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Carolina Cajun

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Everything posted by Carolina Cajun

  1. Thats what I was thinking, couldn't hear ref but I swore i heard first down carolina.
  2. So yea, if we lose the game, the season isnt over, but OP is right that this is a springboard. I think of 2015 panthers vs seattle. At that point, we were 4-0, doin good but not putting teams away, then we went into Seattle and beat the seahawks in a place that they dont lose. That was the wakeup for the NFL that we were for real and you have to take us seriously. when you look at the rest of the next like 5 weeks, no game would scream that besides possibly a solid win against the cowboys. conclusion, a loss isnt a big deal, but a win puts the league on notice.
  3. Instead of saying we "lost our 2nd and third round pick", its better to say "we got sam darnold with our second and we got cj Henderson for our third". Both are still on rookie contracts, and both have pro bowl ceilings if they figure it out, not getting many of those in the second or 3rd rounds.
  4. Dont think of it like that, this of it that we just drafted CJ henderson with a 3rd round draft pick. Dude is a top 10 talent and has shown dominating flashes, and hes on his rookie contract with a 5th year option, so we have him for 4 years. This is a great move, next year, this Backfield will be utterly suffocating.
  5. Forgive me huddle, for I have sinned. Im on the opposite side from some of these comments though, I was fully on board thinking Daley would be a solid to very good guard, hes been bad. Im hoping the move over to a more natural side helps him, but so far he's been bad.
  6. As a catholic for the saints, she clearly took "eating the body" quite literally.
  7. Thank you, the current guards we trot out are getting smoked. Erving has outplayed the guards by a mile, hes done enough to continue getting his shot, the problem is a gape pressure and no interior push on run plays, that has to get fixed like yesterday.
  8. Dude...you're handle is trevor Lawrence time...you hardly have a leg to stand on. He and snake are good dudes even if i disagree from time to time.
  9. I'm scraping the zipper with excitement at this point.
  10. Its all good saints, yall have historically done well with black qbs who wear #2....its not like the last one was a turnover machine too.
  11. I'd leave kind words for saints fans, but we all know they can't read.
  12. A horn is still catching passes from saints qbs, all is right in the world.
  13. Thats stupid, so just throw ball backwards and its incomplete now. If thats the rule, its a terrible rule
  14. Hand was going forward motion but he threw the ball backwards, that should be a fumble.
  15. Its not about the hand, its where he threw the ball, it went backwards, backwards pass is a fumble.
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