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Everything posted by pantherclaw

  1. You say I twisted your words, but I really didn't. Maybe you should think of how your saying something before saying it. I stand by what I said. What you said clearly is an assumption. Way to go.
  2. Every day, some talking head is going to say one or the other. None of them know what we're doing. It's all a guessing game. I suggest you guys find something to do with your lives for a few weeks to keep you busy, and from going insane arguing back and forth.
  3. I'm n9tnsure anyone can adequately downplay a college players ability when the reality is we really don't know. Making assumptions is still making assumptions. Assuming the best QB in the draft couldn't run an RPO, is ridiculous. Now whether or not an RPO or other offense would be best for Young, is really for the coaches to decide anyways.
  4. Ideally, I'd love a mobile version of Peyton Manning. That what I want for our team. Guess what? That doesn't exist in this draft. I've been watching football long enough to know there isn't any correlation between size of QB and his ability to have a long, successful career. There are less small guys in the history of the NFL, but that is to be a given. How smart does the QB play? How well protected is he? Do refs allow players to tee off on smaller guys like they allowed for Cam? Taking size out of the equation, Young is the best QB in this draft. If Frank is concerned about Young's size, then we will see it on draft day.
  5. The whole premise of this thread is silly, since any college spread offense, has very few snaps under center. He can easily play under center with his football IQ, desire to be the best, and work ethic.
  6. Plus his size is an advantage here, as he won't have to bend over!!
  7. Nice sneaky way to add what looks like quality depth with upside, to the defense.
  8. Have you seen the receivers that are projectedto be available? All small guys. That puts tight end, edge rusher at better value imo. Corner backs can be found in later rounds. Edge rushers, good ones that contribute sooner rather than later, won't be available after round 2.
  9. Looking.at the talent that should be available, looks to me we can get a better edge or TE at 39, than we could receiver.
  10. Another heated thread that turns more into child care than an actual football conversation. Congratulations guys.
  11. Hey look, the league can be stupid too! Hold my beer.....
  12. I just wish Cam could have been the QB he was expected to be.
  13. For anybody to have witnessed first hand, what Ron Rivera went through while he was here, and be so fuging stupid/ignorant to say Rivera can't coach... all I got to say it keep telling yourself that. Say it all you want about Rhule. That way ya don't come off as some Crack addicted conspiracy theorist.
  14. Lamar Jackson just has overplayed his value, and now we get people pointing fingers at others as if it's their fault. fug! You can fix stupid.
  15. MHS, I appreciate the work you did here. It opened my eyes to how slight/light the receivers are in the second round. While they might be talented, I think that puts the edge guys as the bigger BPA in that round. Blocking defensive ends like what we'll be after can be had later in the draft. Corners always seem to be good day 3 picks. If it were me, which thank God it isn't, I'd go Edge in the 2nd, receiver in the 3rd.
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