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Everything posted by d-dave

  1. God, I hate trickle! That was round 5 in the last Skolas I attempted...what a PITA! Hopefully I can get might light up more and get on the heroic strike bandwagon =)
  2. Dude, I feel your pain! I'll be online this weekend in the evenings. I'm finishing up my arms day weapons (2 more centurion snipes) and going to farm some glimmer (so broke). I should get that done this afternoon. I'm sitting at 221 light...getting there, just need more time. I think that's pretty good considering my very limited play time this week =) Speaking of Arms Day, what did you get? Here's what I picked last week: https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?item=2790109141&itemname=Lyudmila-D I feel like I pretty decent roll. Got Danger Close, Full Auto, and a Stability perk in the final three. It really needs the stability. I was just playing with it, and it has a lot of kick with those four bullets. I wish I'd gotten headseaker instead of danger close because of the kick! I would have been a machine! But it handles well, like all Hakke to me. I love it! Y'all pick up anything cool?
  3. So I have something funny to admit: I struggled with the final story mission, regicide.... Yeah, 12 tries! Sadly, I had to resort to weapons of light and Ghorn...but I got him! Fun, but what a pain =) I guess I need to git gud! I'm really enjoying playing, though I need to work on my light! But I want to do quests! What a terrible problem =)
  4. Absolutely! I can't wait to get in there on the strikes! They look really fun! I can't wait to see more stuff though!
  5. Yep, after thinking about it, I agree. So I spend way to much time obsessing over Destiny through the b.net forums, reddit, youtube and podcasts (i know, I'm a addict) and what I've come to see is that nothing is worth it. The game will get you the loot you need to get better. Exotics are NICE but not necessary to be awesome. The new legendary items and the infusion system will keep you well geared for the long run. So only if I have all that I need on my now three TTK characters (used the spark on my 11 warlock, instant 25 with gear), then I'll save up marks for that. From everyone who'se putting stuff out there, don't stress out about marks and stuff, just keep playing. Legendary engrams seem to be dropping A LOT more often! Slight update: I just did the 3rd TTK story mission......holy poo what an amazing story! Great writing, wonderful visuals! And some great surprises...like the one on the way to Cayde's stash....it's hilarious! I wish I had more time to cruise through because I am having SO MUCH FUN again!
  6. You have to go to the hall of guardians (where the three vanguard folks are. There you will find three kiosks, one for old quests, one for exotic weapon blue prints and the third for exotic armor blueprints. You can see which ones are year 1 versus year 2. The Hawkmoon is a year two exotic because it was PS exclusive, and they want to throw a bone to us xbox folks. To bad I need to get level 40 and 175 exotic marks....That will be a while!
  7. Dude I feel your pain! I only get about 20 minutes in the AM and maybe 30 in the afternoons when I'm not picking my son up from preschool... It's almost worse as I get a tease but then have to go to work where they keep adding stuff to my plate...All I want to do is kill aliens with my flaming hammers of death (oh yeah...that's sweet!!1) Oh and I forgot to mention to everyone: from my curious engram (as a year 1 vet), I got the Hawkmoon! It's as beautiful as I've seen and heard online! Looking forward to leveling it!
  8. So I did the first story mission, which is necessary to open up the new subclass. I love getting new stuff, and I'm getting lots of new stuff =) I'm swaping out for Greens at 165 over my 170 PoE gear for no other reason than it's new =) If I can play this afternoon, I'm going to try to get my sunbreaker quest done =) I am very happy with a lot of the changes, BUT from a story perspective, I wish there was a little better intro for new players. I mean, I'm a Destiny nerd so I don't need any introductions, but brand new players might feel a little caught up and confused. Again, Bungie needs some work on that tutorial. I need to delete my new shader and emblem so I can get my green engram. Apparently they are dropping exotics. I'd love to get lucky and get a hawkmoon...but yeah, it will probably be a dragonsbreath =P TTK is a new Destiny, and I hope that those who bailed after TDB and HoW will give it a shot. The quest system means you'll always have plenty of content to do (unless you're a burner in a day person), and options. I love the new bounty system system as well. The cut scenes are very good, and I can't wait to see more. I have so many questions, and I can't wait to finish the story to see how it turns out!
  9. I finally got Thorn, Bad Juju and Invective! How do y'all like the new weapon trials? Interesting guns. I like them a lot!
