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Everything posted by d-dave

  1. It's a head scratcher for sure, trading a 2, 3, and 6 for 16 spots... I like Funchess. A big tall guy, though he has some hands issues. I don't care as much about the 40, he looks like he has enough speed. He'll be a big target in the middle with Olsen, which is good. I still think the Panthers are going to find a speed guy somewhere in here. It will be very interesting to see how things workout this season. I get why folks are mad because they think they know better than a GM. But this was on of the players that Gettleman wanted. It's what he felt he had to do. If it doesn't, then Gettleman will feel the heat thats for sure.
  2. So looking at the new PVP maps....I'm all for the European Style Map! I think it's called Widow's watch or something, but man, that is so pretty. I'd love for us to be able to play story missions in places like that! I'm hoping that map is in a lot of my rotations. Anyone salty that the maps that came with TDB are free? I don't care at all. Honestly, letting stuff come free like that or the reef seems to be a good business decision. It has that freemium feeling to it, but since I've paid for my season pass, I don't care. For a new player, they get to try stuff out, even get max level, and a better rotation of maps for the regular $60 (or whatever the box games sell for now). Then if they really dig the rest of the game, then they can buy the expansions. I feel like Bungie has really paid a lot of attention to what the players want, and how they can make things significantly easier for returning or new players to catch up with their other friends.
  3. I guess there is a reason we're fans and they are pros.... I'm on board for it. Some of the media darlings have fallen quite far, and may continue to do so. This is a future pick. He can contribute on D and ST while he is groomed for TD's role. The Panther felt like he was a special talent.
  4. I'll add you soon. Dionysusfiend. So how's everyone feeling about the trials of osiris and the crucible changes? I'm not a huge pvper but the change in rewards might cause me to play more. Doubling the rep and marks is going to make it very worth while. Also the new year looks amazing!
  5. From my completely outside perspective, VoG has a lot more specific encounter mechanics than CE. The most complicated part of CE is the Bridge that every group I've gone in with (via LFG) cheeses. I'd like to do it legit, but everyone just wants to cheese =( I just need my shards, and I"d love to do enough HMs to get the Word of Crota for my thorn bounty... I am looking forward to VoG. I love the whole oracle thing, the Time's Vengence, among other things. I'd love to try to run the relic too. Lord knows I've watched Datto do it a hundred times! Personally, CE is fun, but it's because I've only done it like four times. I can see how very quickly people would get very tired of it. VoG has so many variables like the Gorgon's Maze and the Jumping Puzzle which can completely derail an attempt due to a mistake by one person. Needless to say, I look forward to the challenge =) Hopefully my wife will pass out early on Saturday night so I can be on closer to 9. On the flip side, I do not want to hold up anyone's raid. If you and Kurb (or whoever) are good to go, then my feelings won't be hurt if y'all head in and kill stuff. EDIT: My xbox GT is dionysusfiend
  6. I have a secret (ok, not really), but I've actually never done VoG at all! I've watched it done probably 100 times though...sad I know. That being said, I'd be happy to run things with folks. I'll be on after 9 (maybe closer to 10) Saturday night. I'd love to see if I can get a CE Normal in as well (shards baby shards!) I played with a guy from here a while ago (xmexicanx1 is is XBL tag not remembering forum name sadly) and it was fun. I'd love to run with more huddle folks =)
  7. I'll add you when I next get on Kurb! So Wednesday was the first info dump from Bungie officially on House of Wolves which included a twitch stream. I think I'm most excited about the Speaker swapping shards, energy and motes! I have so many shards and so few acsendant energies. I have a bunch of rad energies but I need the shards for 32! Anyone up for a Saturday evening CE raid? Maybe if we do it quick, we can do a VoG for those who never got/dismantled/missed out on that stuff lol...
  8. I think KB really over produced based on our expectations, and that happened to a lot of the rookie WRs. He still has a lot of work to do, he knows it, and he's working on his problems. I think he will get better and more consistent as he goes a long. I'm really excited for next year to see how he grows and how the team continues to evolve through the draft.
