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Gregg S

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About Gregg S

  • Birthday 07/15/1956


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  1. Oh, I can just see the Huddle reaction if things don't go well with the offense this year. He'll forever be called "Top Idjit."
  2. Especially after Burns admitted to playing not to get hurt. What GM worth a poo is going to give you more than Dan got out of the Giants for a player that would do that or even say they did it? He did get a hefty contract from the Giants after the trade, but the trade value just wasn't there.
  3. My wife and I were seated in the front row of the club section on the upper deck behind the end zone. Ram fans were all around us. When Smitty caught the ball he was running straight towards us. When the play started, the noise in the dome was deafening. By the time he reached the end zone, all you could hear was a smattering of Panther fans cheering around the stadium. It was glorious.
  4. The Denver owner is ranked higher than Tepper. Now if you want to change that to the Washington owner, who just started this season, you might have something. He's ranked dead last.. I also find the win percentage for Robert Kraft amusing. Deal with the Devil, maybe?
  5. Exactly what I was thinking when I read Seltzer's comment. In my opinion, trusting Hurney to be competent enough to continue as GM AND help choose the new coach was by far a worse mistake than hiring Rhule, as bad as that was..
  6. Exactly right. I know we've lost 2 SBs, but they were 12 years apart. Can you magine losing 4 straight? Damn, that would be demoralizing as well as humiliating.
  7. Yeah, he's always been that way, even as far back as the old Charlotte Observer Panthers forum. If he's ever said anything positive about the Panthers, I don't remember it. Now someone said earlier that the best 3rd & 1 or 4th & 1 QB was Tom Brady. He did it by getting low and basically going under the linemen. What better QB to do that than Young whose already closer to the ground?
  8. Well, if you follow the OP's logic, all but one team's season is WASTED every year. But, yeah, Rhule is by far the worst coach this team has ever had. And I've been around to see them all since the outset of the team.
  9. We had a similar drill in high school, but involved all players. Win or lose, though, you got back in line. I tried to be ferocious in fumble drills and usually came up with the ball. Unfortunately, I broke a teammates arm in the 1-on-1 drill one day. But the drill did help as I recovered several fumbles during games.
  10. Well, he's already tried the worst way possible, so hopefully with this staff, it will be better.
  11. And to top it off, we have that damn movie "80 for Brady" coming out, too. Which I will not be going to see.
  12. Catsfan69 said: Tepper is the biggest idiot in the history of football. Jim Irsay says "Hold my beer..."
  13. I don't know that I'd say we ran the south for 3 years. That 2014 season we had to win the last 4 games to win it with a losing record. We had a 6 game losing streak prior to that. And the only team we swept that year was Tampa Bay, splitting with the Aints and Failcons.
  14. Actually, it was 3 consecutive. But the first (2013) and third (2015) were sandwiching a 7-8-1 record in a season where the NFCS was about as putrid as it was this season.
  15. Yeah, but we thought there'd be no way we'd beat the Lions after they kicked the Vikings ass in week 14, either. How'd that turn out? But, I know, we played the Lions at home while we'll be playing the saint in NO. But still...
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