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Cary Kollins

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Everything posted by Cary Kollins

  1. Sam’s wins: healthy CMC, healthy offensive line, healthy defense including Horn. Full off-season of preparation Cam’s starts: busted up or no CMC, offensive line in shambles, defense playing like ass, thrown into the playbook mid-season
  2. I mean not sure what else Rhule is supposed to say. I didn’t really expect him to say “fug it, i suck donkey ass and these nfl coaches are bit tougher than when I went up against Memphis, Tulsa and SMU”.
  3. Boggles the mind how Brady didn’t have Cam throwing to CMC from the get-go yesterday. Matchup nightmare.
  4. New from The Athletic: Rivera, like any head coach, desires a star quarterback. But this time he wants one with different, more replicable skills. “I want a quarterback to be part of our offense, not the offense,” he told The Athletic. “I wanted to be balanced, because losing Cam like we did … I kept thinking, ‘Gosh, that’s what happens when you rely on a quarterback so much.’” No fugging poo Ron. This right here sums up why Ron will always be a mediocre head coach at best. Good luck WFT, better hope you land a once in a generation type QB talent to mask your coaching deficiencies.
  5. I would be concerned about the shoulder if Cam didn’t already prove he can still throw deep multiple times this preseason.
  6. They better kiss the damn ring after that 1-5 stretch.
  7. Could have used some editing, but whatever funky Friday baby Cam is back
  8. I was thinking what better time to bring back the dab.
  9. These players have one job, to win, and this team is 1-5 in their last six games. Shaq is a leader and acting like it. Sure he could have been more media friendly about it, but can’t be mad at him for being laser focused on the game he’s going to play in three days.
  10. I think it’s newsworthy considering Cam was critical of the current Panthers FO on the platform.
  11. interesting Sounds like Rhule and Cam first spoke Monday night, wonder if something was brewing prior to that convo.
  12. Not sure if noted yet….but You have to wonder if Cam’s Instagram posts he put out prior to being let go by the Panthers in 2020 came up in conversations with Matt Rhule. Either way, seems like Cam is taking a break from his IG for a minute.
  13. Tepper and Rhule better wear their best ass kissing lipstick.
  14. I’m not crying I’m crying. But it just makes too much sense. My god, talk about jump starting this franchise and getting a pulse back, not to mention butts in the seats. dear god, let’s fuging go
  15. I was wondering about this yesterday. Like, even for low level content producers, it has to be rough when the business product is complete ass.
  16. It’s bad but not 2010 or even Chris Weinke bad.
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