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Everything posted by Captroop

  1. Sigh. Will we ever get the Battlefield sequel we've really been asking for?
  2. Yeah, 100% agree. Which is why I think USFL might actually survive. Less baggage. But on the other hand, everyone loves a circus. And USFL just advertising themselves as a by-the-numbers Spring football league is gonna flop. XFL proved there's an appetite for a professional Spring football league. We're a content-hungry society, with a billion streaming services needed to slake our thirst for entertainment. But, if they're going to get it off the ground, they'll need some sort of hook or gimmick. McMahon is a clown, but he garnered people's attention and eventually their interest. It wouldn't last because he'd be to involved, and eventually be too annoying. But he's the hype man you need to kick off a Spring league.
  3. I actually was rather enjoying the XFL this time around, and I think had it not been for the pandemic, it might have actually found its footing. I love the idea of Spring football, so I'm all in on it.
  4. My interpretation is Rhule knows he's not gonna make the team, but he's a good kid, so he's talking him up to help him eventually find a good landing spot with someone else. Steal of the draft.
  5. Glad you enjoyed it! That boat chase at the end got my pulse pounding more than I can ever remember from reading a book.
  6. I believe you've inadvertently gifted us with a very meme-able image.
  7. You know, I've got a good feeling about Sam Darnold and the direction the team is headed. Funny as it sounds, you know, what we all saw on draft day is, you know, the proof that we have a really competent front office for the first time in a while. The fact that they made, you know, the move the get him in the first place, and, you know, leaving potentially starting caliber QBs on the draft board makes me all the more confident that they, you know, the front office thinks we have the QB of the future. And, you know, I don't get the idea that they would pull the trigger on him and, you know, give up that kind of draft capital if they didn't see something they can work with. Regardless of what we, you know, speculate about, or what we see in minicamp, or you know, training camp, if you don't have faith in Darnold, I think, you know, if you believe in the front office and coaching staff, then you have to believe he's the right guy.
  8. Seeing the defensive line filling up with guys with that body type makes me very, very happy.
  9. Looks like that work with the veterans is paying off. The footwork looks a lot like what he was being drilled on in that video.
  10. If you're looking for good vacation reads, I really enjoyed both Camino Island by John Grisham, and the Cuban Affair by Nelson DeMille. Both are just delightfully brisk and fun island heist vacation thrillers. Both are written by extremely polished veteran writers and compelling storytellers. Camino Island is just a straight up indulgence, clearly written by Grisham while he was on vacation. On it's surface, it's an investigation into a theft of a historic manuscript by an eccentric book thief; think the Thomas Crown Affair set in a lazy beach town. But really it's just an excuse to hang out with interesting side characters, and fantasize about the laid back life of semi-retirement among the elite of the literary world. The Cuban Affair has a little more meat on the bones. The story hangs on a heist to try to smuggle several million dollars out of Cuba, but again is more of an excuse to day dream about sailing, sex, fishing, and enjoying cold cocktails on hot days on the playa. But that's backed up by genuine suspense, paranoia, intrigue, and some extremely compelling action sequences that played out so vividly that when I think back on them, I feel like I saw them in a movie. If you're headed to the shore for Memorial Day weekend, both would be great reads to knock out while you're there.
  11. Any other year, I'd take the under. But it's a 17-game season and there's no reason why we should have 10 losses considering our schedule.
  12. He's got some nerves, but not surprising given the company he's in. Sounds like he just needs to get a little more confident holding his ground on the line of scrimmage. All in all, that's a great video. Thanks for sharing! I don't care what it is, but I love watching professionals at the highest level talking shop about the finer points of their profession. Could be CBs, loggers, jewelers, hell I could watch the best janitors in the world talk about the best way to clean a toilet.
  13. Story checks out though. If they had practiced the 2 minute offense some more, he would have known it wasn't the right time to pop on the Saints bench. Joking aside though, Teddy seems like a professional who's seen how several teams do things, so if he's saying it, I'd listen. We're not exactly the Patriots, and we shouldn't be afraid of some constructive criticism on opportunities to run things better.
  14. Also, the year after Tampa Bay won the Super Bowl we were in the SB. The stars are aligning, my friends!
  15. I mean, a world where a Kicker and Punter are starters, so why wouldn't another special teams player be a starter?
  16. Watching the Senior Bowl footage on Brown, I've got to think his RAS and perceived weight issue is the only reason he fell. Dude is a mauler.
  17. If you have a heart attack mid-play, remember, try to fall forward.
  18. I can only gush so much about him in so many threads, but this was a great pick!
  19. This is actually the pick I'm most excited about from last night. It addresses two major concerns we have this off-season: Pass protection: Is he an elite tackle? No. Is he a complete solution? No. But with the surefire starting caliber Tackles gone, (basically since Sewell) the best we could hope to do was augment the pass protection. And it doesn't look like there's any better option for exactly that than Tremble. Preserve Mccaffrey: If we've learned anything, when a coach has a player like CMac at their disposal, spelling him doesn't seem to be an option in their minds. So he's going to get almost all the carries and almost all the abuse. So again the best we could hope for is an elite blocker who can help ensure he takes a lot less abuse. More lanes opening up, less getting blind-sided, this is an investment in the best running back in the game today. I don't see how you can look at what Tremble brings to the offense and question if he was worth a 3rd or risk him not being there in the 4th. I love this pick!
  20. File image of Fitterer with his draft picks. https://images.app.goo.gl/BsaxXuqX5fvTqpGi9
  21. "The best blocking tight end in the draft." "Like Kyle Juszczyk." I'm thrilled with the analyst feedback!
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