha. If the Darnold trade ends up blowing up in our face and he sucks, then we’re in the same purgatory situation next year, it’s definitely worth getting concerned about. I’m just gonna roll with it until then
  9. I’m kind of looking at it like this: staff clearly wasn’t happy with Teddy. The contract for him was ass. We realized it simply was not going to work with him going forward, and we weren’t happy with who potentially would be there at QB at 8. I’m glad they made a move which still lets us keep our 8 pick, while still upgrading at QB. After watching a year of Teddy I’m really okay with anybody else. At least Darnold has more arm talent and potential. Teddy’s just going to be a highly paid backup until 2022, unfortunately. Sucks having mediocre players on big salaries, but whatever. It’s not my money. I’m really just trying to be optimistic, though.
  10. We let Bradberry walk and signed Theodore Bridgewater to a $60M+ contract, so we’re not doing much better. I’m going to give Darnold a chance before I criticize him, though. We have much better weapons than NY and he has better arm talent than Teddy. He could, maybe, just possibly, do well if Joe Brady and company can coach him up. I also like our new QB coach.
  11. At this point I’m hoping they go OT at 8. Sewell or Slater, please!
  12. A “career year” of 15 passing touchdowns, it’s wild how he was so hyped up. I agree with you, but the more it’s sunk in I think Darnold will be much better than Teddy. Our new QB coach worked with Watson (despite his recent stuff he’s a great QB) and Stafford. Darnold already has a year with 19 touchdowns, more than Teddy has ever had. He’s young. It’s the optimist in me, but I think it could work out if our coaching staff is up to snuff. Maybe I’m just trying to convince myself it’ll all be okay. Deep breaths... deep breaths
  13. RIP hopes of Trey Lance. At least I won’t be as anxious heading into the draft. We should be able to draft a good player with the huge run on QB’s that’s likely to happen
  14. Lmfao. I won’t judge him until he’s given a fair shake, but damn. A second rounder? Jesus. This reeks of desperation.
  15. If we trade for him then it reeks of even more desperation than we’ve already shown this off-season. Please no
  16. He wasn’t very good early on but he improved quite a bit last year. Par for the course of the Panthers losing CB’s they’ve drafted after their best season
  17. I want Lenoir just because of his name. I want to hear announcers say that every week after a pass deflection or tackle
  18. With Dimitroff I could see them doing this, he had no problem adding receiving talent. Not sure what their new GM is like. They still have Hurst so it’s not the biggest need, but Pitts is extremely talented. Just have to wait and see. Them not taking a QB or trading down with someone who is is a win, IMO.
  19. Badger deserves respect. He’s the bro we all need when things get tough.
  20. Same. Keep Corey Brown far, far away, but Philly was great depth and had some good plays for us.
  21. Yeah, that's my worst case scenario. Falcons drafting a QB at 4 and he ends up owning us for a decade, while we're stuck in QB purgatory. I honestly think Ryan has a lot left in the tank, but with the new coach/GM it's hard to tell what they're thinking. I still think they go defense, but no one really knows anything. These top 10 picks are going to be intriguing
  22. They have been trading machines, and with Pitts, Waddle, Smith, and Chase all being viable options with another trade down, it wouldn’t surprise me if a team like Denver gave them another future first rounder to move up for a QB. They’d be able to get one of their weapons and still get a haul for the future. I guess I shouldn’t have said they will “probably” trade down again, but it wouldn’t shock me at all if they do
  23. I really think ATL will go defense unless someone trades up with them. CIN is going either OT or Chase, since Burrow has been pushing for him with the front office. They should go OT but they might pick Chase. then it’s really just Miami and Detroit. I have no idea what they will do. Miami is probably trying to trade down again to collect those sweet picks. This is gonna be the most interesting draft I can remember in the top 10. I’m just hoping that we can have our choice of either Fields or Lance at 8. I prefer Lance, but I wouldn’t be upset with Fields. Fingers crossed, if Jones really goes at 3 then things could fall our way
  24. All those mirrors around the bed gives me Christian Bale vibes from American Psycho where’s he’s checking himself out in the mirror while going to town on some young lady.
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