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Everything posted by NorthTryon

  1. Because you are hating. That is a first class organization and the definition of consistency. I dislike abject hating for no reason. You over here talking about playoff collapses and we haven't sniffed the playoffs in years. We haven't even had the chance to collapse. I wish we had a coach that could consistently get us into the tournament.
  2. A bit misleading. Have you heard of the AFC least? The Bengals have had good years. Marvin Lewis made the playoffs for years and just couldn't win a game. They were even more consistent as far as reaching the postseason than we have been. Stop calling them the Bungals. Browns, you have a point. It is not misleading and quit trying to downplay this man's success. We have no room to talk. It comes off as some hating ass bullshit.
  3. See above post! These Panther fans would be even worse with the unwarranted hate.
  4. 1st coach in NFL history to achieve this feat as well as being number 2 in all time wins with same QB and you label him as "Ok". I don't even know if our fans know what a good coach is at this point. Yet you all cried and whined about Rivera cause he didn't have back to back winning seasons! This is literally the picture of consistency and its just "ok". This take is about as goofy as our damn owner.
  5. I didn't want him here when I saw Kirby Smart outcoach him in the Sugar Bowl and UGA had 13 players out
  6. Fun fact, Tepper wanted to fire Tomlin when he was minority owner of the Steelers. He was emphatically overruled. Another fun fact. Mike Tomlin has never had a losing season. He would never come coach for our whack ace owner who definitely wants someone who looks and talks just like he does. That's why he was waiting in the driveway of our current debacle of a coach.
  7. I see that nonsense so much on fan comments across the interwebs comparing Cam and Brady. A couple of weeks ago when Saints pitched shut out and Brady was cussing out coaches, refs, other players someone posted a gif of Cam falling after a missed field goal. The caption was "I'd still take over this guy any day". Another was when we resigned Cam, some old chick put "he's no Tom Brady". What these morons don't care to analyze are the same reasons we hate guys like Brady. The entire league has changed the day Brady's knee was hurt on a routine tackle. The league mandated we are going to protect our franchise QBs and subsequently till this day you can't touch Brady. We had to watch Cam get absolutely ear holed over and over and over to open 2016 season against the team we lost to in the championship. And Brady has never had to play that opener in his career and he's been to what nine more SuPEr Bowls than Cam. Brady is the outlier because no one will have that weak ass garbage excuse of a division, a coach that blatantly cheats, a league that's on board, and the owner/QB/Coach connection for twenty years in the history of the National Football League ever again. When people don't acknowledge these things when talking about Brady, I know who I'm dealing with immediately.
  8. Could've had him for a few million off the FA heap. Instead traded assets for Sammy. What a bunch of nincompoops.
  9. Exactly. With Cam everything was RPO and runs. They let Sam run actual drop back pass plays. Defenses are sitting on whatever is ran now. Yeah, choosing apathy.
  10. When I saw him get outcoached by Kirby Smart in the Sugar Bowl when UGA had 13 players out, I wanted this franchise to have nothing to do with him.
  11. I just remember Tepper talking about "building something", us not winning right away, and fans should expect the issues of growing pains. I too am hoping he sincerely doesn't feel like this is part of the process of building a contender and Rhule should stay. But then I remember this is the guy who tried like hell to get Mike Tomlin fired in Pittsburgh and this man has never had a losing season.
  12. That's what is really sad. Fitterer talking about wanting all the picks and acquiring a million last draft just to give them all away this year. They would all be top 10 picks in each round, but we only have like three draft picks! And we owe money to QBs, that may or may not be on the roster! And we have a bunch of assets that at least deserve a look at negotiating to bring back. I thought we were done with the Hurney era!
  13. I wonder how he would've faired if the center stepped on his foot like he did Cam's. I'll play the what about-ism game though. At LeAst CaM didn'T tHrow An inTeRcePtioN oFF his BacK fOOt inTo ThRee dEEp Zone CoVeraGe!
  14. My friend and I were talking about how absurd it was that Joe Brady was an actual NFL head coaching candidate this spring as well as fans calling for their teams to give him a call currently. He was like word on the street was he was super cocky and aggressive in his interviews. I retorted because that is how scam artists operate! He knew he wasn't ready to lead a team and Rhule did too. Even the lowly Jets told Rhule you cannot come here unless you get some significant NFL coaching experience on your staff. Tepper waited in his driveway for him to return from vacation. Jesuz Christ-0.
  15. @LinvilleGorge said in another thread how they looked terrible after the scripted plays were over. This definitely alludes to that fact as it looked like they only had schemed about 10-15 at most. As a comparison, Norv Turner used to scheme 25 minimum and that was just to start a game. Dan Henning reverted back to a season's worth of instillations when the Patriots cheated in the 03 Championship to make the 2nd half competitive. That's why even though they are technically in playoff contention still, who would want to show up just to get massively outcoached in the postseason.
  16. Yeah, that was clearly pitch and catch. What is funny is they went prevent that early. I mean don't these coaches look at anything from the failed regimes that precede them?
  17. I was thinking the same thing. I was like wow, now that is a real combination right there. Then it was painstakingly clear that they had nothing after that. Start of the second half, boom same thing. Falcons didn't know what hit them. Then, they literally had nothing. Who would imagine how lame duck Rhule would be when hired? This is abysmal.
  18. They are going to have to make adjustments quicker. That was the knock on the last coaching staff. You get one play and a bounce back attempt. After that, move on for the game. WFT did that with Gibson yesterday. Once he fumbled, he was done for the whole first half because he was shook about it.
  19. If you remember, Star left because we didn't act like we wanted him. We were slow to offer a contract and in the end we were outbid by a miniscule amount because of how we went about negotiations. His Buffalo contract was only ten million a year. And if we would have resigned him, by the time KK's injuries started rearing their head we would've had maneuverability to shed some money. The first part of the statement is based on hindsight which is 20/20. But I always felt like Star was greater to our success because of the consistent stonewalling of opponents run game and the results were Luke got to run freely. The great Ray Lewis once threw a very public tantrum when the Ravens let all of their space occupying DTs go for pass rushers because he knew how they keep big ass interior lineman off middle backers.
  20. That was number 2-3 dumbest move they have made in the last ten years. He instantly made and kept Buffalo's d-line relevant. The thing I notice about Brown is he never keeps rush lane integrity! He just operates out of control giving any QB with a decent set of legs ability to scramble in his gap consistently! Heinecke did it yesterday on a couple of big third down plays! If you maintain gap integrity, those are sacks!
  21. It seemed there was holding called on every nice rhythm run we had. And to an inexperienced coordinator, its like oh well on to something else. You have to keep at it, especially if you want that to be your identity.
  22. Yeah cause what they ran yesterday looked exactly like what Darnold has been running all year. Really, it looked a tad more complex. Literally no one was open on that last play. Why wouldn't you bring CMC out of the backfield and let him torch a LB? What made me mad was WFT beat us with that same ole Norv Turner/Dan Henning feed the stud and it was Mclaurin!
  23. He definitely was like that is a pretty disciplined defense except for Jermaine Carter and Donte Jackson. And they preceded to throw at or over both all game long! It definitely looked like the hot new shiny league college guy with a better team versus a two time league coach of the year!
  24. Where did they get this guy? They need to look at all options in offseason even bringing back Trai next year on a cheap deal. This Jordan guy is horrendous. I say start Brady at tackle and Daley at left guard.
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