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Everything posted by TheMostInterestingMan

  1. Look, I agree with the sentiment. And I wont pitch a fit if we do take a QB because we have to at some point. But I am more making the point that there is a counter argument. A lot of people believe this is a poor QB class. And if our staff believes that then I don't want them taking one based solely on need. Personally, I think the class next year has numerous prospects ahead of this years class. If we could get a long term LT this year then that is what I would do. But I am typically a Panthers optimist. If we draft a QB then I will absolutely rally behind him. But suggesting that passing on a QB at 6 is stupid is silly to me. It seems nearly a consensus across the league that these QBs are only being talked about as 1st round prospects because it is a very weak class at the position. Idgaf how good Willis looks physically, I said last season I wouldn't touch Lance that high and I wouldn't touch a QB from Liberty that high either.
  2. Do you think that drafting another Sam Darnold/Teddy Bridewater is the answer? lmfao Do we need a QB? Yes. Does that mean you should reach for a QB? Please... You want a QB. So do I. But you have to base these decisions in reality. Good news for you is a don't trust this staff to do that.
  3. Nobody is saying that. Its just that most of us don't really believe there is a franchise QB to be had in this draft. And if a division rival is mortgaging their future on what many of us believe is likely a miss then I would assume we are all good with that. In all likelihood, Pickett is the best QB in this draft class. And that doesn't get anyone excited. Willis, while a physical freak, is at best a long term project but I will be pretty surprised to see him turn into a quality starting QB. My favorite QB prospect is Corral but I wouldn't touch him as high as #6. I just don't think any of these guys are game changers. So yeah, personally I hope the Saints continue to piss away picks to blow on one of them.
  4. I’ve been on the Corral train out of this group for awhile now, but ultimately I want a LT and hope we draft a QB next year. Granted seeing another year of Darnold isn’t very appealing but I think we can really build a strong Oline with a LT for our rookie next year if we go this route
  5. While I agree with you to some extent, you also have to be reasonable. While I don’t expect us to win 13 games this season and take the division, you couldn’t reasonably part with him at the end of the year if he managed to pull that off. Based on what I’ve seen so far, I expect him to underperform, miss the playoffs and hopefully get sent packing at the end of the year. But if he makes a playoff run or takes the division somehow then you can’t cut him lose. He’ll have earned another year.
  6. I definitely do. He can make all the throws, he’s the most proven and he has the quickest release. If we go QB (which at this point I’m still in the LT camp) then I hope Corral is the guy.
  7. The closest option in the poll is making the playoffs. But at this point there are only two scenarios I am on board with. Either winning the division or winning a playoff game. He needs to accomplish one of the above to restore my faith.
  8. He’s definitely my pick. I still don’t really love taking him at 6 but if we go QB at 6 then I hope Corral is the guy.
  9. Well, it’s certainly not the Carolina Huddle lol
  10. At least when we have sucked in the past, I could get excited about the draft half way through the season. Now, if we trade away all of our draft assets and lose half of our defense, its gonna get completely boring by the time October rolls around lol
  11. Everyday is pi day if you treat them that way
  12. Nah, I gave them too much credit. I had our draft ranked 25th that year lol
  13. As a cat person, I can pretty safely say that watching kittens play for a few hours rather than the Panthers trying to play for a few hours would probably be a better and more fulfilling use of my time on Sundays at this point.
  14. Hell, that's my ideal scenario. I don't want Watson because the cost is too high for a rebuilding team imo, but I don't want Rhule either. That's best case for me lol.
  15. Burns, Moore, CMC and maybe Horn and Chinn depending on what they show me this year. Chinn SHOULD be if played in the correct position and I am a big fan of Horn but we have only seen a few games out of him so far so its hard to say. EDIT: I think Shaq Thompson could be deserving of a late 1st. He isn't a world beater but there are a lot of 1sts that bust and what Shaq has lacked in star ability, he has made up for in reliability since Luke left.
  16. Not gonna lie, if we land a LT at 6 and get Winston then I'll be pretty damn pleased lol
  17. No, I hear your logic and get it. But I just personally think parting ways would make sense now if we can get a first. To be honest, I don't believe in drafting RBs in the first so I guess almost by default I feel like getting a 1st for one is never a BAD trade. CMC is definitely much more than just a RB though. But by the time we are competing again I feel like his best days will be well behind him
  18. Well I disagree with that. I could be wrong but I really don’t believe he’s here next season. I truly don’t.
  19. No, but we are probably on course to be a perineal playoff team beginning this season. It’s an extremely young core of guys, with a Kenna drafted replacement that made his first all star appearance in his second season and the Hornets are considered to be one of the most exciting young teams in the league. We probably are in the playoffs for the next 4-5 seasons
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