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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Sadly that's probably what the Texans are thinking right now, at least the owner and his pet goober.
  2. I get why Holmes would see it that way, you make a great connection on why this could happen, it just doesn't look like a very good path to improving by trading for a worse QB with a worse contract. This just looks like a win for the Rams and the Lions one step back under 'new management'. If I was a Lions fan, I would see this as a huge downgrade.
  3. Chris Weinke 2.0. Good WRs and peaked in college.
  4. So this was the guy who was willing to work with Wentz and got hired...poor bastard. His plan I will enjoy watching unfold.
  5. That is crazy. I don't know how well he plays but he passed the test of toughness and buying in. Sucks that the answer should be no.
  6. I was watching a couple of videos on this guy and he reminds me of Chris Wienke. I don't see a reason for the hype.
  7. Looks like worst case scenario. Watson is done but someone/s with the team can't back down. What a mess. No one is giving what they asked and it looks like Houston is dumb enough to make him sit. Bell did it, every indication is Watson could.
  8. The fallout of that in Carolina would create more pressure on getting a great QB asap. It would suck but I can't say it's not a possibility. It really is amazing what is important and unimportant to each player and team. So hard to predict. Hopefully Hurney gets the blame and not Rhule & Tepper.
  9. Not only time but it sounds like he already didn't like Houston. With his leverage he can really hit them where it hurts. Crap like this only increases the chances of it getting worse for Houston. IF they were smart they would shut up and find the best option and pull the trigger regardless. Him sitting a year is a year where that's all that is talked about in regard to Houston. The gun is to their head and they are acting like it's play time.
  10. And given the fact they have 'expertly' managed their draft picks, their choices to acquire a playable QB while Watson sits is bleak. For a new GM and HC, what fun times.
  11. Well that's not going to help your QB play this year. LOL. I knew Houston was going to be this dumb. The price keeps dropping is all I hear.
  12. We are not negotiating against Houston, we are negotiating against any other team he would accept a trade to. If he won't go to the Jets, it doesn't matter what the Jets would offer because of the trade clause. The million dollar question is who are we negotiating against? Maybe the Jets, the Dolphins and who? The price should be determined by where he is willing to accept, not what Houston request. If this was a traditional trade, this trade scenario sounds right. The fact Huston has fugged up and made an unreconcilable situation while signing a contract with a player with a trade clause puts all the power in Watson's corner. No idea where he is willing to go. Otherwise, Houston gets nothing and doesn't have enough picks from bad team management to just sit him for a year and move on with a good replacement option while they choke on that contract. Pick #8 and a player unless another team steps up and he actually wants to go there. Then we can talk about multiple 1sts. Even if we don't get him, I hope Houston gets robbed lol. They completely deserve it. I hope Watson understands this and really gives it back to them. Maybe he has the money already and really doesn't care. It's going to be fun because even if we lose it won't be like what Houston is set up for.
  13. Upset? No. There were concerns and on the coaching side, he proved those baseless thoughtout the year. Now we are watching his controll during the offseason but concerns and things to watch sure is not upset. Now I was upset Hunrey was here contaminating things. But that had noting to do with Rhule.
  14. That's under the great deal for us and I don't care about Huston price. The fact is that some of the options Huston has here are terrible for Watson. He may be OK with that but again, not for 3 first. They fugged up and we have a chance of not fixing it for them by doing this bad deal. I wouldn't even do 2 first regardless. Watson has the power here, put Huston in a corner and squeeze.
  15. Nope. Just one first and next year's 2nd as far as picks. Watson has the leverage not Houston. Fug them and their dumb owner and his right hand mistake.
  16. Sounds Like the collegiate level needs to start treating their players like the young adults. Maybe help if they paid them for their work.
  17. Great news! Cancer sucks, that's a loss I can cheer for.
  18. Absolutely. I thought a HC might could bridge the gap but Easterby is the turd in the punch bowl. Going to be interesting to watch for sure.
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