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About jtm

  • Birthday 05/20/1976

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  1. QB had time and no idea why Dalton couldn't find an open receiver other than a check down.
  2. How do you game plan when the defense gives up points on every drive. The offense has to keep running the ball because this is the only thing that the Panthers can do competently.
  3. A team will eventually get desperate and give up something stupid for Bryce and it wouldn't be a bad move. The Panthers haven't exactly set Bryce up for success and it wouldn't surprise me to see him excel in Miami or a place like that where the QB doesn't have to make difficult throws with all the WR and RB talent.
  4. Johnson just turned 28 this past July so he has plenty of gas left in the tank.
  5. It is such a tough spot for Canales, but he knew what he was getting into and he's getting paid big money. This seems like Tepper meddling as usual.
  6. Johnson is a legit number 1 WR and we need to lock him down. He's performing and this is with average QB play. Legette has potential to be a number 1, but he's still pretty raw and needs some time to develop.
  7. I love stud RBs and Chuba is turning into a stud, but RBs are a dime a dozen and the elite ones can only help a team so much in a passing league. My guess is he stays with Carolina on a reasonable contract and Diontae gets a bag.
  8. No team can help injuries and I don't think any team can make up for the number of injuries the Panthers have on defense. Young guys are going to get opportunities and this is a positive. These guys are also going to make young guy mistakes.
  9. I agree and I haven't given up on Mingo as a no. 3 yet.
  10. The Panthers have to stop trading their good players for draft picks in hopes of drafting more good players. This is football 101 and Dan Morgan knows what he is doing so the days of giving up our good players for scraps is over. They need to extend DJ in the offseason and most teams stop contract talks during the season so this isn't a distraction. DJ is going to get paid if his production continues and he'll deserve every penny of it.
  11. This. Luvu didn't want to be here and this isn't Morgan's fault.
  12. No one should ever throw a drink on someone for any reason other than if they are on fire.
  13. I am not a Tepper fan, but I find it very hard to believe that Tepper had any visibility to this. These invoice issues happen all the time with large companies and I bet the city was just as negligent.
  14. Bryce is an asset and they need to maximize whatever they can get for him and even if it isn’t this year. Bryce has never been a locker room instigator and I think he’s a good kid.
  15. Refreshing game but it is just one game. Let’s see what this team looks like in 6 weeks. Raiders basically had zero tape on this offense and that’s a huge advantage that will shrink once tape is out. Johnson is a stud and what a pick up.
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