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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. Odd. Mrs. Nbrs said that on our Honeymoon night…
  2. I love what Foreman did for us last year. My first inclination is to re-sign him but, does he fit the new offensive philosophy? Are there better fit candidates at similar or lower salary expectations?
  3. Would be interesting to know what Campen thinks about Eflein. Would he pound the table to keep him or just shrug his shoulders. None of us know what Campen thinks but I’m sure he is giving input to Fitterer.
  4. Either Kincaid or LaPorta should be available in R2. I would run to the podium for either. A quality, big target TE that can sit down in the seam is a warm, cuddly safety blanket for a rookie QB.
  5. No need to trade up for Mayer. One or both of Kincaid and LaPorta will be available in R2. Other quality TE’s will be available R2 and later. This is a deep TE class with lots of talent that will get pushed down into middle rounds.
  6. Houston does have abundant masseuses and massage therapists, or so I've read. DeShaun gives them five-star Yelp ratings.
  7. McCown says that Young’s “size, frame and athleticism are a major concern.” McCown is also highly complimentary of Young on virtually everything else required in an elite QB prospect. There are no perfect draft picks. It’s up to the talent evaluators and coaches to weigh the pluses and minuses and assess the net ‘score’ on each candidate. I have confidence in this administration to do so.
  8. Well, that’s damning with faint praise. Seifert should have kept Beurlein. Instead, it became the first (?) Panthers QB reclamation project, costing us a third and fourth round picks.
  9. I’ll make a not quite full throated endorsement of Beurlein. He was decent. YMMV
  10. Jeremy has labors problems like every other business…
  11. LaPorta is a fabulous consolation prize if we whiff on the top three. How can you lose with any of these four?
  12. Lamar has an agent. [Lamar] My agent is an idiot. /// Also /// [Lamar] My client is an idiot.
  13. This will not be popular with some but, I think we need to move Chinn for draft capital or a player. What other team needs a Kam Chancelor type SS?
  14. I think we need to move Chinn for a player or draft capital. He seems like a man without a country in the new 3-4, cover 2. What a shame. Any team come to mind that needs a good Kam Chancelor type SS?
  15. Where's YGM? I'm afraid you're going to say 'bench' but, it is what it is...
  16. Transactionally, we gave up two firsts but received one back. Incrementally, we gave up one additional first. But I quibble...
  17. [David Tepper has entered the chat.] [Scott Fitterer has entered the chat.] [Frank Reich has entered the chat.] [Jim Caldwell has entered the chat.] [Cole Spencer has entered the chat.]
  18. A 2025 second is equivalent to a 2023 fourth, correct?
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