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Everything posted by mccjeff

  1. Agree. I just found the concept amusing.
  2. Nothing. I would give them nothing because I would not try to trade up to #1.
  3. Not saying no to Ricard but keep in mind he was DC for a team that lost to the Panthers twice.
  4. Does that save us a roster spot or cost us an extra one. I’m so confused.
  5. What it the over under date for the last time someone promotes the return of Cam? Whatever it is I’ll take the over.
  6. And yeah, I can see not being fully up to speed on the turf. It’s not like part of the interview process was “Well Frank you know we have a small town big controversy here about turf vs grass.” But he was not touching that at all. Set up the non answer right off with the “If I don’t answer the question you asked it’s because I am sometimes selectively hard of hearing.
  7. Big fan of the hire but that was not awe inspiring.
  8. So you are a miserable person irl as well as online? Cool story.
  9. Great hire. Look forward to seeing how far the Panthers can go. Keep pounding!
  10. Thanks Scott for the time and effort. Well done.
  11. New thread is pure gold. Well played sir, well played.
  12. So they bring in everyone for a second interview to pick their brains and see what’s up? Or just the one you are infatuated with? And then? We cut down the list to a third round? But wait, since it doesn’t hurt anyone why not get EVERYONE to come back for a third round? And then for round four…
  13. Except Rhule didn’t work out long term nearly as well as that scenario.
  14. And if that methodology incorporating research and smart football people says Payton? Is that still just an idiot owner falling for the best sales pitch?
  15. Honestly don’t care enough have a strong yes or no. All things considered if he is the coach for x number of years and I live to x+ years then yeah I’ll probably still be a fan
  16. If they ever have back to back winning seasons they are dead to me… But seriously, if they moved out of state would be about the only thing. I’m pretty much over the NFL so I doubt I’d start rooting for another team. Definitely couldn’t go back to being a Saints fan. Looks like I am similar to a lot on here in that I’m nowhere near the fan I used to be. I keep up on here more than I actually watch games anymore. Even if they were to get dramatically better I probably wouldn’t watch significantly more. I just have better ways to spend my Sundays.
  17. Don’t let reality get in the way of some good old fashioned righteous indignation!
  18. If you, or any of us for that matter, were actually playing in the game then you might have a point about “losers mentality”. But you aren’t. None of us are. So I can’t really see how this thread on an obscure message board is going to have any impact on the game.
  19. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0175469/?ref_=m_ttfcd_cl40
  20. MSU fan here. RIP coach. Hail State.
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