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Everything posted by NorthTryon

  1. And Tepper did a bullshit interview with their OC with zero intention of hiring him, then sat in Rhule's driveway waiting on him to return from vacation in hopes to steal him away from Giants without formal damn interview! Our organization is on some joke status nowadays.
  2. They all(d-line) had plays where they looked overwhelmed and outmatched. That end around where Burns ran himself completely out of the play was just sad, but everyone else and yes D. Brown were just getting blasted off the ball too. When your best players look terrible and out of position, it is the coaching/scheme.
  3. He will walk in the halls of the greats before him. His name shall echo in eternity with names like Mike Davis! GMs will talk for the next 2 to 3 seasons of the great things he did this year in Carolina!
  4. The only difference is that they deliberately went out and got Allen some weapons. They were calling designed runs and he took off purposely from the pocket a lot last night. Beane is just not going to sit there and let him have zero weapons. The kid was really meh until they went and got Stephon Diggs. You all remember him from the would've, could've files of yesteryear. I like to briefly think hypothetically of Beane being the GM, listening to our then WR coach, selecting Devante Adams over KB, selecting Stephon Diggs over Funchess, not trading any picks to do so, and our championship window not being slammed shut after one and a half seasons.
  5. He is in fact off the leash! The national media has ran with it being his idea and a bad look with little follow up. Team definitely needs to win or woweeee on Monday.
  6. Man come on, four tackles and a half a sack. Again Hoskins didn't jump off the screen. Now people are alluding to the fact of off field issues that the brass didn't like. That makes more sense than this lack of production argument and people can say what they want, but 5th rounders should be more than flier picks. Everyone complains about how we cannot build a consistent winner and then in the same breath will say so what it was a 5th rounder.
  7. Probably, instantly shows you are reaching for something. I don't need you to explain player maturity and give me some soccer dad take on players you know very little about. I was saying if a 2nd year, 5th round pick all of a sudden doesn't have the skill to play in the NFL, what does that say about our regime? See above response and I watched the games. Secondly, when you watch the games you as a fan barely know what the assignments are and what the coaches are asking them to do so spare me. Don't get excited because you have a bunch of posts on a message board and think you really know football. Hoskins got blown off the ball, has trouble with leverage, and doesn't even register playing against 3rd and 4th string talent. I don't know maybe that's what Rhule wants. I truly am tired of this team wasting draft picks in trades and picking bums who don't pan out this quickly. And they were praising him less than a week ago.
  8. They drafted a player, he got injured and he can't even get a practice squad spot after one year? Then amongst each other they feel he didn't have the skill to play NFL Football. And he was cut to keep Hoskins? Make it make sense.
  9. Ron who was just too backward for words and loyal to a fault with vets according to some gave Sam Howell quite a bit of practice reps as well as some game reps with 1st and 2nd team players. Corral was picking up the last few fragmented reps left by PJ since he stepped onto the practice field. And that's the way uh huh Rhule liked it!
  10. Thanks for playing the hits and touching down to the surface.
  11. Vernon had like one game where he had a a couple of series of disruptive plays. Gettleman actually closed our championship window with this draft.
  12. 1. Mmmmhhmmm 2. You probably right. His quotes on one guy doing well and then another battling back the next day just made me sigh.
  13. Yes, yes I do. Because he is a football coach. And weren't you the one saying McVay wasn't that special? Coach of the Year award winning Sean McVay, as well as the award itself isn't that impressive. I believe your words were "look back at the list the last twenty years, nothing special".
  14. And none of this would've mattered yet again if Jaquiski Tartt doesn't drop this interception. This is like congratulating an accountant for being good with numbers. I for one expect an NFL level head coach to be able to have a good memory.
  15. Yeah, they made the playoffs his first year in Washington. Also five of those coaches you act like are nobodies are ten times what we have now in a truly laughable HC like Rhule. It is convenient to leave off models of consistency in past award winners like McVay, Belichick, Reid, and Arians. But I digress, hopefully our shiny new toy of a HC will win more than five games this year.
  16. Well also the truly great coaches catch lightning in a bottle with all pieces. Look at Jimmy Johnson in Dallas. Their trades, drafts, everything was a smooth assembly line. Then look at Jimmy in Miami. Panther coaches have always had to deal with suspect GMs. Imagine if Gettleman would've listened to coaching staff as Proehl wanted them to draft Diggs and Adams. Imagine if Hurney would've got something out of the later rounds consistently. Rivera and Fox would've looked like better coaches. I believe Rivera got a lot out of the roster especially in the years he won the award. And the thing about coaches is do they look dominant at times. At times Rivera looked dominant. Now we don't even look competent. I am reserved to see what comes with these changes in putting guys that are more qualified to be the HC on the staff.
  17. I see that, but also the man's QB got hurt. We were 6-2 until Cam got hurt second to last year, then the next year they won five games in a row with Kyle Allen. I feel like Tepper wanted his guy so bad he just quickly ushered in the next era of suck.
