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Everything posted by thennek

  1. Sanders also had a big fumble in the Falcons game
  2. Having Tepper involved is the reason why the Panthers have been bad since he bought the team. If he was smart, he would stay away and let the football people figure it out but we all know this is not going to happen…and the Panthers will continue to lose. No coach or GM will be successful until Tepper stops meddling
  3. Having players like DJ Moore and CMC would help….but, well.
  4. Until Tepper stops meddling it does not matter who the coach or GM is. Since 2018 when Tepper became the owner, this team has looked pretty much the same….bad.
  5. It is interesting that the last guy they picked that was the “right guy” was when Hurney was still with the Panthers. You can say Fit was there in 2020 when they picked Brown but I believe Hurney had a say especially when it was reported that he wanted Herbert his fallback was probably Brown. Since Hurney left all 3 of Fit’s 1st rounders have questions.
  6. So game one when Brady was playing…..was the o-line better? That could help figure if it is scheme or personnel. Also I wonder if Zavala is better at RG vs LG? He is a rookie and already playing in his second position. Maybe moving him around messed his development.
  7. No doubt…but his constant meddling for a franchise QB forced the issue to make terrible decisions and give up valuable draft picks which is a big reason for why we are here now… CMC, DJ just to name 2 questionable decisions
  8. So he is upset that his analytics QB choice is not NFL ready? Maybe he needs to stop looking at numbers and charts to tell people what to do and let the football people make decisions.
  9. This team is void of offensive playmakers. I do not know if Young will be good or not but when you trade away CMC AND DJ…..what were they thinking?
  10. If CMC ends up with a HOF career then the Panthers trade to the 49’ers ends up being the worst Panthers trade…..I was shocked by how little they got for one of the best offensive weapons in the game. He is more than a RB…..
  11. Also- Charlotte is a huge transplant city. So many people moving to the area for whatever reasons and they are still loyal fans to places they came from along with the teams. How many people who live in Charlotte are actually from Charlotte or even the Carolinas. People moving here in droves……
  12. My fear is this gameplan is for a reason that none of us understands.
  13. Agree Panthers are absolutely 2-2 with Dalton. I think they are almost forced to play Young as they gave up so much to get him.
  14. There are too many errors to pick one. Imagine if they have stayed with Cam in 2020. Imagine if they still dumped Cam in 2020 but still went with Teddy but kept him in 2021 and not gave away valuable picks for Sam. Or they could have just kept Heineke and run with him until they drafted their guy. Tepper has been so impatient about getting his QB that it has led to where the Panthers are now.
  15. The problem with this scenario is Tepper would have pushed to trade up and still take Young…. i believe Tepper is “leading his football guys” to make decisions he agrees with.
  16. Not sure if joking but I will provide a few examples: 1. Tepper “suggested” to Rivera that the Panthers run a 3-4 defense in 2019. Maybe it is a coincidence that they again are running a 3-4 defense even though they clearly do not have the right players. 2. Tepper has been very vocal about needing a franchise QB and has been reported to be a part of every major decision around this starting with Stafford, including Watson, and of course Young. It was reported that Tepper did not want to guarantee Watson the amount he was asking. It was reported that Tepper balked at Stafford health and while they were deciding The Rams got him. Both he and wife were very present at the combine which is not normal. Tepper may have been right on every one of these things but that is not the point. The point is he is involved in these decisions as reported. He claims he lets the football people make decisions but let the Panthers record of 26-54 since he took over be the evidence that he is influential in decisions. Yes I wanted the local guy…Ben Navarro as the new owner so maybe I am jaded.
  17. I am more concerned about Bryce’s bulk/frame than his height. People compare him to Drew Brees or Russell Wilson or Murray size but these guys have more bulk and more solidly built. Bryce looks very skinny
  18. Losing Brady was bigger than we might think. Now we have two new guards…a rookie at LG and an unknown dude at RG. Throw in a rookie QB and basically new starting WR’s. Losing DJ Moore was huge. TMJ appears to be a 2nd round bust as a rookie WR Mingo got the start in front of him. I also think the Panthers undervalued Foreman. Losing the running game this year has killed this offense. I also think if Dalton played against Atlanta and Saints the Panthers are 2-1.
  19. It is more than coaching. Since Tepper bought the Panthers the record is 29-54. Despite what he says, I believe he is a meddling owner. Remember, he forced Rivera to go to a 3-4 defense in 2019 and it was a disaster. Fast forward a few years later and the Panthers are once again a 3-4 defense when they clearly do not have the players to run it. This team lacks talent and traded it best offensive players. Fitterer has consistently wasted draft picks on poor players. Seriously this team was better when Rivera and Hurney were here.
  20. Pure Arrogance……since he bought the team they have consistently lost no matter the coaches. Four different head coaches but with similar results. The one thing consistent is Tepper. Despite what he says I think he is a meddling owner and is negatively impacting the coaches ability to coach and the GM & others ability to effectively do their jobs.
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