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Everything posted by t96

  1. wow, I just now realized we're doing joint practices with the pats here in New England... Definitely gonna try to go to those, not that far from me.
  2. It's also a bit different this year since we have an open competition at QB (allegedly). Last year Sam was the clear cut starter and for some reason Rhule was babying him. Can't really baby Baker and Sam or they won't get enough reps to even compare them. Unless, as hoped, we are already set on Baker. I can't see us sitting them both for 2 games. One of them or both will see some time this weekend.
  3. Good point. I honestly don't remember anything about last year's preseason, though with only 3 games now I bet starters see some action in game 1 and 2 and none in game 3. Anyone remember what we actually did with the 3 preseason games last year?
  4. I hope at least a half, but it'll probably be 1 quarter for each QB... Baker, Sam, PJ then Corral gets mop up duties in the 4th against scrubs.
  5. He's the head coach he can hire and fire whoever he wants for any reason he wants, there's no benefit of the doubt needed. Argue whether he should be a HC, sure. But he is.
  6. DL coach for the (shocker) Bills
  7. Especially considering Rivera has a long track record of keeping assistant coaches well past their expiration date. Firing him now means there's a decent chance he should've been fired a year ago... Feel bad for him but his name shouldn't make him different than any other assistant coach, and most of those guys bounce around too. He'll land on his feet somewhere.
  8. I like Smith and he'd fill arguably the biggest need on this D (maybe pass rusher is a bigger need but both are holes), but the cost in terms of acquisition and contract would likely be too much for me.
  9. It's mildly funny because of the Darnold thing but in all seriousness that is a horrible ranking.
  10. Would Darnold not have had the playbook that whole time though? He participated in OTAs and had over a month head start on studying the playbook. I'd say he should've had a leg up on knowing the offense better. And whether that's the case or not, those aren't "facts" that Simms can be wrong on. It's subjective and none of us have any idea how well either of those guys know the offense.
  11. 15 of their points came off of strip sacks...
  12. I think the team cracked down on Igo posting stuff for some reason, or he stopped attending camp. Not sure. But there were several years where he had incredible content.
  13. We’ll probably be in on him like we were in on Watson but he will choose elsewhere
  14. Ideal scenario is Christensen proving to be a top level starting LG, Icky at least average at LT his rookie year (rarely are rookie LTs that great, takes some time to really get settled in), Bozeman an above average starter at C, then Corbett and Moton are known above average guys on the right side. Our line could have zero holes and be a legitimate strength of this team.
  15. not doubting but is there a source on this?
  16. I remember it vividly. It was a check down to Tolbert and not a bad pass at all. Tolbert completely whiffed trying to catch it and popped it up in the air himself for the DB to easily grab. Completely absurd and fitting for the way that season was going and Ron is an idiot for benching Cam for 1 play over a fuging tie, but DA was definitely a solid backup for most of his time here. By the time that season rolled around he was pretty old and not as good but he was as good of a backup as you can get from like 2011-2015. We just fortunately didn't need him that much since Cam was such an iron man initially. DA's only 2 starts in that stretch were in 2014, a fluke preseason injury to Cam that held him out week 1 and then his car crash later in the season. DA played well and got us both wins. Yes we had a losing record that year but he ultimately helped us make the playoffs and we won a playoff game...
  17. No, zero chance. NFL is trying to make the suspension longer. Watson wasn't fighting 6 games. NFL may not get their wish of more than 6 games but it's not going to backfire so far as him playing week 1.
  18. 2-3+ straight winning seasons/playoffs AND/OR Super Bowl win. I don't want more of the same from the JR era, having some really great seasons surrounded by mediocrity (or trash like 2010 and 2001) with no consistency from season to season but still not winning it all in our great seasons.
  19. 100% and it's just so obvious too. Sam plays timid and scared and when mistakes happen they pile on because he can't get them out of his mind and move on to the next play. He's a talented player when everything is going well as we saw the first month or so last season but QB is a position where you just can't have a guy who doesn't have full confidence in himself and the ability to pick himself up after mistakes. Baker is not lacking in confidence whatsoever and it will carry over to the field AND the locker room and other guys on the field. Maybe I'm drinking the Camp kool aid right now and should know better with this team but I have a feeling we'll really surprise people this year and be a solid playoff team.
  20. Starting to think we're keeping Darnold in camp and giving him reps solely to push Baker to be even better and to compete rather than being handed the starting job. Trade/cut Darnold during preseason. If this is the plan then I like it.
  21. Agree he needs more TDs, but to be fair this team has been dead last in passing TDs the last several years so it's not just his problem.
  22. I've always been a big Wilks fan. He was in a little bit over his head as a D coordinator in his 1 year there, but as we'd find out a year later he was wayyyy better than Washington. I think our perception of Wilks had a bit to do with McD being so good here for so long. Still think it's complete bullshit the Cardinals hired him for 1 year and never gave him a real chance. I didn't think he was nearly ready to be a HC but to hire him and then give him the boot after 1 season, which wasn't even that terrible given the roster, is absolute bullshit. Was a hugely valuable member of the staff as secondary coach and assistant HC in our "Rivera/Gettleman glory days." Very glad we brought him back and I could easily see him being in line to take over at DC after Snow is gone.
  23. Completely agree. We've pretty much had a strong and tough front 7 through our team's entire history (with a few outliers) up until Rhule became coach. It's disgusting to me not having a strong front 7 but I also recognize that in this current environment in this sport, the secondary is more important than the front 7. We will need a respectable front 7 which I'm not sure we have right now, but the secondary is looking elite and I'd rather have that and a weaker front 7 in this passing league than a strong front 7 and a weak secondary.
  24. If we keep most of his cap hit I can see getting a late day 3 2024 pick or something. That's the best case ideal scenario, we get a tiny bit of cap space and a future pick for a guy who has no place on our roster. For a team like the Rams, Sam at like $3m for a 2024 7th round pick isn't terrible for a better backup than what they currently have.
  25. Why is a mod perpetuating a silly back and forth?
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