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Everything posted by panthers55

  1. I agree he got shafted but I think he is more than a game manager. He took Cleveland on his back in 2018 as a rookie and took them from winless in 2017 to 7-9 or almost breakeven. That isn't a game manager but a fiery guy who single handed improved them and everyone around him. And in 2020 took them to the playoffs for the first time since 1994. That isn't a game manager but someone like Cam who carried the team.
  2. I can't abide the weasel. With that smirk on his face I want to smack the taste out of his mouth. If he was the coach it would test my fandom.
  3. Because we aren't Cleveland and didn't go 0-16 last year like they did coming into his rookie year. And Baker now has 4 years of starting experience and has playoff win experience instead of just coming out of college totally green. And even then Cleveland improved by 7 games in a tough division. So how will what he did there be related to now given the schemes and teams are totally different? I dont think it will if we do use a West Coast offense and let the players excel after the catch. Anyone who knows football will see the disingenuousness of connecting the two. But I want to see the stats for wins and losses at the end of the year which are the only stats that matter. I think 7-9 are reasonable if CMC doesnt miss a lot of time.
  4. I can tell you what I hope. I hope we will be competitive in the first and second half. I hope that we will make better adjustments on offense and defense after halftime. I expect that adding Wilkes will improve our secondary to the point our line can avoid selling out to get pressure and get gashed around the end on every run. I think Pasqualoni will run more stunts and use more 4 and 5 man fronts. I think that guys like Wilkes will help Snow tremendously and teach him about nfl adjustments. Snow is smart and inclusive so I don't think the defense steps back in points allowed and passing defense. Running yards per play should go down as will sacks if we stop the run first which is the mantra of just about every defensive coordinator. I find it hard to pinpoint an exact record or game by game result given injuries and other issues like Covid. But I am taking the over on the Vegas line of 6.5 wins. It went up a half game due to Baker.
  5. Managing what? Timeouts and challenges. He won't be calling plays and won't be determining who plays what or where. If McAdoo is competent that is worlds ahead of where we were the past 2 years.
  6. You put too much emphasis on Rhule this year. We have competent NFL folks around to actually coach while he does his process rah rah.
  7. Baker has had his issues over the years but when you dump the most successful QB you have had in over 20 years for a guy with all those legal issues, you better make Baker look pretty bad or risk alienating your fanbase big time. He is getting a bad rap even for him.
  8. Not sure these low win totals are a product of what folks think or they have PTSD from the last several years and don't want to go out on a limb and be disappointed again.
  9. Then Baker should win the competition hands down. Everyone deserved the chance to compete and if Datbold is the best in camp then he should start. McAdoo wont be looking at last year at all. It is all about the now.
  10. I already told you that was stupid logic, now you just doubled down again with more stupidity. So New England fans are the most knowledgable because of Brady. Or maybe Philly fans who have been to two superbowls but they won one are more knowledgable than Panther fans because we lost both of ours? Stop with the ignorance. Everyone sees it but you.
  11. The biggest argument against overvaluing athleticism and physical qualities versus results on the field is Darnold himself. He is a very athletic guy and has all the physical attributes you want in a qb. The comparison between him and Baker or Corral isn't close. But clearly there is much more involved in finding a franchise qb or he would have more success than he has. So.lets stop with the Corral is athletic comments. On the list of necessary attributes that makes the top 10 but not the top 3 for sure.
  12. Using that logic then panther fans who have never had back to back winning seasons don't know much either. But that is stupid logic. Because I am fan of a struggling team doesn't mean I personally dont know what good football looks like. Do you even read what you type once you sober up. You should be embarrassed enough to stop instead of keep doubling down with even more stupidity.
  13. You clearly don't have a clue I agree. So I will let it go since you never do no matter how uninformed you may be. But I have followed Mayfield given my daughter lives in Cleveland and while she is a Panther fan, her husband's family are long suffering Browns fans and I am very familiar with his successes and failures. So honestly very little of what you say is true or the feelings of Browns fan. Most of them are pretty unhappy they got rid of Mayfield.
  14. It is Cleveland. They traded for a guy who won't play this year. Then they trashed Baker. He got a raw deal which is great for us. Baker has got a huge boulder on his shoulder and is going to give it his all. I for one think he he is the real deal.
  15. Fitterer said he talked to a lot of guys who went to bat for Mayfield unsolicited. Everyone he talked to had positive comments. He turned the Browns around from a joke to contender and will do the same here. He is a proven winner every where he has gone. No reason to think this will be any different. You seem the one out in left field on this one.
  16. Baker a failed quarterback? I want what you are smoking. Baker took a terrible team and turned them into a playoff team in 3 years. In fact he is one of the best QBs to ever play for Cleveland. The only failure here is your post.
  17. It is obviously early but so far folks who watched the press conference expecting Baker to trash Cleveland were disappointed. Baker said all the right things. Will it continue?? Let's see. But going to a franchise where in your rookie year you produce more wins than in the past 3 years tends to give you a big head. I think that popped when he got ceremoniously cast aside for Watson. I also think much of the bad teammate rhetoric which is being hammered by a few folks is actually countered by his teammates in college and the pros. Right now he is the expected starter unless Darnold can unseat him. He is in a contract year looking for his next contract. I expect him to be on his best behavior and be an excellent teammate. He has 10s of millions of reasons to do just that.
  18. McAdoo is a proven commodity but he has yet to call a play for us. I imagine he is an upgrade but will wait to see what he does with the offense and especially what kind of adjustments he makes in the second half.
  19. Funny how folks on the Corral train have literally no NFL play to back them up yet he is already the best talent. He is the most physically talented yet he has no combine stats or pro day stats at all. Truth is there is virtually no evidence that he is or was a better quarterback in college or he is more physically athletic than Mayfield who is a proven commodity. I understand extreme fandom but this is ridiculous. We all hope Corral is excellent but the jury is out. His college numbers look a lot like another college qb we drafted in the third round, Will Greer who threw for the same 8 thousand yards in 3 years first at Florida and then at West Virginia.
  20. Again based on college not the pros. Baker is proven Corrall is a hope.
  21. And Corral will be given chances in training camp and the preseason to show what he can do. But until then he is a 3rd round value pick who we hope was a steal and potentially a franchise guy. But until then Baker Mayfield is a playoff winning quarterback who took a team that didn't win a game in 2017 and went 7-9 his rookie year. Obviously we were not willing to put the team into his hands hence the Mayfield trade. If we draft another one next year you can assume they aren't yet satisfied.
  22. I was always my own biggest critic. I don't know that anyone had to tell what I did wrong. I always appreciated someone who could help me figure out what to do instead. Because most times folks are happy to tell you what you did wrong but were real short on productive help or solutions. And if you can't do that then criticism is wasted.
  23. It isn't disrespect it is lets wait and see how he plays. At this point he has taken 0 snaps un the NFL. How much respect do you think he deserves when he has done nothing yet.
  24. I want the guy with the best chance to win. That means the guy who plays the best. I am tired of losing week in and week out. Last year we won 2 games at home. That really sucks.
  25. But he is already paid for and at this point better than PJ or Corral. If they prove to be better than we might be able to make a change but Corral has had injury problems in college. Guys in the nfl are bigger and stronger. Hopefully Corral won't get snapped like a twig. But Corral he done anything to show he should be the backup? At this point nothing.
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