  9. Breaking up the band already? Wilson is good. His touch is almost uncanny, he's extremely elusive, and he is smart. He's an important cog in the Seattle machine, that goes without saying. He's also benefited from a very strong team around him and excellent playcalling (generally). What will be interesting to see is if Seattle tones down the run first approach before or after he signs his mega deal where he becomes the focal point for the offense. For most teams, they know they have to stop Lynch first before they can do much else because the play action game is killer for Wilson. If I'm Wilson, why break the team? While everyone wants to to get paid, in Seattle, he can become a community corner stone and be something special both on an off the field. Why destroy that for a few extra million you can make up in sponserships and good will? I don't think this is a major thing. Both sides will get things straightened out and move on together. It just doesn't make sense to try to burn it all...
  10. Hey folks! If you're still a fan, you might have heard that Bungie finally is starting to release some details on House of Wolves. A quick summary from me: May 19th is the day! Prison of Elders / Arena is going to be a new endgame PVE event. It's only three people as opposed to six, and a lot of folks are thinking like a firefight/horde mode style of play. I'm excited for something like that! Trials of Osiris is coming as well! The gear looks absolutely amazing. No raid - they are going to release it later this year...only 8 months to go?? I think it will be out over the summer before the Comet release personally. Upgrade your legendaries (or just fatebringer?) - They showed a fatebringer going from 300 attack to 365 attack...hrm...Might be time to farm some VoG HM before May 19th... The Reef as a social space! Finally, a new place for the robots to sweep! You can read up on all the official particulars from Bungie.net. The response on the b.net forums is pretty hilarious. People losing their poo left and right considering the details are pretty vague as best. For me, I think Bungie does listen to the player feedback and monitors the player data very attentively. HoW will be better than TDB, though maybe not much. It will at least be progress. Despite all the internet-tears (200/200 in a 12 second span there), folks are going to forget about the raid being delayed because they are going to be too busy in Arena while they upgrade their older legendary gear. Looking forward to it! Though I need to make some more time for Crota and get my last few shard for 32... Alas time!
  11. I think that a lot of receivers are going to end up over drafted based on last year's success. Or rather there will be a run on receivers. It will be interesting to see how it plays out, if guys are as good this year as they were last year. On to Cooper, if he approaches 10, I think folks are going to start trading up to get him. All of the talking heads and draftnics are all over him being so incredibly pro ready, an instant starter with the potential to be super-duper good. Unless the Panthers are the ones trading up, I don't see him being around for our pick.
  12. So are undies getting twisted over word choice? Really? This is football, not public speaking. We kept key contributors from last year, which is what we didn't do last year letting Ginn, Michell and Munerlyn walk. That's a step up. I am going to stick to the idea that over spending for flashy FAs is a terrible risk. You keep the guys who play well in your system, and you add guys who can play well in your system. I'd much rather save the money for our guys who perform well. Does anyone want to let KK Short go? Or do we save the money and keep the band together while it works? If Cobb went to somewhere else, and was asked to take on #1 responsibilities, would he be as successful? Ask Eric Decker about that. Would it have made sense to pay $10 million a year for a guy who plays well in THEIR system, but not ours? Football is a true team sport, and that guys need to be a better fit on a team as opposed to something like the NBA where it's easier for a guy to take his super star talents across team lines (OK...Lance Stephenson isn't the best example...). The proof is in the pudding on this one. If Cam is upright more, we win more games, and move further in the playoffs, is that OK with everyone?