  18. I would say that the two seasons where he won the award were special seasons as one being where he gained his foot hold and the other was just dominant! And you have to come off of that curmudgeonly attitude bruv. Coach of the year definitely is nothing to sneeze at. The list is pretty solid outside of the pair of Bears' coaches Jauron and Nagy. I will give you those two, especially Nagy, oh yeah and Jason Garrett. If we are talking shite coaches, you always have a point with Jason Garrett.
  19. I still find it hilarious how you all hate on a two time NFL coach of the year. Look at what is here now. What-everrrrrrr!
  20. LMAO! Yes he did. You don't apparently because you still say things like if Wiseman would've been there he would have been the pick. You have no clue what would've happened and saying that is lame. This doesn't surprise me as you epitomize lameness as evidenced by all the quoting. Also, that is revisionist history about Wiseman and I would take your bet, but who really is going to remember in 3-5 years when you can get a real body of work to choose from? Joel in Philly looked like a bust and now look at him. Ben Simmons was an All-Star and now won't even play. I'm sorry dude, but I'm just not going to care enough to be arguing with you by the time their careers pan out.
  21. This is how I know you know nothing about sports and just another fanatic. 10 times the athlete, but couldn't do anything but muster 4 fouls and 7 points against an actual good team like Gonzaga. Oh and the vaunted Houston squad who couldn't even muster 50 points against Villanova who was blown out in the final four. Yeah, they were as good as Duke. Tell me you know nothing about basketball without telling me you know nothing about basketball. They sat Nick Richards to start Williams genius! You keep harping on how slow and unathletic Williams is, but he played better against the same competition(Gonzaga) earlier in the season. You get hit with stats and you say they don't matter. You get hit with reason and logic. That don't matter either. You are officially trolling. And, you can eat a bag of dicks for thinking I'm a Duke fan. My family is legacy Tarheels, we're just not non athlete fanatic punks who can't be objective when describing basketball, because we actually know basketball. An earlier post said UNC fans like you give UNC fans a bad rap because one you can't recognize anything positive about a Duke player your pro team drafted and two you're trying to drag the greatest Tar Heel in pro history through the mud claiming things you know nothing about. Herp derp "Jordan only doing this for the money". Glad you gave up your season tickets, so others can scoop them and actually be real fans not just some punk with money in his pocket who knows very little about ball taking up the seats.
  22. You are comparing them because people are bringing up legit reasons why you are off base and you have no rebuttal. Just typing all emotional and yelling at the screen. It is going to be okay. I obviously watched Duren in a far weaker conference playing far weaker competition get lost in pick and rolls, abused in the post, and struggle with defending big men who could shoot. Then we he played serious competition from a team that had people as tall as him(Gonzaga) and he couldn't even stay on the floor with four of the dumbest fouls ever. I get it, the kid looks good in a uniform, but at this point it is starting to be a question about your basketball knowledge. Stop talking about Summer League like it was the playoffs! And you obviously didn't watch Summer League because Mark Williams started over Nick Richards in the Chicago and Cleveland games. And again, I was you. I was angry about the trade more so because teams can win without playing small ball i.e. the Milwaukee Bucks. I was thinking two big men in the east especially growing up together would be cool and how dominant they could be together defensively. Then I started thinking about having five or so other players between 6'9" and 6'11" on the team. You are immediately telling Kai Jones, Richards, PJ. Washington, and JT Thor thanks but no thanks with very little evaluation. This was the move they made and it is going to take some years before you are fully vindicated. Summer league is not the NBA Finals.
  23. I get where you're coming from man. I want to be better than play in game eligible. I actually predicted in a mock that Duren and Williams would be our picks and was ecstatic when that was the move. I was super disappointed when they made the trade and received a later pick for next year. But all of the issues you argue about Williams were said directly about Duren. After watching summer league he has some growing up to do. He was the one bent over taking gasping breaths and he played what six more minutes a game. He got put in ball screens and gave up layups over and over. He took jump shots and missed them badly. He also threw some good passes, had some nice finishes, and made some blocks. He and Williams looked pretty much similar. But right now, Williams is a better FT shooter, and played better in college. The huge chasm that you argue exists actually doesn't. I get that Duren is younger, but these one and done big men have a history of flaming out. And if you are drafting off of potential, it doesn't make sense to have both with Kai, Thor, and Richards already on your roster. The point that he can't start over Richards was put to rest as they made Richards sit and started Williams against Chicago. They both played well at times and so so other times. And trust me, I watched both during summer league intensely for the same reasons as you.
  24. Sounds like he was spot on to me. Baker is a turnover machine because he is a short pocket passer with small hands and Sam can't pass worth a damn. Add to that nugget that now Sam has PTSD. Then think about the fact that Baker whiffed with a real life video game roster offense. Someone said McAdoo should leave the scouting to the scouts. McAdoo may have a very stupid haircut, but he wasn't too far off with his assessment.
  25. After a while, people in these situations always end up just wanting it to go away.
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