  10. ME! I'm a total fan, I love playing the game. I agree with a lot of the complaints, but they don't out weigh the fun I have when I get online. I like throwing myself into large groups of enemies, practicing my sniping, and working ever closer to my Moments of Triumph, still need Skolas and Aethon (just need to do it alas). I just joined a fairly size-able, but not too big, clan (Safe Gamers). Dads of Destiny was just too big, even in my clan (we joined a slack group with 7 other clans, DoD and Federation of Fathers) I ended up being part of a group of 800+ dads...tough to make connections. The Streams have been so entertaining! I'm going to hit it pretty hard and try to get up to 40 and my light up so I can participate in the raid and Court of Oryx. I'm so stoked for new gear, over my beautiful gally, and can't wait to play some new missions...oh and do some mayhem clash next week! Just insanity is cool with me! So yeah, I'm stoked. I'm on xbox one, dionysusfiend. Though my play times are so strange!
  11. I got you buddy! Haters gonna hate. I love me some Destiny! Still love playing, love my Xbox One, and all is well! I thought about TTK for a bit, but I went ahead and preordered. I've had such a blast on it, and the rare times I am able to play with huddlers have been fun! I realized how much fun I've been having and I don't want to quit yet. The game informer TTK coverage has been quite exciting! I can't wait to dig into the taken war! If you need a hand, my gt is dionysusfiend
  12. It's not trophies that makes kids wusses. It's the enabling parenting. Discipline gives kids self esteem. Think about it, when a kid knows that their hardwork in practice leads to their ultimate victory or defeat, they will have a greater degree of confidence. Same with school work, martial arts, etc. Trophies are great, participation at a young age is great (hence all 5 year olds getting a trophy); because we all want kids to do something they can be proud of as they age. The more ownership they have, the more they will love it. From there they will learn the lessons about sportsmanship, dedication, and how to be successful. Helicopter parenting doesn't help, only hurts. Edit: mobile paragraphs!
  13. Yeah, the new progression system is really great for new and returning players. I'm still stuck on the Urn...I just have bad luck doing the melee kill 5 cursed thralls...alas. I love the new bounties and the targets. I'm just running through an area doing my bounties and they pop up! It's just a lot of fun.
  14. So it's been three weeks now, anyone still playing? While I haven't been able to play a lot due to that silly RL thing, I still really enjoy it. I'm a total PVP scrub, so I'm not touching Trials of Osiris. There are loads of people who love it though. One day I'll git gud! PoE - I finally did it (on 28) last week, and it was fun. I wish I could have done the 32 the past couple of weeks for the armor pieces (though they are strength...ewww). I did get a G-horn, so now I can be an elitist douche canoe! I love the reforging weapons. That has to be my favorite part of the game. I got the new crucible scout rifle from a blue, and it had terrible perks, then I rerolled it and ended up with firefly, explosive rounds and high impact rounds. The first perk was OK, but I like the flexibility I have in the three perks. And Ghorn is great versus singles, but I still love my hunger of crota for groups of enemies. The damage area is like 3x wider, great for groups. But Ghorn is just stupid versus single targets. I love watching the wolfpack rounds!
  15. Isn't it interesting what happens when you pay a guy $100 million? He suddenly becomes a lot better! Ahh the media!
  16. This is really exciting! We all knew it was going to happen, and it finally has! I continue to think that Gettleman is a very good GM, and if he is willing to hitch his future in the NFL on Cam, then he really and truly believes that Cam is the answer! Most fans have known it, but ti's a nice affirmation!
  17. Now I see why I was hesitant to come here! To the original post: JJ Watt or Cam. to me it's pretty easy, Cam. The QB is the most important position in football. We have been more successful than the Texans since we got Cam. Watt is a very good player, but while he's been doing great things in Houston, they haven't been very good as a team. To me, that's pretty easy. If you don't have a QB, you can't compete.
