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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. Jets easily have 3x more media coverage than the Panthers right now.
  2. I got the same impression from his winning comments. Sounds like he’s happy to see how the season goes and decide on his future later. If things turn around, he stays. If not, he’s gone.
  3. The slide also read ‘QBs that CAN win SBs’ instead of can’t. Looks more like a young staffer who doesn’t really know football and wasn’t proofreading. I don’t see why someone should lose their job over it. Silly twitter.
  4. They’ll be homers just like all other team specific media. Remember the Patriot media team?
  5. Some of the fan base is hyping him up, but most people nationally think he’s too small, the panthers are too bad, and are all over AR as the next big thing. The narrative will change once Bryce starts proving it.
  6. Not saying we have that now, but he’s going to need a top unit throughout his career if he wants to play past 30.
  7. For his sake, I hope he takes less so the team can keep a top 5 O line around him.
  8. If he stays healthy, I truly believe he’ll be the best QB we’ve ever had. Just imagine Bryce at year 5-6 playing against a bunch of 2-3 year defensive players. He’ll eat them up. I just hope he opts for a team friendly contract when it’s his time.
  9. No way Bryce would date a stripper.
  10. Given how expensive our defense is about to be, we need to draft OL somewhat high every year.
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