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About therealmjl

  • Birthday 01/08/1988

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  1. Ain’t nothin to it. Somebody called in a favor after they checked my history and my donations circa 2011-2014 in the exclusive all-pro sub. We back.
  2. Yeah but we have like David Moore, smith marsette, etc etc.
  3. Came to ask this We have like 5 of the same trash receivers
  4. Cocks on top this year. We back up. know the name: lanorris sellers
  5. No one gets blocked by a backup OL like Brian burns
  6. Marshall quit on a route week 1 that Bryce put on the money. But still, he needs to connect on a few this year
  7. The equivalent of you calling him a bust after 4 games. Stand down simp.
  8. He is awful. I empathize with titans fans.
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