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Everything posted by countryboi

  1. I listened to this same group ask why Tepper doesnt speak to the media, why doesnt he address the fans. this is definitely why.
  2. It should’ve been easy to see if this wasn’t going to work out. Sadly if he found a halfway decent quarterback he would most likely still be here.
  3. Everybody got a different opinion til you back up the money truck.
  4. This aint the first time the Bills called about CMC, I dont believe anything has changed. This aint a fire sale, Wilks and Fitt are going to be expected to win.
  5. I mean if your house is a mess are you going to invite people over?
  6. Everyone that should be considered a core piece is still under contract, what’s the problem?
  7. Everything thats old is new again, we don’t need the bills to copy us when we can copy ourselves.
  8. The rumor that Wilks was not a fan of snows scheme is sounding real true right now
  9. Fitt ain’t going anywhere. He was most likely the person that fired Rhule
  10. I doubt it not because I don’t want him here but I think it’s best for us to just continue to go our separate ways at this point.
  11. he is going to get fired, its just a matter of time. what ever happens happens
  12. Today tomorrow next month, Rhule is getting fired at some point and none of it will save the season.
  13. All that you have seen from the panthers and this is the hill you die on?
  14. it has to be a really slow news day, this just in: water may or may not be wet?
  15. Secondary and thats not a coincidence because Wilks is a legit coach, or like scot said Oline
  16. this roster is filled with talent, we just dont have have quality offensive coaching or more importantly QB play
  17. I’m sick of this offense, this is brutal
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