  13. I'm really glad that the posters here know more than the guys who run the team! Phew! Richardson is very protective of the Carolina Panthers brand, image and identity. We are still a young franchise. Fundamentally, Richardson decided to cut ties with Hardy because it was hurting the brand. It has less to do with the NFL and more to do with protecting his own legacy. Now why is the NFL so hungry for the Hardy evidence? It's kind of a big deal. If Hardy did cause the kinds of injury to Holder that she claimed and there is direct physical proof AND he paid her off to prevent a jury trial...what kind of damage does that do to your brand? Sure they don't all need to be boy scouts, but they need to be trusted not to make terrible decisions when given millions of dollars... It's one thing to pull several Steve Smiths (punching teammates) when he's an all pro, but beating up women in your home is not acceptable. This has much less to do with the legal findings as much as it does with the court of public opinion. Will Hardy make the Cowboys happy? Maybe. Or maybe he'll get hurt. Maybe he'll make another questionable decision that get's put on TMZ and ESPN. How many out comes are there, and what are the probabilities of each. That's an interesting question.
  14. Good one...Good Charlotte! Though I wouldn't want to admit that it's a guilty pleasure I enjoy listening to when I've knowingly done something wrong, got caught, fought over it, lost, and am still punished by my wife yet feel like I'm right even if I was completely wrong.... No, I'd never, never admit that! NOPE! =) This would be pretty cool. If he's good for 700ish yards and 5-6 TDs a year, and can really help the younger guys out then this could be another one of those Gettlemagic deals...
  15. I think the most important fact that folks tend to completely ignore when talking about Revis or Peyton Manning is the FIT. Is a guy going to cash in and wash up like a Haynesworth? Is he going to get better? Has he hit a plateau? VERY RARELY do you manage to get really good players off of good teams. Sometimes you have situation where there is a moving on period for the players or teams (Manning and Revis are prime examples). That's where you get the best value. Rarely do you sign a guy who had a breakout year to see him succeed. There have been lots of stuff thrown in here about guys some folks want and think would be an upgrade. How could we pass up on so and so? Do their skills translate to what you want to do? Look at Mike Wallace? Talent and Ability, but he should have stayed in Pittsburgh where he found the most success and acceptance. He goes to Miami and is chased out of town for a 5th round pick...on that huge salary... Will these guys fit? Will they still produce here? For a lot of the questionable FAs, do they have enough in the tank to make it happen for us? It's not always about being able to bring them in, but it's also if they actually can help.
  16. Yep, time to cut everyone and sign all the big names in March! That's when we win! In March! Yeah... Keep in mind, that same team was within one play of beating the Pats. An arrogant, stupid play call. What other FAs would you bring in and/or trade for to improve the secondary? Would their deals have fit into our plans versus what we'd have to give up to get them? Gettleman has done well since he got here, and the team isn't perfect. He's got a plan, he's deliberate, and he's going to make sure we keep our two foundation players here: Cam and Luke. They will set the tone for the team, lead the team. Looking at the past few years of FA spending (since the lockout), there have been a lot more misses than hits. I'll gladly play the slow game and grow our talent instead of going all Saints or Eagles this offseason.
  17. Arguments that will be posted: 1. We don't have a reliable #2 to take pressure off of KB and Olsen. 2. We are relying on a guy better known for a movie than his on the field play (or better known as a bust) 3. The Super Bowl is tots won in March. Just look at the Eagles! They are having their parade because they signed like 18 running backs over 25! 4. Since we "lucked" out and play the worst teams possible, and they are all getting a ton better because of their FA spending and trading while we stand pat; we are immediately worse than all of them. 5. This isn't how I run my Madden/Fantasy team! I won several championships last year! What it comes down to: We are fans, some more knowledgeable than others. Gettleman is a real GM who'se helped build Super Bowl winning teams. I'll trust him. We can bicker about fits and players and stuff, but at the end of the day we have no control over anything football related. I'm not unhappy with where we are right now. I question some of the moves, but I look forward to seeing how everything comes together. I'm a fan. It's March. I have hope!
  18. What is going on? I mean, it's great to watch the Saints implode and all, but what is the impetus for it? They had a bad year, but they still have a HoF QB (and his monster contract).
  19. And now the chicken littles have a rallying cry! While I am more than a little concerned about Oher considering his history...Got to trust Dave. I mean the things he said make sense. I'm not a football evaluator, just a fan who likes watching football and cheering on my home team no matter how terrilbe they have been in the past. Here's to hoping our coaches can do some magic with Oher!
