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Everything posted by thennek

  1. Agree..plus how many draft picks were traded for bad decisions
  2. I think the Belichick tree was only good due to Brady.
  3. I think it is more than this. Other than Brady, the line that played yesterday was the same that played last year. Last year this line was average to above average even to a point of them keeping Campen as one of the few coaches from the Rhule regime. I think it is scheme versus talent. I think the new scheme they’re running needs this year needs to change to more of a power running game similar to what they ran late last year and we’re very successful at it.
  4. His parents are in the stadium watching him…they said it was their first time.
  5. That he was not given a new contract already could actually be good news in that the Panthers do not think he is worth Bosa money either…at least I hope that is why he did not get a new contact.
  6. Correct. why would a team do this? Only stupid teams like the Panthers trade away their best offensive players. If CMC stays healthy he could be a HOF potential and DJ was the WR that finally “came the closest” to replacing 89….and the Panthers traded them both away. And now they lack offensive playmakers. Sad really.
  7. 100%….the run game will set up the passing game. I think the Panthers underestimated Foreman’s value….his style of running worked last year and meshed well with the Oline.
  8. The Panthers come back after the bye get some players back like Horn and Corbett, and go 7-4 to end up 7-10 for the year. How about that for positivity?
  9. This team is not talented enough to consistently win or maybe not win at all. The wrong players were signed or drafted and other key draft picks and key players were traded away. This has been going on since 2019. And now many key starters are injured. I am not sure any coach would be successful with this current roster as it is just not any good. It literally has been stripped of talent and limited with no depth. This is on the GM, front office, scouting etc more so than coaches.
  10. The Panthers new strategy should be do the opposite of what they think is right. Since most every decision they have made has been wrong that would mean the opposite decision would have been right.
  11. Understand but the reason why the Panthers continue to lose is because of his meddling. These coaches can’t win because he meddles and then screams at them because they are not winning. .
  12. Tepper is a meddling owner and has influenced the direction the Panthers are going since 2018. Look at the results. He hired some of the best football minds and still continues to insert his influence which tells me he does not get what the problem is. It is probably doubtful that Tepper demanded they choose Young, it is very probable that he influenced that they pick him. I think it is very probable that he “influenced” for the trade.
  13. Why is he involved at all when he hired some the brightest minds in football? If he is involved, then he made his opinions known and that influences the decision. He is the boss! It was also reported that he forced Ron Rivera to go to a 3-4 defense in 2019. If he really wanted fields and did not influence the pick then that would be more reason for him to want to influence this one. Clearly, that route would’ve been better than going after Sam Darnold. I mean it’s been reported since day one he wants a franchise QB and has been involved.
  14. If Tepper was not involved in the trade up and Young pick than why did he and his wife travel to be a part of the process? Being that he is a big analytical guy I think it is clear who he wanted the pick to be. Tepper was involved in the potential Stafford trade talks. He was also involved in the Watson trade talks. So there is history on these types of decisions showing that Tepper is involved. I mean look at the Panthers since he has been the owner. It is clear the team got worse since 2018.
  15. Correct and this is why I think it was the Tepper’s that pushed for the trade up to get him. again, we have a meddling owner, despite what he says I don’t believe him.
  16. I would take Fox ball back in a minute.
  17. Well the 49’rs certainly blew the Lance trade up assessment so they are not always right. That CMC guy is also good which helps the QB. Too bad the Panthers don’t have a dynamic playmaker like CMC. Maybe they can trade for him….
  18. The reason for starting Dalton would be to win a few games. This team does not know how to win. I still think there is sticker shock on Young and he may not be as ready as they thought. I think they spent so much time, focusing on his test scores and his ability to process that they thought this was enough to overcome his physical limitations. I still think Tepper pushed the analytics as that has been his MO since day one. i know i am a minority opinion on this but i did not want the Panthers to trade up. I thought it was too costly and the team needed valuable pieces to give up what they did.
  19. Does not matter if fans are wrong. It only matters if the Panthers decision makers are right is wrong. Since 2018 there has been more wrong than right and that is the problem.
  20. At least Sam could run and get yards and QB sneak.
  21. Worse than Rosen for what the Panthers gave up…..at least Rosen only cost one draft pick.
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