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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. Lol. Is that why your opinion is so widely accepted? Or even accepted with those whom are unbiased, and can think for themselves? Lol
  2. We got the vet guy, rookie, and then Scott. They will compete.
  3. I love how a few are taking this and attempting to use as evidence that supports their negative opinion on the coaching staff.
  4. I'd love to make another road trip.
  5. Added some.key pieces on defense, which should allow our defense to become a threat on 3rd down. Getting the ball back for the offense. A good offense needs a good dense to get the ball back, and give the offense more opportunities. On offense, having CMC back healthy is huge. Say all ya want about him being overpaid, or overrated, but having CMC on the field makes the offense better. After the last several years olines, i'm looking forward to seeing how this one will come together. Seems to ke we have some more mauller types on the line. That is always good in my book! It seems like were even more loaded at receiver this year than last year. Like I said about Sam, i have seen enough of him to be genuinely excited about this offense, and it's big play capability.
  6. Richardson, whom would never let any player where #1 before, not only gave Cam his blessing to where the #1, also encouraged him to do to.
  7. We haven't had a solid olibe in years, stop acting like the team walked away from something they shouldn't have. I believe Moton will be here for the long haul. He is the definition of a Panther player, and our best lineman. So that takes away your first question. So because we have a bunch of new parts, you just assume they'll suck until they prove you otherwise? Don't bother responding to that. It's just how you present your weak arguement. Paradis played well last year. I expect him to play well again. Although I do believe that he won't be here beyond his current contract. It's obvious you don't think much of the FAs we got. It's obvious you don't think guards can start as rookies, and play well. When it comes to the oline gelling, the fact of the matter they won't be gelling until a month into the season. It's like that every year it the current NFL, unless ya happen to keep 4 or all of the starting line from the previous season. I miss the old days of being able to keep a good line together for a decade. That just can't exist in the.modern NFL. Your also being VERY dismissive of our coaching staff. You act luke they have no chance to field a decent or better oline out of these guys. You might as well quit. Quit watching. Quit being a fan. Because everyone sucks poo in your eyes. There is no way they can play well. I guess our staff better quit also. According.to you, our offense stands no chance. Our team has acquired all this offensive talent to let it waste behind a bad oline. Damn our team is stupid. What the fug are they thinking??? While you may say my take doesn't question the staff, I can't wrap my mind around the fact that everyone are lovers. Must be how you grew up. While I don't expect to see an elite oline, I expect the team to field a good one. I know it'll take time to gel. Longer than I wish it would. Always longer than I think it should. Last year's oline ranked right in the middle of the NFL. So evidently we still judge hardly. Including myself. I'm looking forward to watching games this year. Sure beats your outlook. P.S. I have chosen to put you on ignore. I'm sure you won't miss me. I certainly won't be missing you. God Bless.
  8. You don't know me. Thanks for acting like you do. I remember why I never waste time with you.
  9. No scarier than every year. As there is always new starters along the line, and it's really more important for them to learn to play as a unit.
  10. Moton is our best lineman, and I jave zero problems with him being paid as such.
  11. Both Rhule and our GM have been on record that they liked Darnold over ANYONE that wasn't the top 2 QB's. I happen to agree with them.
  12. "I wanted Fields!!! I will never forgive them bastards for having opinions of their own!!!"
  13. Lol Nothing personal. Winning in the division sure has been gravy for them. Cheers to them. They haven't won anything despite their winning seasons. Cheers.
  14. For 3rd best, which was still passed over.
  15. Their division is softer than ours also. Especially since Manning was ran off the Colts team.
  16. Living in South Texas, I get an up close perspective of a team's ownership doesn't care about winning. They have consistently made questionable moves/decisions since their inception. They can't keep the players they should. They can't protect their QB's. When they finally get a good one, the take away the talent around him instead of continuing to build around him. Seems like selling tickets is.more important to them than winning. I am GLAD our Panthers have never been ran like that. You can spin that however you want to.
  17. I use to not understand why the Jets always struggle. They are not in a tough division. I have decided they just aren't ran well. Much like the Texans.
  18. One of the best traits of any QB is the ability to move on from a bad play/interception/bad game, etc It's not asking much of Sam to flush the bad in NY. The fact that they aren't holding any of that against him is actually the best thing they can do.
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