  18. So I started HoW yesterday (but didn't get a lot into it). I toured the Reef. I already did the six bounties prior to launch (got a key and a ton of blues). Then did the first story mission. This is a great expansion! I'm seeing how much fun this is going to be. It might just be the newness after doing the same TDB stuff for 5 months, but I LOVE the LORE, the story telling (in the first mission), and the new Public Event style bounties are a lot of fun. The Scorch Cannon is too much fun! What a great addition to the game! The saddest part about my start has been my RNG luck. I leveled my factions for packages and got warlock gloves...and motes...yay. No new guns. But I did get a bunch of my stuff to 331 because of the material exchanges! But I still need more Radiant Shards, alas! Looking at the videos for Prison of Elders, it looks to be a lot of fun. I'll probably do that this weekend, at least the 28 one. Over all, I'm extremely pleased with the expansion. In July, that might change, but we'll see. I am a little disappointed that the ascendant and radiant materials I need to upgrade my other stuff have dried up. VOG and CE are the only ways I'm going to get the stuff I need, which is kind of disappointing. But that's because I'm very casual.
  19. Sadly, we didn't follow "their" guidelines to NFL success! I mean, if a magazine writer knows more than actual coaches and personnel guys...wait, why is he just a writer? They are simply writing click bait. The news media get's a hold of it, spouts it off on the radio, gets the fans rilled up and has them call in. They are just trying to create traffic. Come September we'll see how well paper champions do versus the paper losers...
  20. It's interesting. Collins will get all the attention that the star provides. I just think it's interesting what he thinks his future is. The left side is pretty set with Smith and Martin. The spent a high choices on their Center who played well. They had two quality RTs with experience (can't recall if they kept both) so does he see himself as a RG? I guess an interesting choice for Collins. He could have had a shot at LT (and the future payday) here.
  21. I agree to a large degree that the proportion of success and failure is too often associated with the position. BUT! The QB touches the ball more often than any player other than the Center. When you're down four points, who does the team turn to? Who is going to be the one changing plays at the line? While the defense should keep you within a field goal and shut everyone down in the 4th quarter, and should leave you plenty of time to run the ball and kick a field goal; the NFL doesn't work that way. So I have no problem with Cam getting a bunch of money. He's a playmaker. The team is getting built up around him, we're navigating the salary cap with Cam and Luke's contracts in mind. I do not think we're very competitive without Cam. As far as Wilson, he does have some serious leverage (though diminished for the Pick in the SB, he should have told them to run the dern ball regardless of the play sent in) given his success. That being said, I think Seattle has every right to tell RW to cool his jets. He has a great RB and an excellent defense. Those two items set him up to make plays. Folks will talk about his targets, but the thing is, they keep making those plays. Maybe not consistently, but when the poo is on the line, Wilson's guys step up and make those catches. So Wilson is an important part of the Seahawks for sure, but if he's going to ask for $30 million a year, guaranteed for 10 years, I'd tell him to come talk when his head has come out of his own backside!
  22. I never saw HoW as a make it/break it for Destiny. It was an opportunity. Players will still play if they followed their own formula of a few missions, strikes, maps and a raid. Bungie took the feedback to heart from the community and have tried to make a lot of changes that the community wanted. I'm not having a lot of success watching the stream currently, but from what I've seen, I'm happy with the new game mode. It looks challenging, and it looks like it will be a lot of fun. I like the weapons from heaven thing and the rotating challenges. Folks who only want a raid are going to be sour pants, but I think the majority of players are going to be thrilled. Also, as a Titan, Bubble-Bros are back in! Though looking at the stream for the few moments I could, all classes should have some uses. I'm so excited for all the NEW coming May 19th! Glad my show is over before then so I can edge my faction reps and try to get some more crucible marks!
  23. Xbox: Dionysusfiend I'm exclusively playing Destiny as it has me roped in, and I enjoy playing. Will be picking up Shadows of Mordor GoY when it comes out =) And Dragon Age Inquisition when it goes on sale again...I love me some RPGs!
  24. He's a FA like any other at this point. The money isn't going to be the biggest issues, I would guess opportunity to make more money would be the biggest selling point for him now. His contract is going to be limited as he will be a UDFA. So as I look at it, here he has a chance to start, a team on the rise, a buddy on the OL, and a nice community. It's going to depend on what's best for Collins, and how his agent, supports, and he feel. I think Carolina is a compelling option, but there are also a lot of other ones out there. Look at him this way: he could end up being a great player. That happens all the time in the NFL. Undrafted guys go on to have excellent careers while first rounders implode. It happens. If we get him and he's great, awesome. If we don't sign him and he's great, it happens all over the NFL
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