  20. It's a good thing it's still 1999! Nothing has happened to change the landscape of how public perception affects brand value! Hindsight is 20/20 so it's really easy to be very selective in the cases you support. Remember when that guy for the Rams literally killed someone (vehicular manslaughter I think), but played the next week? How would that work in 2015? Might a bad boy be a better player? Maybe, but how much production are you going to see? What is the success rate on players with great ability and terrible backgrounds? How did that Lawrence Phillips guy workout again? Character is important, and it's very important to the Panthers. If you disagree, you can be angry (not productive or healthy), you can accept it (much better), or you can find a team that takes the good with the bad and see how often that works out, then come back in 10 years with proof of the success in the form of HoFers, Super Bowl Rings, and awards. It does happen, but more often than not, guys with character concerns continue to have character concerns in their career which is not good when you're a millionaire...
  21. DGB is a very polarizing players. You can't deny that he has the tools to become an elite level player, BUT this is a very different NFL from even a couple of years ago. Has he been humbled and humiliated to the point where he's going to be a boy scout the rest of his NFL career? Maybe, BUT the off the field stuff has almost become more important in the eyes of the NFL for players with these kinds of issues. The Moss story, the Rae Carruth stuff, Steve Smith's play "issues" and of course our "bad boy" of the year: Greg Hardy. I'm pretty sure the Panthers are going to steer very, very clear of players with these kinds of issues. Our owner has a very personal investment in the NFL, and it looks like he's going to do what he can to protect that as best he can. You have to wonder if he feels wrong for continuing to put up with Smith's antics as that gets compared to what happened to Hardy? If it was on talent alone, it's a no brainer. But in the current NFL, I just don't see the Panthers signing up for another possible media circus the first time DGB get's a speeding ticket, or if his prior issues resurface once he's got a few million in hand and unsupervised freedom. That's a sticky slope. Absolutely correct TANTRIC-NINJA
  22. Is Ginn an upgrade over Bersin? Yes. Would you pay 4x more for Torrey Smith? And after you signed Smith for the $9 million a year that he ended up getting, where would the money come from for the $7 million a year for Balugia? He who has trouble staying healthy and is considered more of a OG than OT? Do you want to go for any of the other FA OL flops who got cut this year? We're doing what we can while still remembering we have the contracts for Cam, Luke, Star, JNorman, etc... I disagree with your assessment of facts over opinions. Ginn has his best year here. Oher had his best years under our current OL coach. Those are opinions as well, but tend to be backed up by facts. And stuff respected folks (not just trolls like me) have to say on the situations.
  23. BBBBBbbbbbBBbbbBBbbuuuuuuuUUuuuUUuutttTTTtTTttTTttt..... We need to spend all of our money! We needs all da FAz?!!!! We haz n0 F@Z so we de worste! Sorry, most of the negative folks have broken my language centers in my brain. It's a long off season which just started. I'll put my trust in Dave because since he's gotten here, we've gotten better. Tell me, in Seattle's SB season, how many marque FAs did they bring in? Bennett? And he came super cheap I believe. Trust in Dave since we're not NFL decision makers.
  24. I think we can all agree that Jake Long was a great player. He's not been healthy lately, and he's not a spring chicken of a lineman. It could be that Jake Long thinks he should be paid like Jake Long four years ago.. He's going to need to prove that he's healthy AND that he can still play. I'd love it if we took a good look at him, but if he doesn't pass the physical or expects premier money.... Well, we're not going to overpay someone who hasn't been healthy. I could see Jake Long as a guy who will wait and see what happens before he makes a choice of where to go. If he could be healthy and play at his high level prior to injury, every team in the NFL would love to have him.
  25. It's really sweet that Smitty still has an interest in our players, but I have no doubts that part of the reason we aren't going ape-feces crazy in FA is to ensure that Cam and Luke are going to get paid. It's just a theory I have; it might be crazy!
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