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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. It measures a lot more than processing speed. It has 9 parts. Another key part of the test is measuring how many objects you can keep track of at once. Think WR and defenders running around. If you can process fast but can’t keep track of where everyone is on the field, you won’t be very good.
  2. My understanding is the S2 is an indicator that someone has the cognitive tools for success. It can’t predict success because a guy also has to have athletic ability, drive, work ethic, etc. It’s rumored Fields is missing some of these. However, without the right cognitive tools, you have no chance.
  3. Sometimes systems and situations can hide major flaws. That’s why so many QBs are busts. Baker and Darnold looked great in college after all. It’s hard to know if a guy has ‘it’ or not. The IT we are basically looking for is (outside of arm strength and accuracy) is processing speed, object tracking (seeing the field), competitiveness, and desire to be great/get better. S2 helps with a few of those things.
  4. He was a huge Kyle Trask supporter and is just upset Trask is in a QB competition with Baker to see who drives the Bucs bus to tanksville.
  5. Maybe it’s fake info, but if CJ doesn’t refute those numbers soon then what conclusion can we possibly come to? If he did actually score ‘very well’, then he should just say it at this point. It only hurts him if he doesn’t.
  6. Maybe teams are trying to prep their fan bases for when they don’t select him.
  7. You’re conflating all tests. Different tests measure different things. For all we know, Fitz had decent processing speed but couldn’t keep track of many objects in space (tunnel vision).
  8. When I was in college, all the athletes did Family sciences because it was the easiest major.
  9. Teams have the scores though. It’s not like you can say Stroud got an 18 and teams will believe it. They have the official scores in hand.
  10. If teams know, then it will hurt his draft stock. At this point it’s just about keeping it from the public.
  11. For sure. His family took some of his shine though.
  12. The NFL sees $$$ with him. Havent seen a more marketable QB in a long long time. If the kid lives up to the hype, he’ll be the face of the league.
  13. Just listened. I don’t think Scott mentioned CJ once. As if we need more confirmation, but if CJ was the pick you’d think he’d at least redirect some of those Bryce questions to talk about CJ.
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