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Everything posted by dave-o

  1. My love for the NFL has all but gone away but I'll take whoever plays Dallas...
  2. I heard the Colts gave the game ball to Bryce...
  3. Thats crazy... My family moved from Waynesboro, Va. in 1985 right after I graduated from HS.. They were originally from Lynchburg... We were die hard Redskins fans up until the Panthers rolled in to town...
  4. I spoke with him briefly many years ago... What a nice guy !! Well deserved !!
  5. I love Charlotte... And if I made a million dollars a game I would really like it !!
  6. When your team is so bad you resort to bitchin' about bitchin' on a message board !! Keep pounding !!
  7. I'm just hoping Jared Goff's girlfriend gets some Taylor Swift TV time... The game's gonna be painful to watch...
  8. Everytime this thread pops up I read it as CJ Stroud is terrified...
  9. The Cowgirls game here this year will be an away game for us....
  10. What a d.ick head thing to say.... Comparing real life to a message board.... A true POS thing to say....
  11. I've worked with cancer patients for over 12 years... In the infusion area at Levine Cancer here in Charlotte... So I know a bit about what you are dealing with and I know how hard it is on the care giver/s... Wishing you and your family all the best...
  12. I've been with YouTube TV for a few years now and love it... Plus I just switched to Verizon home internet.... Spectrum can lick my rectum....
  13. Didnt read the thread but the list needs Biakabatuka or whatever his name was.... ETA... I see he made the list...
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